

Vandini沙玛1,普拉卡什Mathpal2,名叫Akanksha Kaushik2
  1. 打开学生,部门计算机科学工程ITM大学Sector-23A,古尔加翁,印度
  2. 应用科学工程系助理教授,ITM大学Sector-23A,古尔加翁、印度





车牌自动识别(门禁),光学字符识别(OCR), Sobel边缘,模板匹配,道路运输办公室(RTO)。


门禁使用图像处理软件来检查车辆的图像,提取车牌号码。的主要好处是识别车牌图像,可以实时静态图像或图像。最困难的工作就是身份的车牌图像。门禁的基本步骤是车牌提取、牌照字符分割、车牌字符识别。车牌提取非常重要的一步,因为它直接影响到进一步的水平。它是用来定位车牌。输入将包含车辆和车牌图像。图像采集和光学字符识别应用于检测输入图像的车牌。字符分割是车牌的字符使用区段。输入将车牌提取的输出。 Sobel Edge is used to separate the characters from extracted license plate. Character recognition is used to recognize the characters from each segmented characters. Template Matching is used to test the characters with Templates.


有很多技术已经开发出的车牌提取。车牌的形状是长方形的。边缘检测方法用于定位一个图像的矩形[4][5]。这是非常简单和快速的技术。形态[9][10][11]用于从原始图像中提取车牌。它有助于从车牌删除不必要的一小部分。[7]中提出的混合方法是统计和形态学相结合的优势。找到车牌的准确性为99.6%。在[6]霍夫变换用于查找一个图像的直线。直线定位车牌。 It is boundary based extraction. It requires lot of computational time. To reduce the computational time Contour transform [16] is used with Hough transform. Sobel filters [4] [6] are used to find the edges due to the color change between license plate and car body. In [15] Horizontal and Vertical Projection is use for segmentation. Vertical Projection determines the starting and ending location of characters and then Horizontal Projection is applied to segment the characters. Images are made up of pixels. Pixels are connected in the binary license plate. Then it is analyzed and similar sizes are considered as candidates for license plate region [14]. In [13] Adaptive binarization is used to convert the intensity from evening to noon. In [17] fixed background color is used and it reduces the edge points and removes the fake regions. In [8] Optical Character Recognition is technique in image processing. It is used to classify/ scan alphanumeric text into computer – readable text to recognize the license plate. It requires preprocessing stage to remove the boundaries which helps in recognizing the characters. It process information more quickly, accurately and efficiently and also minimizes the errors. Template Matching [12] is used to test the characters with templates which are designed. It is useful for recognizing fixed size characters and non-broken. It finds small blocks of an image and match with template image. Template design is vital part of template matching. Template design must match templates to it corresponding image also have some amount of mismatch to other templates.






该方法测试图像的最大大小603 * 399。图片来自网络。图片是随机加载MATLAB。车牌的颜色是黄色的,如图2所示(一个)。图像的关键RGB指数的基础上,如图2所示(b),在图2 (c)预处理是为了找到图像面积及其属性的道具。协调方法是用来发现的最大区域车牌所在的基础上像素值,如图2所示(d),也纠正了车牌的位置。车牌的洞和破碎的部分是由使用形态。过滤器是用于去除噪声。这使得车牌平滑如图2所示(e)。然后反演图像阈值的基础上完成的。板上的字符数的颜色变成白色,背景颜色变成黑色,如图2所示(f)。这种技术有助于细分阶段。 For character segmentation Sobel edge detection is used. It detects the blocks that contain the characters. Block is separated on the basis of pixel change. When pixel changes from white to black in extracted image then required block is found. When pixel changes from black to white pixel then again new block is found. To recognize the characters from segmented characters is done by using technique known as template matching. It is used to test the characters with templates which are designed as shown in fig. 2 (g). When characters are recognized it is cross matched with the database. If vehicle number is not registered then message is send to the administrator through Electronic mail as shown in fig. 2 (h).






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