ISSN在线(2319 - 8753)打印(2347 - 6710)
贾格迪什b Sapkale Shivaji大学助理教授,地理系戈尔,印度马哈拉施特拉邦。 |
相关文章Pubmed,谷歌学者 |
关键字 |
沙丘,退化、采砂、人工干预,SRTM数据,木麻黄种植园。 |
介绍 |
海岸是一个区域,无数的侵蚀和沉积特性,如海滩,沙滩酒吧、沙子吐,沙丘,悬崖,岩石平台,现代陆地和海洋之间的部分。海浪侵蚀和沉积的主要代理在沿海地区。波能量和海岸线currentsare负责开发沿海地区侵蚀和沉积特征。沿海沙丘形成的沉积地形风行动向陆地的海滩上。一般沙丘被植被停止,陷阱沙子[1]。沙丘还支持植物和动物物种。沿海沙丘indicatevariability在其形成的沉积物属性,气候因素、生态因素。沙丘的形成的基本要求是丰富的沉积物的沙子供应和运输风[2]。阿布拉莫维茨说,“沙丘、障壁岛、红树林、沿海湿地自然减震器,防止沿海风暴。自然免费提供这些有价值的服务,我们应该利用它们而不是破坏它们”[3]。阿布拉莫维茨非常敏感的引用文字; Most of the regions along the coasts are under the pressure of increasing population. Unplanned use of available resources leads many serious problems. Degradation of coastal wetlands, mangrove forests, beaches, sand spits, sand dunes have also observed in the coastal areas of Maharashtra.These dunes are protecting the coastal settlements and their agricultural lands from the storm and sea surges. According to the Gomez-Pina [4], the dune systems are the most capable and least expensive defence against shoreline erosion. However, the loss of vegetation that traps and holds sand makes the dunes and beach more vulnerable to wind and water erosion. According to Healy and de Lange [5], degradation of sand dune occurs due to erosion and effectively influenced by wind velocities. Sand moves in another place through long-shore drift, or littoral drift. Human activities also effects on sand dunes with tourism activities, road constructions, cropping-agricultural activities and grazing of animals[4].Now a days increasing pressure of population in coastal areas; increasing demands of housing, recreations, and excavation activities are also resulting for degradation of sand dunes. Land reclamation for road construction and hotel/resort construction are also the major threats to sand dune degradation.Therefore, it has attempted to study the coastal sand dunes in the coastal tracts of Mithmumbari and Kunkeshwar of Devgad, Maharashtra (fig 1). |
材料和方法 |
目前的研究工作与研究沿海沙丘和研究区域的破坏。除此之外,该研究需要一些沙丘网站的轮廓和生成一些配置文件。因此,信息和主要数据已经收集了通过开展现场工作。密集的现场工作和现场测量是研究工作的基础。测量进行了使用经纬仪、电子经纬仪和GPS。测量数据等值线图的基础上研究和资料准备礼物。前进行现场工作和测量、地形图和图像从谷歌地球已被用于识别沿海地区的沙丘。变化检测的沙丘扰动对近年来利用遥感数据进行了分析和谷歌地球图片。概要Mithmumbari和Kunkeshwar duneswere还准备利用SRTM数据和全球映射器软件。 |
结果和讨论 |
沙丘是成堆的沙子在沙滩上漂流。沙丘的形成和海滩不同经常因为他们的动态特性。支持大多数的海滩研究区域高度不均匀的沙丘(fig.2-a)。要求沙丘的形成主要有砂沉积在海滩上,风和植被。因此沙丘植被即Kevada(图2 b)和木麻黄(图2 c)中扮演一个重要的角色降低风速,也减少了运动从沙丘的沙。在初始阶段发展沙丘的面积是最近向海,经常免费从植被向大海。会立即在高潮位与内陆陡峭的脸。植物生长在这些沙丘番薯和小草。这些沙丘是由中部海岸沙丘与灌木和不均匀植被物种。在沙丘后滨区与木麻黄和Kevada种植园更稳定。 Such vegetation holds the sand dunes and supporting for its growth in the areas where there is an abundant supply of sand. Figure 2-c shows the dense vegetation of casuarina at Mithmumbri, from this site newly constructed road dissected the sand dunes for tourism activities, which will be the future threat to this vegetation and sand dunes. The erosionand deposition of the dunes are taking place simultaneously, depends on the type of material and its size and also depends on the climatic conditions. Figure 2-d shows the embryo dune, fore dune and back dune. Diverse particle size of the sand and the processes of dune formation are responsible for showing uneven distribution of dunes here. According to Blott and Pye [6] in 2001,Grain size is the most important property of sediment particles, affecting their entrainment, transport and deposition. The sediment transported beyond the berm line of the beach is composed predominately of fine to medium grained,well-sorted sand; this is due to the aerodynamics of grains of this particular size, i.e. entrainment of sand-size |
粮食需要低剪切应力[7]。壳碎片通常优先感动风,因为它们比石英砂颗粒密度较低;丰富的地方这可能导致壳材料的积累。沙丘形态发展的胚胎(fig.2-d)取决于风速、输沙率和植物密度、分布、高度和封面。高大茂密的物种,如Ammophila arenaria往往产生高丘状沙丘而低,传播植物如番薯倾向于生产低丘状沙丘[8]。Foredunes开发从胚胎沙丘和通常的中间的增长,经常木本植物物种,和更复杂的形态,高度,宽度,年龄和地理位置。通常他们达到高度5 m [9]。Hesplists决定前沙丘形态进化的因素包括:砂供应;植被的程度;风积沙吸积率和侵蚀; and extent of human impact [8]. Dunes are out of the influence of regular waves, they are susceptible to only uncertain storm surges and cyclones. In these conditions embryo dunes can be destroyed and sand easily removed from the seaward edge. Dunes may also be eroded internally by the formation of blowouts. Blowouts are large depressions that develop as sand is eroded from the windward slope [8, 10]. In view of this, it is necessary to minimise the natural and man-made erosion of dunes.In the coastal tracts of Maharashtra mudflat, salt marshes, coastal rice farms, kharland etc. are protected by sand spits, sand dunes and sand bars [11, 12]. |
配置文件 |
图没有。3和4是Mithmumbri的概要文件和Kunkeshwar沙丘从北到南的方向沿着海岸线[13]。Mithmumbri的形象——(北-南directions-dissection沿着沙丘)显示5 - 6萧条和6 - 7成堆,平均7 - 8米的高度。这个概要文件在这个网站的西部;这沙丘延伸长度1500 - 1550米。沙丘是更多的提升和稳定北部由于木麻黄种植园。某个地方,高度范围12 - 13米。在南部部分萧条发生由于采砂和挖掘一些活动(图双电子)。 |
因此,Kunkeshwar沙丘的延伸长度850 - 900米。向北西部沙丘范围从2 - 4米的高度完美剪裁的增加高度向南东部12米。图4显示了一个小沙丘侵蚀的潮汐Kunkeshwar的入口。在这个网站在潮汐入口道路与桥梁的构造,通过成熟的稳定沙丘,沙丘的活动产生的退化。南面沙丘代表旧的和稳定的沙丘。沙丘后面的这个网站,新度假村的建设,可能会扰乱沙丘。大部分的沙丘是没有草覆盖,降低由于人类活动正在增加在这个网站(图2 - f)。 |
变化检测,谷歌图片两个不同时期即31/12/2003和15/01/2014已使用(图5 - (a) (d)。主要沙丘Mithmumbari被暴露在2003年(图5),更容易风蚀。近10年之后,一些北面,这个沙丘的一半部分网站是在2014年由木麻黄人工林与环绕红颜色的椭圆形(见图5 b)。需要保存这个沙丘站点类型的种植园和植被等,但南面沙丘几乎是暴露在退化的威胁。在同一个图(5 b)新建路看到,由包围黄色椭圆表示。这个新建路加入Kunkeshwar南。道路平行于大海,非常接近崖径线的海滩,小桥也构建在这个网站的南端。这给了最初的沙丘退化的迹象。在不久的将来,这种稳定的沙丘Mithmumbari由于旅游活动将迅速下降。同样的情况发生在Kunkeshwar网站也。Kunkeshwar是一个朝圣旅游的地方,游客和朝圣者的游客数量在所有季节访问这个网站。 It has seen that, recreational facilities and constructions of road and hotels lead to sand dune degradation. Small bridge has constructed over tidal inlet during 2013-2014 and road has extended towards southern side of this site connected to the location of resorts. This new road has passes through the sand dune, shown by encircled yellow oval in figure 5-d. At some locations, mining of sand from the stabilised dunes have also observed at these sites. At these sites, there is a need to protect the sand dunes by applying some conservative methods. Initially at the degraded sites, wooden fencing can be use. Such wooden fencing may trap the sand coming towards the landward side and supports for sand deposition. At some extent this could be work as a protective obstacle and reduces the natural erosion.There is an urgent need to grow casuarina type plantation at this site also. Continuous monitoring is required for these and similar sites of sand dunes in the study area, as this natural landform protects the landward side settlement. |
结论和建议 |
这项研究的基础上得出结论,沙丘在未来更容易降解。确定,海岸线的研究区域是专门标有各种沿海地形地貌特征和区分。沿海地形产生由于侵蚀和沉积过程的稳定性受海浪和潮汐的能量。主要是沙丘、酒吧、吐和海滩的沉积地貌与海岸线。海岸侵蚀和沉积复合过程,必须从沙子和泥沙运动的角度将波。房屋建设,酒店和工厂应该严格禁止靠近海滩和海岸地貌。应该全面禁止车辆通过的道路和路径穿过沙丘。由人类活动破坏沙丘已经在研究区。违反监管沿海区域必须识别和严格的禁令应该实现砂采石和沙子excavationin沿海地区。 |
确认 |
作者想表达自己的真诚感谢Shivaji大学,戈尔提供的财政援助进行田野工作研究工作计划下的UGC——SAP。作者也感谢硕士/理学硕士学生——Ashwini鬃毛,罗西尼鬃毛,罗希特•鬃毛Satish Maske Rohit Mohite和实地调查期间对我的帮助。 |
引用 |