e-ISSN: 2321 - 6182 p-ISSN: 2347 - 2332
Apsar shaik
通讯作者:Apsar shaik生药学、贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁科技大学、海得拉巴,印度
脂质类脂肪天然物质;不溶于水,但溶于非水溶剂氯仿等碳氢化合物或醇。脂质可被油或脂肪根据脂肪酸的不饱和程度组件在室温下。脂质可以作为食物热量需求的身体超过卡路里供应[1]。椰子(椰子)属于aracaceae家族。这是一个许多热带国家的经济作物,在饮食和生活中扮演不可或缺的一部分[2]。椰子和石油的内容被认为是丰富的各种成分的传统主义者[3]。内核源自椰子果实富含石油。椰子油主要为国内消费和工业用途,包括烹饪、烘焙、糖果、制药和化妆品[4]。椰子油有一个天然的甜味,包含92%的饱和脂肪酸(甘油三酸酯的形式); most of Them (about 70%) medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) [5]. They are also resistant to peroxidation and have been Reported to protect against heart disease as they lower the risk of atherosclerosis [6]. Gopala et al [5] have also highlighted the antiviral, antibacterial, antiplaque, antiprotozoal, healing, anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity effects of medium chain fatty acids. Coconut oil maybe largely classified as refined (solvent extracted coconut oil) or unrefined medium chain fatty acids. Coconut oil maybe largely classified as refined (solvent extracted coconut oil) or unrefined (virgin coconut oil; hot pressed and cold pressed or copra coconut oil) according to their method of preparation [5]. Cold pressed as well as hot pressed coconut oils are extracted from the fresh wet coconut meat. However, while cold pressed coconut oil is prepared from crushed Flavonoids are a significant class of normal items; especially, they have a place with a class of plant auxiliary metabolites having a polyphenolic structure, broadly found in organic products, vegetables and certain refreshments. They have different ideal biochemical and cell reinforcement impacts related with different illnesses like malignancy, Alzheimer's infection (AD), atherosclerosis, etc [1]. Flavonoids are related with an expansive range of wellbeing advancing impacts and are a fundamental segment in an assortment of nutraceutical, drug, therapeutic and restorative applications. This is a result of their antioxidative, mitigating, hostile to mutagenic and against cancer-causing properties combined with their ability to adjust key cell protein capacities. They are additionally known to be strong inhibitors for a few catalysts, like xanthine oxidase (XO), cyclo-oxygenase (COX), lipoxygenase and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.
植物在自然界中,黄酮类化合物是物品分开,他们发现几件的工厂。类黄酮是利用蔬菜的发展和防止斑块[2]。他们有地方一类low-atomic重量酚醛加剧,通常在植物领域传播。他们建立很可能最商标类的混合物在高等植物。大量的类黄酮是有效地认为花在大多数被子植物的家庭阴影。尽管,他们的事件还没有局限于花朵上发现整个植物[3]。类黄酮是另外慷慨地在食物和点心的植物开始,发现有机产品、蔬菜、茶叶、可可和酒;从此他们命名为饮食类黄酮。类黄酮有几个子组,将类化合物、黄酮类、黄酮醇、异黄酮。这些子组有趣的重要来源。 For instance, onions and tea are significant dietary wellsprings of flavonols and flavones.
植物中黄酮类化合物起着各式各样的自然运动,生物和微生物。植物中,黄酮类化合物有很长一段时间一直被策划具体目的地和负责语气和花朵的味道,和在有机产品来吸引传粉者,随后自然产物散射帮助种子和孢子萌发,幼苗的发展和完善。类黄酮保护植物免受各种生物和非生物压力和紫外线过滤轻松有趣,工作签粒子,对抗疗法的混合物、植物抗毒素,排毒专家和抗菌防护混合物。类黄酮对冰部分力量,干旱反对派和可能认为功利主义参与植物耐高温驯化和冻结。约根森[4]引用,早期的植物遗传素质的进步在本质上是由于改变策略有影响flavonoid-determined开花音调,并表现出实际质量减轻植物与类黄酮生物合成有关。类黄酮是认为建设性的结果对人类和动物健康和动量兴趣是疾病治疗和化学预防。目前大约有6000类黄酮,增添美丽的色彩有机产品,香料,蔬菜和植物治疗。迪克森和Pasinetti调查植物类黄酮和isoflavonoids细节和谈论他们的应用程序园艺和神经科学。Kumar和Pandey检查处于守势黄酮类化合物对人类疾病就像植物的能力。的Panche[5],检查广告和当前有用的技术,详细讨论了工作的类黄酮是植物辅助代谢物治疗广告和系统的问题。 In the current survey, endeavors have been made to examine the latest things of innovative work on flavonoids, their applications as dietary and medical advantages alongside expansive grouping and future examination bearing.