ISSN在线(2319 - 8753)打印(2347 - 6710)
相关文章Pubmed,谷歌学者 |
关键字 |
可再生能源;短波辐射;水;芯式太阳能;效率。 |
介绍 |
这项工作的目的是开发新的试验装置的效率和改善芯单斜率太阳能仍然拥有先进的蒸馏系统类型。在建设和运营辅助装置是用来加热水供应铜管用黑色涂层板和反射器(镜子)也添加碎石的盆地的底部所示图1这样的安排有明确的汽化潜热盆地水,增加热量的增加蒸汽的蒸发率。更多的蒸汽逃跑和坚持玻璃罩和最大将收集的馏分油通过槽和长颈瓶。这种先进的精馏系统产生的水是纯净的,清洁和新鲜水(即可以用于烹饪食物,洗澡和消费等) |
系统开发 |
提高吸收和收集的热量,它是由实验观察到不同材料bottom-sand,砾石或木炭。砾石在基础给出了最大效率。砾石的另一个优点是充当一个最好的过滤器,和砾石床作为过滤器在雨水收集系统。因此,我们决定使用 |
砾石作为基材在我们先进的蒸馏系统[1]。典型的预加热液体可以使用进口加热管铜管和黑板反射器有黑色,太阳能(短波辐射)吸收表面。这个表面可以被吸收的能量转移到水,包围太阳能集热器玻璃透明的太阳辐射。黑色绝缘是传导损失降到最低。当完成热水器与太阳能仍然赋予更高的生产率由于增加水的热容。通过注入热(短波辐射)能量收集器的盆地蒸发收集器温度增加。这种收集器充当外部加热元件[2]。实验进行了一个太阳能蒸馏系统,这是一个气密盆地,由混凝土或水泥,G。我表或纤维增强塑料(FRP)与前盖的不透明的玻璃和塑料等材料。盆地的内表面保持黑有效地吸收太阳能孤立事件。典型的安排是由收集的馏分油斜率玻璃罩的结束。 The contaminant or dirty water is fed into the basin for purification. Solar isolation that passes through the opaque body to heats water in blackened basin thus evaporating water which gets condensed and fix to the cooler inside of the glass and collected in a flask as distillate attached to glass [3]. In growing countries there is a trouble of pure water. This water is injurious for drinking and also it adversely affects on health. To avoid this difficulty a solar still is designed which circulate the source of potable water. The heat in the form of short-wavelength rays from the sun evaporates water inside the solar still. As the radiation reaches the surface of the water it heats up the water and there by rising the temperature which is higher than the ambient. Energy distributed to each element of the still, solar time, direction of direct radiation, clear sky radiation, optical parameters of the cover, convection inside and outside are accounted. Theoretical basis of the heat and mass transfer mechanisms inside this solar still has been developed. By observing above factors it is concluded that the efficiency increases rapidly with increase of short-wavelength sun rays and also by rising feed water temperature [4]. Basically two types of radiations are available on the earth surface, first are known as in line radiation or beam radiation (short-wavelength) and other called as diffused radiation or scattered radiations (long-wavelength) when these both combined are called as Global or Total radiations. Out of these two solar still distillates more water can be produced by the direct (short wave-length) type of radiations as these radiations are having the high heat energy. Intensity of direct radiations is measured by an instrument called as pyranometer. As observed from the pre-heated water and normal water the amount of heat flow by sun’s radiation, convection and evaporation is fully depends on the temperature difference between the water and the opaque cover. Its efficiency will be increased by the complete utilization of the heat energy absorb by black body. Hence if we used pre-heated water then the proper utilization of latent heat of vaporization is obtained and efficiency enhances. The maximum efficiency is available by using single wick type solar still during hours 14.00hrs (PM) and minimum at 09.30hrs (A.M) [5]. |
结论 |
从上面的讨论,我们得出这样的结论:要求蒸馏水在医药行业等行业,以及国内应用非常高。蒸馏的水我们所需的低品位和免费的能量。地理位置的印度是热带地区,因为这个位置太阳能(重新)有质量数量。水蒸馏有很多可供选择的方法,在上述讨论我们使用事件类型系统和无反射器(镜子)水蒸馏。没有反射器和辅助系统的效率是17.1%,这是很不足的太阳能辐射。上面来提高效率我们使用相同的系统,但与反射器和辅助加热器。通过使用反射太阳光(短波长)收集并反映在系统中,通过这种安排我们能够最大吸收太阳光(短波长)系统,提高效率。 |
未来的范围 |
水和能量的两个最重要的东西是生命的维持。只有不到1%的水用于普通(国内)的最大目的水被污染了由于非可控的工业增长。先进的太阳能仍然是一个设备可以解决饮用水的问题不使用优质能源。各种参数决定太阳能仍然是在特定的情况下使用。太阳能蒸馏器可能在印度偏远地区更比远离淡水的来源和高水平的TDS(总溶解固体)创建。一个倾斜的芯类型太阳能仍在双倾斜的太阳能接收更多的热量在低和高海拔地区。有一个巨大的范围的科学家,研究人员;工程师在各种各样的设计和持续改进的方法来提高太阳能的效率仍然是有利于扩大太阳能行业。太阳能仍可用于村庄和大规模生产的淡水。全球问题的不洁净的水是增加一天因此有巨大的机会仍然生产淡水利用太阳能,太阳能还可以在特殊情况下提供淡水经济比其他任何方法。 The solar distillation process requires low grade energy which is freely available and also there is no green house pollutant as in the case with other purification techniques using fossil fuels. In future it can be used in remote places where there is no electricity and fuels. |
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