
评估抗菌活性的双酚A (4 4 A¢€™-Isopropylidenebisphenol)。

阿卜杜勒·拉希德博士1拉维·库马尔考拉2,Prameela Devi Yalavarthy3
  1. 研究学者,部门动物学瓦朗加尔,Kakatiya大学印度安得拉邦
  2. 研究学者,部门动物学瓦朗加尔,Kakatiya大学印度安得拉邦
  3. 教授,系动物学瓦朗加尔,Kakatiya大学印度安得拉邦



双酚A (BPA)是化学用于制造聚碳酸酯塑料、环氧树脂、热敏纸。BPA-based产品还包括dvd、电脑、家用电器、眼镜和光学镜片,可重复使用的水瓶,食物储藏容器、运动安全设备、医疗设备、建筑材料、油漆和涂料。BPA可能发生污染从许多不同的来源,但BPA污染最常见的方式是通过包装食品或饮料的包装材料含有双酚a。这个研究报告的目的是评估双酚A的抗菌活性(4,4’-Isopropylidenebisphenol)对四个不同类型的细菌。、金黄色葡萄球菌、杆菌substilis、变形杆菌valgaris和大肠杆菌,采用琼脂扩散法。双酚a是完全溶于有机溶剂和部分溶于水。结果表明金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制区23毫米,芽孢杆菌substilis 22毫米,变形杆菌属寻常的21毫米,大肠杆菌20毫米。从结果可以得出结论,BPA可能显示细胞毒性的影响,这些研究也在进行。




双酚A (BPA)的分子构建模块是聚碳酸酯塑料和环氧树脂。美国双酚a的生产迅速增长从1991年的1600万磅到23亿磅,2004年成为世界上最生产化学物质之一[3]。双酚a是一种化学记录在CAS(化学文摘服务),使用00080-05-7和其化学名称数量在欧洲是2,以叔(4-hydroxyphenyl)丙烷[23]。有大量的同义词BPA像Bis (4-hydroxyphenyl)二甲基甲烷;4,4′-dihydroxydiphenyl丙烷;4,4′-dihydroxy-2 2-diphenyl丙烷;Diphenylolpropane;4,4′-isopropylidenediphenol。双酚a是由苯酚和丙酮缩合的催化剂和催化剂促进剂的存在。它的分子式是C15H16O2分子质量228.29克/摩尔,熔点是155°C (311°F)。 The decomposition temperature is > 200°C (392°F) and it is completely soluble in organic solvents and partially soluble in water. It exists at room temperature in the form of a white solid flake or crystal [25]. BPA has been used in a wide variety of consumer products for several decades and continues to be manufactured in large quantities around the world. Humans are exposed to BPA through consumption of food and beverages contaminated with BPA, as well as environmental contamination. Polycarbonate plastic can become unstable over time and with use, allowing BPA to leach into material in contact with the plastics. Other consumer items, such as carbonless paper, computers, home appliances, spectacles and optical lenses, reusable water bottles, food storage containers, sports safety equipment, medical equipment, construction materials, paints, coatings and DVDs, also contain BPA. Additionally, BPA is now found nearly everywhere in the environment and commonly found in dust particles, surface water and drinking water, as over 6 billion pounds are produced worldwide each year [26]. Production of BPA releases approximately two hundred thousand pounds of the chemical into the atmosphere annually [19]. BPA in the rise of multiple diseases including prostate [5] and breast cancer [9], urino-genital abnormalities in male babies, a decline in semen quality in men [10], early onset of puberty in girls, metabolic disorders including insulin resistant (type 2) diabetes and obesity, neurobehavioral problems [1] such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bisphenol-A also can change endogenous hormone synthesis, hormone metabolism and hormone concentrations in blood [27]. There are many reports on the contamination of BPA in the environment especially in water [28], air and soil [22, 17].


双酚A是采购的技术等级质量从HiMedia实验室pvt Ltd .) (23 Vadhani印第安纳。Est磅高山草地,孟买,印度)抗菌活性研究。在这项研究中使用的菌株是金黄色葡萄球菌、杆菌substilis,革兰氏阳性细菌和变形杆菌属寻常的革兰氏阴性细菌和大肠杆菌。菌株的获得微生物类型文化集合(MTCC),微生物技术研究所(IMTECH),昌迪加尔,印度Kakatiya大学微生物学系和维护。即两种革兰氏阳性细菌。,Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus substilis and two gram negative bacteria i.e.,Proteus vulgaris and Escherichia coli were used for assessing and evaluation of the antibacterial activity of the BPA. The method followed is agar well diffusion method [18, 24]. The test organisms were sub cultured using nutrient agar medium. The tubes containing sterilized medium were inoculated with respective bacterial strain. After incubation at 37±10C for 24 hrs they were stored in refrigerator. The stock culture was maintained. Bacterial inoculums were prepared by transferring a loop full of stock culture to nutrient broth. The flasks were incubated at 37±10C for 48 hrs before the experimentation.
股票的解决方案测试的化合物是由dissolving10mg /毫升的DMSO和用于测试在不同的浓度。链霉素是作为标准药物对革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌。营养琼脂培养基被高压灭菌消毒在1210 c(12磅/平方. .英寸)12分钟,Petri-plates管和高射炮在干热灭菌器灭菌1600 c一个小时。在每个消毒petriplate(10厘米直径)大约27毫升熔融营养琼脂培养基的接种细菌的各自的应变是倒了。板块在室温下允许凝固。在每个板7 6毫米直径的光盘是用无菌钻。测试化合物,BPA浓度50μg /毫升,100μg /毫升,250μg /毫升,500μg /毫升和1000μg / ml被添加到各自的盘无菌和相应的标记。板块保持原状1小时在室温下正常允许解决方案的扩散在营养琼脂培养基。孵化后板在37±10 c 24小时,抑制区周围的每个盘的直径测量的帮助下抗生素带读者。所有的实验进行了一式三份。 Simultaneously controls were maintained employing 0.1 ml of DMSO to observe the solvent effects and the results were represented in Table No.1.


BPA是体积化学品生产全世界最高的国家之一,每年生产超过600万磅[3]和用于生产dvd、电脑、家用电器、眼镜和光学镜片,可重复使用的水瓶,食物储藏容器、体育安全设备、玩具、水管道、光学镜片、医疗设备、建筑材料、油漆和涂料、聚碳酸脂塑料、环氧树脂和热敏纸(5,2)。环氧树脂被用作保护衬里各种罐头食品和饮料和涂料在金属玻璃罐子和瓶子的盖子。这些使用导致消费者接触双酚a通过饮食[16]。残留的BPA也发现在不同的环境中,如河流、污水废水[14日11]。Xenoestrogens与强有力的雌激素的化学属性[7]。BPA是归类为异型生物质令人不安的在人类和其他动物激素平衡,这是一种内分泌干扰物)(20,4)暴露在BPA等xenoestrogens早期发展的根本原因可能是不孕不育的发病率增加,生殖道异常,和乳腺癌中观察到欧洲和美国的人口[21]。大量的毒理学和生物化学研究已证实,BPA有雌激素的属性和一个主动对雌激素受体的影响。美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)和美国国家毒理学计划(国家结核控制规划)的一些担忧影响大脑,行为,和前列腺胎儿、婴儿和儿童目前的人体接触双酚a。许多研究已经考察了BPA水平在其他体液如卵泡液[12],[5]尿液和精液(13、15)。BPA是牛奶中发现由于接触塑料材料在食品加工和存储[6]雷竞技网页版。 The Scientific Committee on Food (SCF), an advisory body of the European Commission on the safety of food, after comprehensive analysis of all aspects of BPA toxicity, has specified the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of BPA as 0.01 mg/ kg body mass per day [8]. Recent studies have shown that BPA can alter the gene expression (i.e. turned on or off) and the low-dose BPA exposure during pregnancy has multigenerational consequences and it may increase the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities in F2 generation [26]. To test the effect of BPA as antibacterial agent, concentrations ranging from 0.05% to 1% were observed and the results are presented in [Table No.1] The antibacteriall activity of the BPA was studied by agar well diffusion method [18,24]. BPA is completely soluble in organic solvents and partially soluble in water [25]. DMSO scored as better solvent followed by methanol and ethanol, in terms of their compatibility with MIC determination. Hence it is dissolved in DMSO [29]. Among the different concentrations chosen i.e., 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.25%, 0.5% and 1%, BPA has shown strong antibacterial activity against all the bacterial strains that were tested [Fig.No.2]. It is found that the effect of BPA on the bacterial growth show the zone of inhibition in Staphylococcus aureus 23mm, Bacillus substilis 22mm, Proteus vulgaris 21mm and Escherichia coli 20mm [Table No.1]. BPA showed a maximum zone of inhibition in Staphylococcus aureus. and has antimicrobial activity against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. It has greater activity against gram-positive species over gram-negative species. It is evident from the study that the BPA is more effective in killing gram positive bacteria. The death of bacteria may be because it blocks lipid synthesis in them and has been shown to intercalate into bacterial cell membranes and disrupt membrane activities without causing leakage of intracellular components [30]. Since BPA is acting as xenoestrogen its usage should be limited in consumer products and especially the usage in child care products should be restricted. As there is a controversy and public concern in the use of BPA in consumer products as it possess hazardous health effects, methods should be developed for production of alternate compounds.






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