抗体是普遍福祉的一项伟大成就,COVID-19免疫接种的改善被描述为2020年最合理的进展。目前可以获得一些COVID-19免疫接种的第三阶段充分性信息,其中一些(但不是全部)备案疾病减少超过90%,安全性良好。快速派遣试图迅速到达在这种情况下可以预期的任何数量的人,需要高机会和高开放性的集会。理想情况下,COVID-19抗体可能通过减少免疫人群中的污染危险来挽救生命。其他被提出的优势可能包括瘟疫浪潮的缓解——甚至可能通过群体不敏感来结束它们。冠状病毒抗体可能有助于在私人和文化层面上恢复生活的不同部分。普通运动受到不同的非药物措施的影响,这些措施试图减少感染的传播,例如取消代祷和避免接触。在任何情况下,促进这些行动和免疫后行为的改变是否会通过扩大疾病危害而消除接种的优势?这种机会对于更广泛的危险报酬概念(也称为危险报酬或危险稳态)至关重要。根据这个想法,获得预防性中介的人可能会建立他们的危险行为,愿意处理更高的危险敞口,因为他们已经获得了保险。 On account of COVID-19 inoculation, this would imply that immunized people might begin meeting with more individuals and open themselves to circumstances of higher contamination hazard. They may likewise be more able to meet individuals at high danger of genuine results upon contamination. For individuals who are to a great extent reliant upon guardians for their decisions, e.g., nursing home occupants, parental figures may deliberately or unknowingly put these reliant individuals at higher danger, consoled from the assurance of immunization. Hazard remuneration is a discussed hypothesis and a few scientists contend that exact information has not maintained it as a significant danger in the genuine world. The discussion has encircled regions as various as the utilization of safety belts and caps for driving, pre-openness prophylaxis and circumcision to forestall HIV contamination, and HPV immunization to forestall cervical cancer. For COVID-19, the idea of hazard remuneration was at that point bantered on account of face coverings the prevailing perspective has been that face covers don't increment unsafe conduct, and may even give signs to lessen hazardous openness. Notwithstanding, conduct change can be intricate and should be painstakingly checked to boost benefits. Various conditions might prompt distinctive outcomes. Here, I present a basic demonstrating way to deal with attempt to see what chance remuneration might possibly mean for the general advantage of immunizations for COVID-The model can be summed up to different circumstances of various preventive measures with hazard remuneration. Nonetheless, explicit qualities unconventional to COVID-19, its transmission, spread, and openness settings make the COVID-19 application especially intriguing. The model thinks about the danger of death, as the most extreme result of COVID-19 contamination, however comparative contemplations can be made additionally for different results that matter (e.g., serious illness, need for hospitalization, or need for admission to the ICU) or in any event, for straightforward disease. Immunization viability might shift for various results and hazard pay may hence have various undertones for them. The model additionally thinks about two fundamental segments of hazard: the danger to the file individual being immunized and the danger forced to others by the record individual. Both of these parts of hazard might change as conduct changes postimmunization. Conduct might change on account of individual decision or potentially because of changes in commands by general wellbeing and different specialists that might adjust their position as more individuals get inoculated