作者是一个类风湿性关节炎病人卧床不起13年前,甲氨蝶呤、免疫抑制剂和类固醇。12年前,当她的疼痛水平无法忍受,她注射类固醇注射的指关节,她的手腕,她的手肘之一在60 - 90分钟,这使她通过与痛苦。当时,她anti-CCP是1116,甲状腺抗体,确认桥本,323年,她的RA因素是超过100,她的炎症标记物,ESR和c反应蛋白是非常高的。但是她的畸形与药物和痛苦水平无法忍受她。她今天站在这里,12年后,微不足道的疼痛和设法逮捕她的一些畸形。她的营养计划是营养身体营养和情感的结合,她2007年10月开始这个计划后,与特定的食物和补品,养生瑜伽呼吸法和冥想。2008年2月,她的报告上面列出的炎症标记物和身体都是负面。类风湿性关节炎,如按医学其他自身免疫性疾病是无法治愈的。通常,病人进入缓解期为一年,然而,在缓解持续了11年与更高质量的生活对我来说是一个启示。她决定测试这个与他人痛苦的喜欢她。 She became a certified nutritional therapist, cancer nutrition coach and WHO certified in malnutrition for infants and children and began treating patients across 22 countries struggling with pain. She put her own journey in her book and online and autoimmune patients in pain emailed me. The methodology was simple: she would request for blood tests, stage of disease, medicines they were on, daily food routine, age, gender. She was pleasantly surprised that each and every patient that followed as prescribed, ended up with the same results as she had achieved with herself. Clinically, blood reports started coming back into normal range, energy levels increased, pain levels decreased, and overall quality of life drastically improved from what it had been with medications. She did not use all anti-inflammatory foods and nutrients for rheumatoid arthritis patients. The list is extremely specific and rebuilds immune system and gut, so pain levels are reduced. 11 years and hundreds of patients later, she still stands, pain free, with high energy and a good quality of life only because of the power of physical and emotional nutrition in her autoimmune condition.