ISSN: 2321 - 6212
收到:07- 01 -2022,稿件编号:joms - 22 - 52336;编辑分配:09- 01 -2022,预qcJOMS 22 - 52336 (PQ);综述:2022年1月21日JOMS 22 - 52336;修改后:2022年1月23日,稿件编号:JOMS 22 - 52336 (R);发表:2018年1月30日,DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212.10.1.004
生物材料可以在自然界中找到,也可以在实验室中使用多种化学方法制造,包括金属成分、聚合物、陶瓷和复合材料。它们经常被用于医疗目的,因此构成了执行、增强或取代自然功能的生物结构或生物医学设备的全部或部分。这些功能可能是被动的,如在心脏瓣膜中发现的功能,或生物活性的,如在羟基磷灰石涂层的髋关节植入物中发现的功能。生物材料也被应用于牙科、外科和日常的药物输送。例如,含有浸渍药物的结构可以植入体内,允许药物的长期释放。用作移植材料的自体移植物、同种异体移植物或异种移植物也可以被认为是生物材料。生物活性是工程生物材料引起支持其功能和性能的生理反应的能力。这个短语通常是指在生物活性玻璃和生物活性陶瓷中,植入材料与周围组织结合良好的能力,无论是骨传导作用还是骨生成作用。用于骨植入物的材料通常被设计成在溶解到周围体液的同时促进骨形成。因此,强生物相容性,以及强度和溶解速率是许多生物材料所需要的。 Surface bio mineralization, in which a natural layer of hydroxyapatite forms at the surface, is commonly used to determine bioactivity of biomaterials. The emergence of computer algorithms that can anticipate the molecular effects of biomaterials in a therapeutic situation based on limited in vitro experiments has tremendously aided the development of clinically relevant biomaterials these days. Self-assembly is the most often used phrase in modern science to describe the spontaneous aggregation of particles (atoms, molecules, colloids, micelles, and so on) without the intervention of external factors. Large groups of these particles have been shown to form thermodynamically stable, structurally well-defined arrays, which are strikingly similar to one of the seven crystal systems found in metallurgy and mineralogy. The spatial scale of the unit cell (lattice parameter) in each scenario represents the basic difference in equilibrium structure. Self-assembly of molecules occurs frequently in biological systems and is the foundation for a wide range of complex biological structures. This comprises a new class of mechanically superior biomaterials that are inspired by natural microstructural characteristics and patterns. As a result, self-assembly is gaining traction in chemical synthesis and nanotechnology. Highly ordered structures such as molecular crystals, liquid crystals, colloids, micelles, emulsions, phase-separated polymers, thin films, and self-assembled monolayers can all be created using these approaches. Self-organization is a distinctive property of these approaches. Because changes in spatial scale cause various methods of deformation and degradation, nearly all materials can be thought of as hierarchically organized. The hierarchical organization of living materials, on the other hand, is built into the microstructure.
威廉·托马斯·阿斯特伯里和伍兹早期对头发和羊毛层次结构的x射线散射研究是结构生物学历史上最早的例子之一。例如,胶原蛋白是直径为1.5纳米的三螺旋结构,是骨骼有机基质的构建单位。矿物相(羟基磷灰石,磷酸钙)插入这些原胶原分子,产生纤维,卷曲成螺旋状交替方向。有机和无机“骨子”之间的体积分数分布是骨骼的基本组成部分。复杂程度较高的羟基磷灰石晶体为矿物血小板,直径为70 ~ 100 nm,厚度为1 nm。