

  1. ECE系助理教授,主Jegannath Engg科技学院Kumarapuram Kanyakumari区、印度
  2. PG学生(应用电子技术),主Jegannath Engg科技学院Kumarapuram Kanyakumari区、印度









从视频移动物体检测发现在许多领域重要的应用。最前的作品在移动物体检测进行了综述。在[1],一个快速的视频分割算法和它的运作等四个模式基线模式中,基线模式下,影子取消模式,全局运动补偿模式和自适应阈值模式。变化检测和背景注册技术,该算法可以得到令人满意的分割结果较低的计算负载。影子取消模式可以处理光照变化和阴影效果。基线模式可以在相机的情况。全局运动补偿方式可以处理轻微的相机的情况。自适应阈值模式可以在所有的操作模式。本文的主要缺点是转换的模式是手动完成的。影子取消无法处理强烈的光源。 In paper [2], tracking an object is based on descriptors. It automatically tracks an object by using a compact piece of information about region and objects. In this shadow is tracked as a new object because no shadow cancellation technique is used. In [3], background registration; preprocessing is done by gradient filter. Benefits of gradient filter reduce if shadows appear in strong texture, some information will loss if object has weak edges. In [4], Adaptive filter algorithm is used. Main problem occurs due to background clutter. In [5], Differential earth mover distance algorithm is used in this large object motions cannot be handled well and occur local minima problem. In [6], color information is used for background subtraction and shadow detection. This method fails to adapt dynamic background situation. In [7], gradient descent optimization technique, Kalman filter is used for object detection. Segmentation result is inaccurate when the objects are in large motion. In the proposed method two techniques are used such as morphological technique which enhances the segmentation result. Cellular automata based segmentation is proposed to track a particular object from the video.


从输入视频分辨率降低,以减少复杂性进一步操作。RGB转换为灰度值。预处理为运动提供所需的数据进行分割。它在原始输入视频删除噪音。在预处理,首先利用双立方插值法图像的大小。插值过程用于估计图像在图像像素间的位置的值。图像调整扩大图像;输出图像包含更多比原始图像像素。图像调整函数使用插值确定额外的像素的值。调整后,RGB图像转换成灰度通过消除色相和饱和度信息。 Bicubic interpolation is an extension of cubic interpolation for interpolating data points on a two dimensional regular grid. The interpolated surface is smoother than corresponding surfaces obtained by bilinear interpolation Method for segmentation: Motion segmentation is mainly done to obtain motion vectors. In this method optical flow measurement is done to denote the object motion in a video. Optical flow method is based on gradient of intensity for this purpose RGB value is converted to gray scale values. It is an iterative method and it uses Taylor series expansion. Block matching algorithm is used for accurate motion detection. Segmentation algorithm is to change detect- ion in a video. Moving object region is separated from other part of the schene by the motion information. By using optical flow method, object motion regions are extracted in the first frame, and closed initial counters near the boundaries of object regions are constructed. In the first frame, we apply optical flow to detect motion regions whose boundaries are used as the initial counters. The optical flow for each pixel is represented by (u, v), where u and v are the optical flow velocity vector components in the x and y directions respectively. For a pixel whose optical flow magnitude is less than a threshold its optical flow is set to (0, 0), it is assigned as background. A rectangle shape is moved over the image and its size is changed to detect the motion region.


形态学运算进行去除噪声区域和过滤较小的地区。该方法用于提高分割的结果。在这两个操作进行打开和关闭。形态学是一个有用的工具来提取图像组件的表示和描述区域的形状,如边界、骨架等。这种技术用于前后处理。打开操作通常消除物体的轮廓和消除薄突起。在打开操作额外添加像素是删除。形态学是制定集合理论。集代表对象在一个图像;例如,所有白色像素的集合在一个二进制图像是一个完整的图像的形态学描述。在二进制图像,集二维整数空间的成员。 Where each element of a set is a 2D vector whose coordinate are the (x, y) coordinates of a white pixel in the image. Erosion shrinks object and is used to remove image components. Closing operation is done to eliminate small holes and filling gaps in the contour. In simple it is done to fill holes in the background region.
细胞自动机:元胞自动机由正则网格细胞,每一个都在一个有限数量的州,如网格。可以在任何有限数量的维度。对于每个单元格,一组细胞称为其社区的定义是相对于指定的细胞。一个初始状态(时间t = 0)是由国家选择分配每个细胞。创建新一代(t共进1),根据一些固定的规则决定了每个单元的新国家的当前状态的细胞,细胞在其附近的州。通常,规则更新细胞的状态是相同的每一个细胞,不随时间发生变化,同时,应用于整个网格,虽然异常,如随机元胞自动机和异步自动机。






图 图 图 图 图
图1 图2 图3 图4 图5


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