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埃努古大都市的研究评估城市化如何影响生物多样性的内环境。大都市是分为居民区,分为中、低密度高的地区。通过横截面样本收集从这些研究的区域。结构化的问卷主要用于收集的数据。总共有一千几百,二十位受访者的样本容量评估确定。描述性统计频率分布和比例被用于评估城市化如何影响生物多样性的受访者感知的区域。受访者一般认为人口压力,森林砍伐,污染,水土流失构成了城市化的一些问题。此外,他们还确认,该地区的生物多样性受到城市化的影响通过引入外来物种,对资源的过度开发、栖息地的退化,疾病暴发,以及灭绝的物种。因此,研究发现,由于城市化、一些动植物已经不利影响。某些物种已经濒临灭绝,甚至有些人进入灭绝的威胁由于栖息地的丧失。 The study therefore proposed, among others the adoption of the World Bank urban strategy that emphasizes strong systems and urban governance to enable sustainable urban growth with opportunities for all.




最近糟糕的城市增长管理继续吸引了许多学者的关注和利益相关者,满嘴的城市化问题的解决方案。沙迪克等人与城市发展的必然性在大多数城市地区在即将到来的几十年1]。在预计增长模式中,超过五十亿人可能是居住在城市地区到2025年约有80%的来自发展中国家。这种趋势会给城市规划者带来困难的任务以及自然资源经理(2]。自然增长和城乡漂移的催化剂被认为是快速扩张的尼日利亚的城市地区。成为一个发达国家的课程尼日利亚带来很多困难和挑战。这种情况带来了众多问题的城市增长管理等自然资源的损失(3- - - - - -5]。然而,尼日利亚的历届政府已经采取了一些措施来纠正这些不受控制的城市发展带来的挑战。的一些措施包括制定1992年的国家城市发展政策和建立2004年联邦环境部。尽管这些努力,Okosun等人观察到尼日利亚城市人口仍发生前所未有的变化和空间范围(6]。尼日利亚城市中心的爆炸性增长加剧了相互关联的人居和环境的问题。在埃努古大都市,情况是不不同的。因此本研究评估城市化的地区如何影响生物多样性在大都市。


哈维在内源性城市化理论,认为城市化需要两个独立的先决条件剩余产品的再生,在非农活动,维持人的成就的社会发展水平,允许大型社区是社会可行的和稳定的。兰帕德,发现人口来说,理论侧重于城乡人口转移是城市化的基础,但确定工业化运动背后的基本驱动农村人口到城市的工厂工作。看着城市化通过现代化的视角,卡萨达和克伦肖等人宣称在任何给社会城市化的现状由初始状态出现的现代化。技术是至关重要的,和城市化的路径和模式在发达国家和发展中国家之间通过文化传播最容易收敛,尽管育种不可避免的社会的不平衡。根据给定的,生物多样性需要各种各样的植物和动物生活在最广泛的意义上,和生活功能和生存的关键。迈尔斯等人开发了“热点”的概念,他列举十八个区域集体涵盖全球植物多样性的比例非常重要(7]。生物多样性可以被视为数量,丰富,组合、空间分布和相互作用的基因型,种群物种功能类型和特征以及景观单元在给定系统(8]。在许多人类活动导致生物多样性丧失、城市化产生了一些最伟大的当地物种灭绝率和频繁地消除了大部分的本地物种(9- - - - - -11]。城市化和生物多样性在多方面的和复杂的方式相互作用。的大小和空间配置城市生物多样性的问题(12]。麦金尼等人观察到一些城市地区当地物种丰富度高,这通常是本地物种为代价的(13]。城市化影响生物多样性和生态系统服务都直接或间接的。直接影响主要包括栖息地的丧失或退化,扰动改变制度,改良土壤和其他物理转换扩张造成的间接影响的领域包括水和养分的变化可用性,提高非生物胁迫因素,例如空气污染、增加非本地物种和食草性变化的竞争和捕食率(14]。识别乡-城迁移的原因的快速城市化对生物多样性的影响,科恩等人宣称,它通常是由完整的混合物和推动部门(15]。拉因素使得城市对农村移民的吸引力,他们经常提供更高的工资和更好的就业选择,他们也往往会有一个更好的和更大的可用性比农村地区的服务,如医疗保健等,他们同样是现代生活中心提供大品种的文化和社会的机会。粮食及农业组织表示,推动因素迫使农民工离开农村,这些因素包括;位移由冲突,灾害或干旱、土地退化和荒漠化,农村人口压力和飞行不受歧视和农村社会歧视16]。研究城市问题往往会导致生物多样性的丧失,Swingland(2003)指出,尽管生物多样性产生许多可持续发展的好处,然而,矛盾的是人类社会继续破坏这宝贵的资源基础,发动大规模的生物多样性损失。根据他的说法,随着人口的增加和生物资源的需求随之增加,自然栖息地被破坏种植园,灌溉、食物和畜牧生产,以及非木材森林资源利用率。也是人口增长导致的增加确实人类栖息地和栖息地的迅速发展,工业迅速发展,填满了水体的住处的建设以满足日益增长的人口的需求从而导致损失的不同种类的作物和动物。除此之外,现在公认的是,全球变暖在最近的过去主要是由于人类活动释放的温室气体到大气中。联合国环境规划署(1999)预测,高温、干旱和蒸发可能对水的可用性,严重影响粮食安全和生物多样性的丧失Emodi等人指出,有毒化学物质的生产和使用主要和相对较新的威胁人类和环境。已经观察到的活动石油公司在尼日尔三角洲地区严重威胁邻国当地社区的生计由于不同形式的石油生成整个地区环境污染明显。农业和渔业活动已成为石油泄漏的极其困难的灾区,甚至饮用水是困难的。事实上,水生的损失的主要原因遗传多样性水污染,Emodi也观察到森林砍伐是一个突出问题,导致生物多样性的丧失。热带地区的森林砍伐的主要原因是农业或放牧日志记录和转换。这些原因背后的驱动力等政策,生产和消费态度和机构的影响。森林砍伐是本质上喜欢作为原始雨林众多物种生物多样性的丧失宝贵的动植物的概述了土壤侵蚀作为城市化的一个问题,对生物多样性的影响,Lekwa和怀特塞德等人宣称,约有63%的农业土壤在尼日利亚很低与低活性粘土和有机物在尼日利亚东部约35%的土壤是由93%到63的酸性土壤砂表面地平线(17]。阳离子如钙、magnessiun和钾易淋溶,使铝的毒性和锰。这确实是,最终倾向于高渗透和侵蚀,因此,损失有用的土壤微植物群和动物群。因此,随着经济和社会危害侵蚀造成的网站,一个巨大的损失的生物多样性和生态系统的故障。根据Groombridge等人任何形式的持续的人类活动导致一些修改会影响物种的相对多度,在极端情况下导致某些植物和动物的灭绝18]。上调利率的灭绝是由人类消费的有机资源尤其是热带森林的破坏有关。这将导致增加压力对生物多样性和一些物种可能灭绝。生物多样性损失在尼日利亚的间接原因包括经济政策对森林产品的需求上升,文化习俗,可怜的执法和法律薄弱。文化实践,鼓励使用特定物种的节日往往限制了人口的物种,特别是当它发生在狭窄的生态范围。大部分的法律控制几个物种是过时的管理和实施往往是不够的。此外,低预算分配为林业子部门缩减国家努力重新造林大面积砍伐。的后果是在开发资源和随后的生物多样性的丧失。强调生物多样性的价值,加斯顿和Spicer等人认为,人类的存在离不开生物多样性在我们使用它直接或间接地以多种方式;食物、纤维、药物和生物控制构成了直接使用而间接使用包括生态系统服务,如大气调节、养分循环和授粉。 Of other values include, non-use value of biodiversity like the option value-for future use or nonuse request value – in passing in a resource to future generation existence value -value to people irrespective of use on nonuse intrinsic value – inherent worth, independent of that place upon it by humans. Wilson et al. affirmed that humans are attracted to nature and its living creatures which he described as “biophilia” - man’s innate tendency to affiliate with life and life-like processes [19]。根据Melyntyre等人生物多样性增加城市的绿色空间,和Oberndorfer等人先进的绿色屋顶减少流失,规范建筑温度,从而保护新兴和野生动物栖息地面积增加20.,21]。然而,许多这些用途的生物多样性不纳入经济账户,这导致under-value生物多样性。根据经济评估千禧年(2005)生态系统服务和资源如矿产、土壤养分和化石燃料是资本资产,但传统的国民经济核算不包括这些资源损耗的措施。然而,这意味着一个国家可以削减森林和渔业耗尽,这将只显示一个积极增加国民生产总值下降没有登记相应的资产。尼尔森等人在他们分析城市化对生物多样性的影响,提出城市化或建筑环境的高度改变景观和快速humancaused改变当地生态系统被接受为生物多样性变化的主要因素(22]。生物多样性变化的最大的司机由于栖息地的丧失,导致灭绝可能被视为土地利用和土地覆盖变化(23,24]。野生或农业用地的转换城市or-sub-urban使用膨胀率约增加城市人口的两倍。巴诺维斯基等人发现40%的稀土农用土地被转换的扩张城市及其卫星定居点,以及配套基础设施的建设会导致分裂,因此退化生态系统(25- - - - - -28]。支持气候变化作为城市化对生物多样性的影响,严重的排放气体包括二氧化碳,甲烷,一氧化二氮,对流层臭氧和氯氟化碳及其对大气的影响被认为是气候变化的主要原因(29日]。联合国环境计划署(2011)指出,全球自然资源材料的使用在1992年和2005年之间增加了40%从42近60000吨在人均基础上,提取和有主要增加近80%的建筑材料。城市环境的设计也有助于私人车辆,其中大多数是由燃烧化石燃料导致进一步建筑环境相关的温室气体排放(30.,31日]。Rocksform等人宣称,氮沉降主要是有关工业固定氮的肥料。这导致了一倍的过程,使氮生物可用。查宾等人都认为酸雨造成的某些气体溶解在大气水形成严重的负面变化水生系统(24]。流域的主要生态变化,河口和沿海骨头发生由于径流养分的农业和城市地区,部分由于城市环境主要由不透水表面,如道路、人行道和建筑物。Niemela等人认为,城市环境的本质和人类之间的运动倾向于增加物种的特定地方的流行,因此入侵物种的存在在当地的生态系统32]。还Nielon等人发现,在世界的许多地方,城市公园是由大约一半的外来物种(22]。的能量和物质用于物种也会增加对核心城市垃圾和建筑的供暖和一些“城市剥削者”物种如鸽子、老鼠,老鼠、麻雀。他们在这些条件下,与本地物种竞争(14]。然而,最大的评估人类对地球生态系统的影响来自千禧生态系统评估,确定栖息地变化、气候变化、物种入侵、剥削和污染的主要驱动因素导致生物多样性的丧失(MEA, 2005)。因此人类对地球上每一个栖息地产生影响主要是由于农业用地的转换。培养系统(至少30%的地区农田景观,种植转移,限制畜牧业生产或淡水水产养殖)现在已经覆盖了地球表面的领土的四分之一。栖息地的丧失也会发生在沿海和海洋系统中,尽管这些变化不太良好的文档记录。海底拖网的例如可以显著降低底栖生物栖息地的多样性。最近观察到的气候变化特别是地区气温已经对生物多样性和生态系统有着重要的影响。它们包括物种分布的变化,人口规模,生产或缓解的时间事件和增加害虫和疾病暴发的频率。侵入性外来物种的传播有所增加,因为增加贸易和旅行。而越来越有措施来控制一些外来物种入侵的途径,例如,通过检疫措施和新规则在船舶压载水的处理有几个途径不充分的监管,特别是关于引入淡水系统。 For marine systems, the dominant direct driver of change globally has been overfishing. Demand for fish as food for people and as feed for aquaculture production is increasing, resulting in increased risk of major long-lasting collapses of regional marine fisheries. MEA (2005) observed that 50% of the world’s commercial marine fisheries are fully exploited and 25% are being over exploited. For example, the Atlantic cod stocks, off the east coast of New found land collapsed in 1992, forcing the closure of the fishery. The depleted stock may not recover, even if harvesting is significantly reduced or eliminated. For more than five decades now, human mediated increases in nitrogen, phosphrous, sulphur and other nutrients has emerged as one of the most important drivers of ecosystem change in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal ecosystems, and this driver is projected to increase substantially in the future. For example, humans now produce more biologically available nitrogen than is produced by all the natural pathways combined. Aerial deposition of reactive nitrogen into natural terrestrial ecosystems especially temperate grasslands, shrub lands and forests leads directly to lower plant diversity, excessive levels of reactive nitrogen in water bodies including rivers and other wetlands, frequently leading to algal blooms and eutrophication in inland waters and coastal areas. Similar problem has resulted from phosphorus, the use of which has trippled between 1960 and 1990. Proffering measures to ameliorate the urbanization pressures on the environment, Okosun et al. advanced the adoption of Geographic information system as a technique towards bring ing about proper and orderly planning and development [6]。这可能是实现通过总体规划面积,建筑控制,交通和运输计划,以及基础设施建设和管理。总体规划需要确定使用的土地使用分区计划中每个地块的开发区域,道路网结构计划,指导开发区敷设主干基础设施,和发展控制规定,确定开发区的建筑形式。增长管理一直是先进的平衡城市发展所带来的好处和成本对环境和生活质量增长管理需要使用的开发方法将边缘社区转变为一个郊区,一些地区的和环境保护为目标,使发展困难,保持变化降到最低(33,34]。增长管理立法要求各级政府身份高的土地自然资源、经济和环境价值和保护他们,从发展。中心智能机构(2013)观察到,世界银行城市战略的缓解城市化对生物多样性的影响,强调系统和城市治理,使可持续城市发展的机会。因此,绿色城市的计划,包括低碳,气候弹性增长,访问必要的融资,提高固体废物管理系统,解决污染和宜居性的挑战。也有一个包容的城市,包括改善获得土地,保障性住房,就业和基本服务,经济机会,扩大努力升级贫民窟,加强社区参与和城市贫困以及社会包容靠拢。也包括在这个计划是有弹性的城市包括加强城市住宅,他们的应对能力和更好的气候和灾害风险管理、经济冲击和社会冲突。竞争激烈的城市吸引投资和就业机会通过提高土地市场,由连接和各级监管创造一种有利于企业发展的环境,和更好的利用土地和房地产资产。此外,强劲的城市系统和治理也牵涉其中,但这需要加强土地和住房市场,加强市政财务和服务交付和增加的能力进行综合领土发展政策和土地利用规划。然而,年生态系统评估报告(2005年),大纲,可以采取某些措施减少生物多样性的丧失。它们包括; species protection and recovery measures for threatened species, public awareness, communication and education, Ex-situ and in-situ conservation of genetic diversity, elimination of subsidies that promote excessive use of ecosystem services, addressing unsustainable consumption patterns, integration of生物多样性保护和发展规划,提高透明度和增强问责制政府和私营部门在决策影响生态系统的性能包括通过更多有关的利益相关方参与决策、以及提供科学发现和数据需要所有的社会。此外,Iyi等人说政府间有图案的方法,相互依存和讨价还价的行为中有关联邦、州和地方官员(35]。



埃努古大都市,研究区位于纬度之间6°27 n和7°28 n和经度8019°30 e和e。城市土地面积约72.8平方公里的农村环境覆盖额外的面积约200平方米。研究区由三个地方政府区域即埃努古北部,东部和南部埃努古埃努古。有界在朝鲜Isi-Uzo地方政府区南Nkanu西部地方政府区,东Nkanu东部地方政府区和西Udi地方政府区。大都市位于海拔232.6米的高度存在与自然沙丘在南部和起伏的山麓平原形成Udi悬崖在北方。它扩大到Ebonyi上游平原。大都市几乎一个起伏的地形,这占了其良好的自然排水。它的年降雨量1247.8毫米的降雨主要是4月至10月期间,在7月的高峰。每年的温度约为30.80°C和季节内变化通常是不到10°C。相对湿度在40 - 80%之间波动。 The prevailing winds are the local monsoons; the North East trade wind and the south West Trade Wind. The North East Trade Wind blows from across Sahara desert, with dry and dusty air over the area, hence, resulting in dry season characterized by dusty harmattan weather, this season usually lasts from November to March. The South West Trade Wind blows from across the Atlantic ocean, bringing about the raining season. The metropolis has a type of soil that is predominantly reddish brown in colour, with the underlying rock having a high load bearing capacity. This makes the soil suitable for intense building construction. The soil also supports moderate agricultural activities. Enugu is embedded in the Guinea savannah belt, which is the broadest vegetation belt in Nigeria. It spans between Zaria and Enugu State, encompassing the entire middle belt. Here the natural vegetation is primarily of tall, medium and short grasses. Most of the trees found here are deciduous, and this minimizes the loss of moisture through transpiration. Among the common tree-species found here are in most cases less than six metres high and they include isoberlina, sheer butter, locust beans, oil been etc. Enugu started as a photo-urban settlement near the mines, following the discovery of coal in the Udi hill around 1909. Iva Valley and Ogbete areas which were the first areas to develop functioned primarily as coal miners residences. These areas became the oldest parts of the metropolis; including the European reservation Area known as the Government Reserved Area (GRA) and the African settlement located South of the escarpment. The GRA and African settlement were separated by a neutral zone of about 6.1 kilometres wide. With the discovery of deep sea harbor in Port-Harcourt, construction of Enugu-Port-Harcourt rail line commenced in Enugu in 1914. The first freight of coal was transporter from Enugu to Port-Harcourt in 1916. In 1917, Enugu attained township status and was then referred to as Enugu Ngwo. As a result of rapid expansion towards areas owned by mixed indigenous communities rather than towards Ngwo highlands, it was renamed Enugu in 1928. By 1939 Enugu has become the headquarters of the then southern province. It became a regional capital and the important administrative centre in the then Eastern Region with the creation of the three regions in Nigeria in 1961. Presently, it is the capital of Enugu state of Nigeria. The neutral zone in the metropolis now tend to be the central business district (CBD) as well as harbor government offices and establishments as the area develop. The Southern portion of the GRA was invaded by establishments of foreign commercial firms. A daily market (Ogbete) was founded in the Northern portion of the African location and has become a force of African retail and other commercial activities. The population of Enugu metropolis has been on the increase in the last few decades, as a result of rapid urbanization and subsequent influx of people. In 1953 the population was 63000. This rose to 482,977 in 1991 and by 2006, the population was put at 722, 664 (NPC, 2006).


这项研究是基于调查研究方法进行。大都市是分为neigbourhoods,分为高、中、低密度区域。从这些地区收集的样本随机通过横截面的大都市。问卷主要用于数据的收集。直接接触的方法雷竞技网页版达到受访者使用。问卷主要用于封闭形式的选择提供了可能的开放问题的答案。无终止的问题,然而,同样使用,提供参与者有机会展示他们的背景或临时在这些条件下基于他们的答案。一千五百份调查问卷分发给受访者。一千四百二十六的数量分布被退还。六个问卷填写不当引起信息用于分析。 Hence, information from one thousand four hundred and twenty copies of the questionnaire were used in the analysis. Descriptive statistics involving frequency distribution and percentage were used to analyze the data collected through the questionnaires. The data were first shown in tables and followed with interpretations (Comments) in relation to the aim and objectives of the study.




S /不 选项 强烈同意 同意 不同意 强烈不同意
1 自然增长 720例(50.7%) 672例(47.3%) 22 (1.5%) 6 (.4%)
2 乡-城迁移 948例(66.8%) 468例(33%) 4(价格下跌0) 0 (0%)
3 更好的服务和更大的可用性 684例(48.2%) 633例(44.9%) 64例(4.5%) 34 (2.4%)
4 更高的工资和更好的就业机会 716例(50.7%) 608例(42.8%) 76例(5.4%) 20 (1.4%)
5 各种文化和社会的机会 202例(14.2%) 201例(14.8%) 406例(28.6%) 602例(42.4%)
6 飞行不受歧视和社会歧视 211例(14.9%) 304例(21.4%) 604例(42.5%) 301例(21.2%)
7 位移的冲突、环境灾难等。 702例(49.7%) 609例(42.9%) 102例(7.2%) 7 (.5%)
8 调整农村成小城市定居 502例(35.4%) 416例(29.3%) 301例(21.2%) 201例(14.2%)

表1上面显示了受访者的反应在研究地区的快速城市化的原因。1420受访者回答说,720年,占整个的50.7%受访者强烈认为自然增长的研究地区的快速城市化的原因;672人(47.3%)同意这一点。22(1.5%)不同意,6(.4%)强烈反对。948名受访者(66.8%)强烈认为城乡迁移是在该地区快速城市化的主要因素。468名受访者(33%)表示同意。而4受访者(价格下跌0)不同意。非(0%)强烈反对。716名受访者(50.4%)强烈认为高工资和更好的就业机会是快速城市化的主要原因。608名受访者(42.8%)同意但76受访者(5.4%)不同意,20个受访者(1.7%)表示强烈反对。 684 respondents (48.2%) were strongly of the view that better and greater availability of services tend to bring about rapid urbanization in the area.. 638 respondents (44.9%) agreed with them. 64 respondents (4.5%) disagreed to this view and 34 respondents (2.4%) strongly disagreed. 202 respondents (14.2%) strongly agreed that varieties of cultural and social opportunities may offer reasons for rapid urbanization here, 2010 respondents (4.8%) agreed with them. While 406 respondents (28.6%) disagreed with this view, 602 respondents (42.4%) strongly disagreed. As it concerns flight from discrimination and social stigma, 211 respondents (14.9%) strongly agreed, 304 respondents (21.4%) agreed, 604 respondents (42.5% disagreed and 301 respondents (21.2%) strongly disagreed. 702 respondents (49.4%) strongly agreed that displacement by conflict, environmental disasters and the likes are capable of causing rapid urbanization in the area. 609 respondents (42.9%) agreed with them. 102 respondents (7.2%) disagreed and 7 respondents (.5%) strongly disagreed. 502 respondents (35.4%) were strongly of the opinion that reclassification of rural villages into small urban settlements causes rapid urbanization 416 respondents (29.3%) agreed to this opinion 301 respondents (21.4%) disagreed and 201 respondents (14.2%) strongly disagreed. In Table 2 the problems associated with urbanization in the area as responded to by the respondents are presented.

表2研究表明受访者的反应区域什么是城市化的问题。整个1420年692名受访者(48%)受访者强烈重申528年城市化人口压力问题被调查者(37.2%)同意,和109年的受访者(7.7%)不同意,而101名受访者(7.1%)强烈反对。661名受访者(46.5%)强烈认为污染构成了城市化的问题。503名受访者(53.4%)表示同意。204受访者(14.4%)不同意和101受访者(7.1%)强烈反对。744名受访者强烈。包含的视图森林砍伐城市化是一个问题。662名受访者(46.6%)表示同意。14个受访者(1%)不同意和强烈反对。626名受访者(44.1%)认为气候变化是一个城市化的问题。542名受访者(38.2%)表示同意。241名受访者(17%)不同意,和11个受访者(.8%)强烈反对。608名受访者(42.8%)强烈认为土壤侵蚀特性作为城市化的问题。542名受访者(38.2%)表示同意。241名受访者(17%)不同意和11个受访者(8%)强烈反对。考虑贫穷执法和城市化的经济政策问题,28个受访者(2%)表示完全赞同。 102 respondents (7.2%) agreed. 587 respondents (41.3%) disagreed and 703 respondents (49.5%) strongly disagreed. 786 respondents (55.4%) strongly agreed that loss of habitat is a problem in urbanization. 624 respondents (43.9%) agreed. While 10 respondents (.7%) disagreed and none of the respondents strongly disagreed.


S /不 选项 强烈同意 同意 不同意 强烈不同意
1 人口压力 682例(48%) 528例(37.2%) 109例(7.1%) 101例(7.1%)
2 污染 661例(46.5%) 503例(35.4%) 204例(14.4%) 52 (3.7%)
3 森林砍伐 744例(52.4%) 662例(46.6%) 14 (1%) 0 (0%)
4 气候变化 626例(44.1%) 542例(38.2%) 241例(17%) 11 (.8%)
5 土壤侵蚀 608例(42.1%) 542例(38.2%) 241例(17%) 11 (8%)
6 可怜的执法/经济
28 (2%) 102例(7.2%) 587例(41.3%) 703例(49.5%)
7 栖息地的丧失 786例(55.4%) 624例(43.9%) 10 (.7%) 0 (0%)

表3显示了受访者对研究地区城市化对生物多样性的影响。表3显示了受访者的反应,因为他们担心或城市化对生物多样性的影响研究区。741的1420全部受访者(52.4%)强烈同意,栖息地的丧失是一个城市化对生物多样性的影响,572年(40.3%)同意,虽然104受访者(7.3%)不同意和强烈反对。422名受访者(43.8%)强烈认为引入外来物种构成一个城市化对生物多样性的影响,638人(44.9%)同意,86名受访者96.1%)不同意和74 v(5.2%)强烈反对。604(42.5)受访者强烈认为在开发资源是研究地区城市化对生物多样性的影响。638人(44.9%)受访者同意,108(7.6%)强烈反对和22(1.6%)受访者强烈反对。问题上的形式分布的变化是受城市化的影响,521年(36.7%)受访者强烈同意,484年(34.1%)同意,306(21.5%)不同意,109年(7.7%)受访者强烈反对。566人(39.9%)的受访者强烈认为城市化影响物种在该地区的人口变化,482年933.9%)同意,306年(21.5%)不同意,109(7.7%)强烈反对。408(28.75)受访者强烈认为疾病暴发是一个城市化对生物多样性的影响,421年(29.6%)的受访者同意,329(23.2%)的被调查者不同意,262(18.5%)的受访者强烈反对。考虑改变在生殖周期作为城市化对生物多样性的影响,493年(35.1%)受访者强烈同意,472年(33.2%)同意,321(22.6%)不同意,129(9.1%)受访者强烈反对。 682 (48%) of the agreed that degradation of habitat is one of the urbanization effects on biodiversity, 611 (43%) agreed to that, 116 (7.3%) disagreed and 11 (0.7%) of the respondents strongly disagreed. On the issue of extinction of species as one of the effects of urbanization on biodiversity. 764 (53.9%) respondents strongly agreed that it is one of the effects, 622 (43.8%) agreed equally to that, 21 (1.6%) disagreed and 11(0.7%) strongly disagreed. Identifying the causes of urbanization, majority of the respondents in Table 1 either strongly agreed or agreed that natural growth is a cause to urbanization in the area. 720 respondents out of 1420 total respondents strongly agreed while 672 representing 47.3% of the total respondents agreed to it. Hence, 1392 respondents representing 98% of the total respondents were in agreement. 99.8% of the entire respondents either strongly agreed or agreed that ruralurban migration is a cause of urbanization. 93.1% of the respondents either strongly agreed or agreed that better and greater availability of services constitute a cause of rapid urbanization. 93.2% of the respondents were in affirmative as to higher wages and better employment opportunities causing rapid urbanization. 92% of the respondents stood for displacement by conflict and environmental disaster causing rapid urbanization in the area. Also majority of 64.7% were of the opinion that reclassification of rural villages into smaller urban settlements constitute a cause of rapid urbanization in the area. However, most respondents (64.7%) rejected flight from discrimination and social stigma as a cause of rapid urbanization in the area. In Table 2 most of the respondents affirm that population pressure (85.2%), pollution (81.9%), deforestation (99%) climate change (82.3%), soil erosion (81%) and habitat loss (99.3%) are problems of urbanization in the area. On the other hand, majority of the respondents agreed that poor low enforcement is not a problem of urbanization here. Most of the respondents in Table 3 agreed that all the options here constitute effects of urbanization on biodiversity in the area. Loss of habitat (2.7%), introduction of evasive species (88.7%), over exploitation of resources (90.8%) changes in species distribution (70.1%), population changes of species (73.8%), disease outbreak 958.2%), alteration in reproduction cycle (68.3%), degradation of habitat (91%) extinction of species (97.7%).


S /不 选项 强烈同意 同意 不同意 强烈不同意
1 栖息地的丧失 741例(52.4%) 572例(40.3%) 104例(7.3%) 0 (0%)
2 引进外来物种 622例(43.8%) 638例(44.9%) 86例(6.1%) 74年95.2%)
3 资源的过度开发 604例(42.5%) 686例(48.3%) 108例(7.6%) 22 (1.6%)
4 物种分布的变化 521例(36.7%) 484例(34.1%) 306例(21.5%) 109例(7.7%)
5 人口变化的物种 566例(39.9%) 482例(33.9%) 308例(32.7%) 64例(4.5%)
6 疾病暴发 408例(28.7%) 421例(29.6%) 329例(23.2%) 262例(18.5%)
7 在物种繁殖周期交替 498例(35.1%) 472例(33.2%) 321例(22.6%) 129例(9.1%)
8 栖息地的退化 682例(48%) 611例(43%) 116例(7.3%) 11 (.7%)
9 灭绝的物种 766例(53.9%) 622例(43.8%) 21 (1.6%) 11 (.7%)


埃努古大都市,人口最密集的地区正经历着城市化进程,正在等因素带来的自然增长,农村向城市的人口迁移,更高的工资,更好的就业机会,更大的社会服务和可用性等。随着国家尼日利亚从1970年代初进入石油繁荣时代和经济发达,很多收入开始从石油行业积累。这些收入主要用于城市地区的国家。许多尼日利亚人可以更多的获取资金与之前不同的是,人们开始生活轻浮。因此,改善生活和卫生设施,有一个尼日利亚的人口迅速增加。1963年全国只有不到5600万人在1990年代人口超过1亿(1963年人大,1991)。同时因为巨大的收入积累从石油和机遇创造了在城市地区,许多人特别是年轻人以前从事农业活动在农村地区漂流到城市寻找白色的运煤船工作。这一趋势急剧增长的城市人口增长在尼日利亚。根据1991年的人口普查,中国42%的人口生活在城市地区,与1931年的7%,1952年10%,1984年19%,1963年33%埃努古大都市没有一个例外。大都市的人口一直在增加在过去几十年里由于快速城市化和随后涌入的人们。 In 1953 the population was 63,000. This rose to 482,977 in 1991 and by 2006, the population was put at 722,664 (NPC, 2006). As a result of the increase in population various environmental problems started to emanate. These problems include deforestation, climate change, pollution, erosion as well as habitat loss among others. As a result of population pressure within the metropolis, there is equally unprecedented pressure on the available housing units in the area. Hence, rental values of residential housing units are increasing and many low classed residents are moving out of the core city to the suburbs like Ugbo Odogwu, Ugbo Alfred etc. they resort to erecting shanties here and in most cases at the peripheries of the city where they virtually pay little to nothing for land acquisition, as most of these shanties are erected along undulating hilly areas. The consequences of this development are that top cover of the soil is doing removed while erecting these shanties, and natural habitat destroyed. Hence there is easy, run-off from these hilly developed areas down to the city brining about flooding and erosion. Furthermore, under undisturbed vegetation, plants around the metropolis generate a lot of oxygen needed by residents of the metropolis, and absorb excess carbon dioxide given out in the area. This brings a balance in temperature in the metropolis. But as the vegetative parts of these hilly areas are cleared, the excess carbon dioxide generated in the core city finds it difficult to be reabsorbed and no additional source of oxygen comes into the area. Hence, there is imbalance in temperature which tends to contribute a great deal to the warming of the environment within the metropolis. Emodi re-affirmed that plants are the lungs of the metropolis” the idea being that excess carbon dioxide produced in urban areas would be absorbed by the photosynthetic process of plants and oxygen given off. This is a contribution to purification of the air. According to him, the green surfaces mitigate the loss desirable aspects of the urban areas. Within their confines and beyond, they reduce the stress produced by heart; decrease the noise levels and filter out certain pollutants. Gaston and Spicer et al. asserted that the reasons of studying biodiversity in urban areas are many, that humans cannot exist without biodiversity as we use it directly or indirectly in a number of ways [19]。包括食品、药用目的,纤维生物防治、生态系统服务、养分循环和喜欢因此城市化严重,这些角色在环境干扰和破坏生物多样性。这导致了栖息地的丧失,环境恶化、引入外来物种研究区域。Niemela等人发现,城市环境的性质和它们之间的人类运动往往会增加物种外来的流行到特定的地方,因此入侵在原生生态系统的存在32]。尼尔森等人指出,在世界的许多地方城市公园是由大约一半的外来物种(22]。大量的自然环境已经侵犯由于城市发展的大都市。很多人喜欢埃努古国际机场和各种工业项目在大都市带来了腐烂的植物和动物的灭绝。森林砍伐是本质上喜欢作为原始雨林众多物种生物多样性的丧失宝贵的动植物。一些动物在灭绝,包括濒危或受威胁的区域,狮子,老虎,大象,大猩猩和黑猩猩。植物等包括;柿子离开,非洲胡桃木、非洲轻木,Iroke非洲肉豆蔻等。在许多人类活动,导致生物多样性的丧失,城市化产生了一些最伟大的当地物种灭绝率和频繁地消除了大部分的本地物种36]。

















