e-ISSN: 2321 - 6190 p-ISSN: 2347 - 2294
生态系统包括所有生物与环境的相互作用。这些生物和非生物组件连接在一起的养分循环和能量流。能量进入系统通过光合作用,吸收植物组织。通过吃植物和其他动物中发挥重要作用的能量流入系统。他们也影响植物和微生物生物量的数量。拆除死亡生物,补充二氧化碳,使自行车元素更容易将有机物转化为死去的生物质回状态,很容易被植物吸收和细菌。外部因素如气候、父母的元素构成的土壤和气候控制生态系统的形成,但不影响生态系统。内部因素控制,例如,通过衰变,根竞争,阴影,中断,序列,和类型的物种。尽管资源输入通常由外部控制流程,这些资源在生态系统的可用性是由内部因素控制的。生态系统是灵活的企业他们偶尔受到破坏和总是在复苏的边缘从先前的破坏。 The tendency of the ecosystem to remain close to its equilibrium state, despite that disruption, is called its resistance. The ability of the system to absorb disruption and reorganize during changes to essentially maintain the same function, structure, identity, and responses is called its natural stability. The ecosystem can be studied in a variety of ways theoretical studies, studies that monitor a particular ecosystem over time, those that look at the differences between the ecosystem to see how they work and conduct deceptive experiments. Ecosystem classification is a specific type of ecosystem that takes into account all four aspects of the ecosystem definition: the biotic component, the abiotic complex, the interaction within and between them, and the physical environment in which they are located. The ecosystem provides a variety of goods and services on which people rely. The services of an ecosystem, on the other hand, are generally the development of a state or place of value. These include things like hydrological preservation, air and water purification, atmospheric preservation, plant maturity and even things like beauty, inspiration and research opportunities. Many ecosystems are affected by human impact, such as soil loss, air and water pollution, habitat fragmentation, water divergence, firefighting, and biodiversity. These threats can lead to a sudden change in the ecosystem or to a gradual disruption of biotic processes and the destruction of the abiotic conditions of the ecosystem. External factors, also called geographical features, control the overall structure of the ecosystem and the way things work within it, but they themselves are not influenced by the ecosystem. In the broader spatial dimensions, climate is a factor that determines the processes and structure of the ecosystem. Rainfall patterns and seasonal temperatures influence photosynthesis and thus determine the amount of energy available in the ecosystem. The main production is the production of organic matter from inorganic carbon sources. The energy gathered through this process supports life on earth, while carbon makes up the bulk of living things in living and dead biomass, soil carbon, and fossil fuels. It also drives a carbon cycle, which affects the global climate with a greenhouse effect. The carbon and nutrients in dead organisms are separated by a set of processes known as decay. This releases nutrients that can also be used for plant and bacterial production and returns carbon dioxide into the atmosphere where it can be used for photosynthesis. If there were no rot, dead organisms would accumulate in the ecosystem, and nutrients and carbon dioxide would be depleted. As the number of people and the use of the individual grow, so do the needs of the service increasingly placed on ecosystems and the impacts of the human environment. Natural resources are endangered and limited. Problems for all ecosystems include: pollution, climate change and the loss of biodiversity. In the natural environment of the earth, other threats include air pollution, land degradation, and deforestation. In aquatic environments the threats include uncontrolled exploitation of marine resources, marine pollution, small plastic pollution, the effects of climate change at sea and construction on coastal areas.