


部门电气工程Urmia Urmia分支,伊斯兰自由大学,伊朗

Urmia Urmia分支,伊斯兰自由大学,伊朗








数据库的作用,当运行在众所周知的测试序列用于编码社区。这个序列包含帧。探测器的工作原理和锋面附近信号和处理小的旋转,但在情况下旋转大失败。它显示了转换特性结果的一部分。两个输出,指的是找到一个信号,而不是找到一个信号分别(1- - - - - -3]。从整条曲线,我们估计,在帧没有正确地报道一个信号。转换数据库功能的速度信号转换功能。它代表一个信号,它没有信号发现的数据库。报告框架有一个信号。大多数失败仅仅是由于缺少训练数据信号在大型旋转,因为信号转换功能使用的分类器训练通过学习从附近的正面信号。一个可能会争辩说,数据库可以学会用大型旋转通过添加更多的信号覆盖信号与大型旋转训练数据集。这大大增加学习过程的难度。事实上,它是个人的刚性空间耦合波的特性,限制了其图像分类的报道。我们表明,如果我们放松之间的刚性连接的特性,也就是说,如果我们采用变形信号图4,5),我们能处理的情况下大型旋转。在特征提取和生成之前,一组面部特征选择。总重要的系数是用于转换特性,使好的结果。因为我们的任务是跟踪一个特定的信号,个人特性响应模式应采用可靠的特征提取和生成。特征提取和生成包含寻找最佳匹配的可变形的新视频帧信号图。变形信号的一个示例图所示通过确定匹配的搜索路径,同时也把这个问题从旋转不变的时刻进入模式。我们限制变形的距离变化。其他约束,如相对角也是可能的选择。


我们构建一个功能池根据日常工作中,我们只有选择重要的特性被信号转换特性数据库。个体特征选择如果其响应的大小是一个预定义的阈值。它显示了一个典型的特性集选择在我们的数据库中。白色的长方形小波的特性。一个矩形包括白色和邻近的黑色矩形,但黑色矩形不绘制可视化图像分类。选择小波面部特征集特征提取和生成。原始信号图变形图示例。我们只使用大反应的重要小波的特性检测信号。一个信号图是由空间安排所有选定小波的特性。信号图稍后将用于信号特征提取和生成。 Dynamic Programming is used for matching signal graphs extracted from different video frames. A major difference between the new scheme and the old scheme lies in the treatment of the selected feature set. In the old scheme, the features are rigidly connected, while a certain shift between features is allowed in the new scheme. Another difference is that a simple selection of features is used, that is, only the prominent features whose response have big magnitudes are adopted. When the signal transformed features database fails to detect the signal due to big rotation of signal, Dynamic Programming could be used to search for an optimal matching between the new frame and previous frame in which the signal is detected. In this way, the signal area is found through a matching process and not by a transformed features process, and we do not assume any knowledge of the signal in this process. The feature extraction and generation of a wavelet feature set. It is typically used in one- dimensional (pattern) matching problem. In order to use it for Rotation Invariant Moments problem, a straightforward way would be to convert the Rotation Invariant Moments problem into a pattern case. One simple way is to use a matching path to link all the Rotation Invariant Moments components. Although we would lose one dimension of constraints in such an adaption, we still could be able to sustain the Rotation Invariant Moments constraints somewhat if we carefully select the matching path.图1显示数据库样本MPEG-7的形象。自运动的正射投影到图像平面的仿射变换,可以近似的变形特性,因此在我们的例子中,矩形的布局应该“穿制服”的方式将这种约束的仿射变换。这意味着模式匹配路径可以跨本身当通过所有组件。的路径应该是最短路径,或者至少一个经济路径的累积变形应与个人在组件之间的变形。传播路径,例如,几乎不同的图结构可以服务分类,如连续曲线路径,或路径。虽然一个生成树结构似乎更适合代表信号结构,我们尝试在这个工作只有简单的曲线路径。信号路径图的一个例子,低成本的顺序连接矩形的中心。找到一个路径链接所有组件是完全相同的问题,可以适应的著名的模拟退火方法搜索路径。链特性集由变形信号图。我们再次使用动态编程技术,匹配的图像分类。 The trellis structure of the searching path used by the algorithm.




水平轴代表一组命令模式识别。它指的是小波的特性的路径。的任务是找到一个全局最优模板图像特征和新的输入图像之间的匹配特性。它允许变形在搜索,它是指模板特性和我到新输入功能。这可以通过让每一对功能组件之间的变形。它显示了两个矩形模板,和变形。每一对之间的变形范围是根据他们的距离,和一个模式识别序列时只允许变形范围在哪里距离满足关系,并且是对原始模板之间的距离特性。在我们的实验中,我们选择允许MPEG-7变形的数据库,一个地方在模式识别和位置匹配模板之间的距离特性响应和输入特性响应:是一个函数的距离,距离越大,应该越小,也称为本地匹配成本。小波的函数的响应特性。在我们的工作中,我们选择一个指数函数的距离:是一套标准化的常系数,曲率。 The goal is find the allowed deformation that maximizes the sum of all pattern recognition matches, or a global cost: and the search is performed along the ordered pattern recognition path. The search includes the following steps: At pattern recognition, check the matching costs in previous step. Those costs are saved in all sites in the previous pattern recognition. For each site, determine the search according to allowed deformation range. For each site, take the largest cost within the radius as its own cost step, and save the previous node. This step encodes global the deformation information into the search process. It does the accumulation and advances the accumulated score forward in the trellis. Perform the local matching and evaluate match cost for all possible sites in current pattern recognition. The total matching cost up to the current pattern recognition could be calculated as the accumulated cost in pattern recognition are coefficients for the local match and the global match respectively. These coefficients could be adjusted to control the deformation behavior. Unfortunately there is no known way to find the optimal values. They have to be adjusted through empirical experience. When the search approaches the end pattern recognition, the node with the highest score at end pattern recognition is extracted and the stored list of visited nodes are backtracked to find the matching path. One such path represents a matched deformed signal graph. The algorithm always finds a global, optimal matching. Due to the accumulated deformation effect, at the end, the deformation could be rather big and strange feature pattern could be expected.图2显示分类图像使用图像分类方法。解决这个问题的一个常见的技巧是先约束之间的距离模式识别和模式识别。我们建立了一个数据库信号转换特性和特征提取和生成,基于我们的变形信号图算法。一个用于信号转换功能和一个用于信号特征提取和生成。信号探测器和模块利用小波的特性。积分图像的预先估计只需要做一次。






