ISSN: 2319 - 9865
碳酸钙还可以用于名单上没有的东西。农业石灰的活性成分是碳酸钙,后者是钙结合形成二氧化碳[1]。用于涂料、碳酸钙是从石灰岩中提取和加工细粉。沉淀碳酸钙与更小的粒度分布也可用,使它更适合高度光滑/高光泽的组成部分。在环境影响方面,人们普遍认为,虽然不完全是可再生,褐铁矿资源众多。在典型情况下,碳酸钙是六角形的热力学稳定形式碳酸钙(方解石矿物)[2]。碳酸钙是一种药物用于预防或治疗低血钙水平的人通过他们的饮食不摄入足够的钙。它可能用于治疗骨质疏松(骨质疏松症),骨质疏松骨软化症/佝偻病,降低甲状旁腺功能(hypoparathyroidism),和一个特定的肌肉疾病引起的低钙水平(潜在的强直)。它也可以。Tums, Tums耐嚼的喜悦,Tums额外Tums新生Tums孩子Tums定期Tums冰沙和Tums超或儿童Pepto是一些品牌的碳酸钙。 The chemical compound calcium carbonate has the formula CaCO3. It is the principal component of eggshells, snail shells, seashells, and pearls and is found in rocks as the minerals calcite and aragonite (most famously as limestone, which is a form of sedimentary rock consisting primarily of calcite). The structure of vaterite is still a mystery [3]. Eggs hells, snail shells, and the majority of seashells are mostly calcium carbonate and can be exploited as industrial calcium carbonate sources. Oyster shells have recently gained popularity as a dietary calcium source, but they are also a suitable industrial source. Dark green veggies like broccoli and kale have a lot of calcium carbonate in them, but they're not very good for you. The impact calcium has on weight control is to some degree conflicting also. A few investigations have shown a relationship between higher calcium admissions and lower body weight. A few investigations even show that consumes less calories wealthy in low-fat calcium (when all out calories are limited) may diminish the danger of heftiness and increment weight reduction in stout individuals. In case you are thinking about adding more dairy to your eating routine, remember that entire fat dairy can be wealthy in calories and soaked fat. Adding more dairy without cutting calories could cause weight acquire.