e-ISSN:2320-1215 p-ISSN: 2322-0112
Sowjanya Ambadipudi*
为妇女犯罪当事人服务的药物治疗方案利用恢复性调解的范围来解决药物使用和罪责。通过区分药物客户的亚群体,治疗项目通常会识别出哪些人犯下了基本的违法行为,以帮助他们的药物使用,以及哪些人区分犯罪行为,而不是镇静使用,作为他们的基本治疗问题。晚期对妇女犯罪当事人项目的背景分析和概述(Prendergast, Wellisch和Falkin, 1995)记录了各种行政管理和调解。尽管如此,他们还没有从内到外地专注于治疗方法。本文从民族志的角度,探讨如何处理女性罪犯的毒品治疗问题。在此之前,大多数治疗基本上倾向于非法药物使用,但没有满足女性治疗需求的范围。尽管如此,最近更多的项目已经开始解决客户的剥削遭遇,作为一种治疗吸毒和犯罪的方法。逐步地,这些方案将剥削视为妇女用药和犯罪活动支持的一个基本要素,如果不是重点要素的话。此外,还提供了各种各样的指导和支持,以提高女士们对不当处理如何通过吸毒和犯罪引起和传播的注意。这种关于女性必需品的全面观点同样教育了有关行政部门处理运输的方法。 The conveyance of case the board, momentary administrations, nurturing abilities preparing, local area adjustments administrations, and help with family or criminal legal disputes underscores a strong instead of correctional way to deal with social change and medication free recuperation. This paper distinguishes striking issues in the arrangement of drug treatment administrations and different methodologies for tending to women wrongdoers' medication use, crime, furthermore, exploitation encounters. We distinguish and examine topics in current medication free ways to deal with treatment for the examination populace. Models are given from the different examination locales to show these subjects and recognize key issues in the evaluation of the viability of projects giving medication treatment to women guilty parties.
最近,对妇女犯罪当事人的药物治疗管理作出了一些重大改变。环境的变化就像物质的变化一样,此外,对妇女的治疗管理的运输影响了恢复性网络、其他私人项目、门诊项目和调整办公室中妇女犯罪当事人可获得的管理范围(Prendergast等人,1995年;歌手,Bussey, Song, and Lunghofer, 1995)。虽然有一个总体的肯定,对女性犯罪者的药物治疗应该解决各种问题,包括青少年身体和/或性虐待(Forth-Finegan, 1991;纳尔逊-兹卢普科,考夫曼,和多尔,1995;Volpe和Hamilton, 1982 - 1983),在青少年时期看到家里的攻击性行为(Reed, 1985),在吸毒家庭中经历童年(Burton, 1992),在儿童时期有照顾亲属或不同家庭成员的责任(Bepko, 1989;Bepko和Krestan, 1985),此外,成年后遇到了一定范围的残酷(Sterk和Ellifson, 1990;Volpe和Hamilton, 1982-1983),对于女性犯罪当事人的治疗方法的合适关联有多种观点(Falkin et al., 1994)。项目给予倾向于不同类型剥削的明确调解的方式和程度总体上是波动的,这在很大程度上取决于项目如何解释妇女用药与犯罪的关系(Anglin和Hser, 1987;西蒙和兰迪斯,1991; Wexler, Falkin, and Lipton, 1990) and to the social and mental results of exploitation (De Leon and Jainchill, 1982; Hussey and Singer, 1993; Reed, 1985; Task Force on Women, 1989). There are as of now three fundamental ways to deal with drug treatment for women guilty parties: moves toward that fundamentally treat drug use as an approach to forestall backslide and recidivism; moves toward that location drug use and guiltiness as discrete issues; and approaches tending to a scope of injuries that are seen as having set off, confounded, also, extended both medication use and guiltiness. These methodologies have significant ramifications for the arrangement what's more, conveyance of treatment benefits, the task of sanctions inside adjustment based projects and parole what's more, probation frameworks, and the expected requirements of ladies wrongdoers in recuperation.