ISSN: 2319 - 9865
利福平是一种重要的药物治疗肺结核(分枝杆菌病)RNTCP(这是间歇性地根据重量)。与临床经验已经表明,药物耐受性良好轻微副作用。但它也会导致一些威胁生命的并发症,如肝炎、过敏反应导致溶血、血红蛋白尿、血尿、肾功能不全和ARF,血小板减少症和出血失调。这些副作用与间歇疗法比日常养生法。我们报道的利福平诱导急性血小板减少症的病人是一种蛋白激酶i RNTCP下方案
关键字 |
利福平、血小板减少症、分枝杆菌病、间歇疗法。 |
介绍 |
结核病是一种疾病的治疗,但仍长期以来一直治疗挑战。对公开的大多数药物相对安全是少见但严重的反应。血小板减少症是一种罕见但致命的advese效应与某些抗结核的药物包括利福平[1]。停用可疑药物导致解决药物诱发的血小板减少症血小板减少症提供了强有力的证据。利福平诱导血小板减少症1970年1日报道[2,3]。如果发现的早,通常是可逆的条件并适当高度怀疑的心理指标。其他药物引起血小板减少奎宁、奎尼丁、氯喹、磺胺类药、甲苯磺丁脲、chlorthiazide,地高辛,青霉胺,Amphoterecin B,镇静剂,抗惊厥的、甲基多巴、阿司匹林等[4]。 |
病人的历史 |
25岁男性病人被占领了劳动者的抱怨鼻衄和咳血,因为15天。病人不是抱怨头痛、发热、关节痛,其他部位出血、腹痛等症状提示病毒感染和疟疾。 |
病人开始AKT猫我(HRZE),半个月前RNTCP痰阳性肺结核。AKT开始后病人显然是正常的但AKT开始,25天后他发达鼻衄和咳血,但不采取任何治疗15天并带回家救济自己,因为他怀疑这些症状是由于热量。在检查病人血液流动稳定,ENT检查显示没有地方病理可能导致鼻出血。没有历史暗示药物摄入导致血小板减少。重复X - ray胸部没有恶化与前一个相比。实验室调查完成入学那天是血小板减少症的暗示,是遵循:Hb - 12.3通用/ dl;TC - 6500;DC - 74/24/1/1;血小板计数每dl -33000;ESR - 106年底一小时。Prothrombin time and aPTT was normal. But his bleeding time was prolonged and clotting time was within normal limits. To rule out other causes of thrombocytopenia Dengue antibodies and ANA profile was done which were negative. We have modified the AKT Regimen and started DOTS therapy CAT I without rifampicin. On the next day Heamoptysis and epistaxis stopped. Later after 6 days we got done his complete hemogram HB - 11.7 gm/dl TC - 7200/dl, Platelet Count - 4.19 lac /dl |
有相当大的改善,修改后的血小板AKT没有利福平。所以我们继续AKT猫我没有利福平、利福平代替Inj链霉素。 |
讨论 |
血小板减少与任何可能发生的主要抗结核的药物。在异烟肼发生血液反应[5]。乙胺丁醇[6]和Pyrozinamide也可能导致血小板减少症的免疫反应。血小板减少症是一个主要的几个药物治疗的副作用。利福平被公认为免疫在间歇性高剂量治疗血小板减少症的原因。我们为病人的抗体出现紫癜、血小板减少与利福平在治疗结核病。药物依赖抗体血小板的绑定是通过流式细胞术。糖蛋白中特定的免疫测定,发现绑定IgG抗体的抗原决定基的糖蛋白Ib / Ix复杂以及单克隆抗体GPIIb / iii a GPIa /花絮和GP IV。这些结果清楚地表明,利福平诱发的形成药物依赖抗体引起血小板减少的能力。利福平依赖抗体的结合位点,位于糖蛋白Ib / Ix复杂似乎是一个理想的目标不同引起的抗体药物[7]。少见的不良反应有每日方案但相对与间歇方案[4]。 These include Cutaneous Syndrome, Abdominal Syndrome, Flu like Syndrome, Respiratory syndrome, Purpura and increased transaminases. The drugs causing thrombocytopenia lead to either suppression of platelet production or immunological platelet destruction, most drugs induced thrombocytopenia by latter mechanism , the platelets are damaged by complement activation following the formation of drug antibody complex . The best proof of drug induced etiology is the prompt rise in the platelet count when suspected drug is discontinued. [8] Incidence of thrombocytopenia occurred from 1st to 14th month of therapy of rifampicin . Most workers agree that continuous treatment with rifampicin results in neutralization of any of the antibodies found , antigen-antibody complex is continuously removed without causing allergic reaction. Discontinuation of treatment allowed the sufficient quantity of platelets to built up during drug free interval so that when rifampicin is readministered an intense reaction ensues [9]. |