ISSN: 2320 - 2459
收到了:21 - 1月- 2022年手稿不。jpap - 22 - 52075;编辑分配:24 - 1月- 2022年前质量控制。jpap - 22 - 52075 (PQ);综述:2022年04 - 2月,QC。jpap - 22 - 52075;接受:07年2月- 2022年手稿。jpap - 22 - 52075 (A)发表:14 - 2月- 2022,2320 - 2459.10.1.004 DOI: 10.4172 /。
奥托·哈恩1911实验和詹姆斯·查德威克1914实验发现β衰变光谱是连续而不是离散。,而不是离散能量的γ和α衰变中观察到,电子从原子被红牌罚下一个连续的能量范围。这对于核物理当时提出了一个问题,因为它似乎表明,在这些衰变能量并不守恒的。贝克勒尔在1903年获得诺贝尔物理学奖,玛丽和皮埃尔·居里的放射性后续研究。1908年,卢瑟福获得了诺贝尔化学奖”调查的解体的化学元素和放射性物质”。爱因斯坦在1905年提出质能等价的概念。而贝克勒尔和玛丽·居里的放射性工作早于这个,放射性的来源解释的能源将不得不等到发现原子核本身是由更小的成分,原子核。可以找到数以百计的核子重原子核。这意味着它可以被视为一个经典的系统,而不是一个量子力学的一个,在某种程度上。在生成的液滴模型,原子核能量部分从表面张力和部分来自质子电子斥力。 Many features of nuclei can be reproduced by the liquid-drop model, including the general trend of binding energy with respect to mass number and the phenomenon of nuclear fission. However, quantum- mechanical effects are superimposed on this classical picture, which can be described using the nuclear shell model, which was developed in large part by Maria Goeppert Mayer and J. Hans D. Jensen. Much of today's nuclear physics research is concerned with the study of nuclei under extreme conditions such as high spin and excitation energy. Nuclei can also have unusual shapes (similar to rugby balls or even pears) or unusual neutron-to-proton ratios. Experimenters can generate such nuclei by using ion beams from an accelerator to induce fusion or nucleon transfer reactions. Beams with even higher energies can be used to generate nuclei at extremely high temperatures, and there are indications that these experiments have resulted in a phase transition from normal nuclear matter to a new state, the quark–gluon plasma, in which the quarks mingle with one another rather than being segregated in triplets as they are in neutrons and protons.