关键字 |
杂草,采后cropfield,植物化学物质,生物碱,相互影响,chi-scquare价值 |
介绍 |
人类的进步与植物资源的最佳使用有关为生。杂草是多余的植物生长与其他竞争目标植物营养期较短和高繁殖潜能。主要生长在农田(种植)或之前由于积累的人类行为后剩余材料提供更好的营养生长[10]。尽管有益的杂草总是造成农作物产量的一个重要生物约束。造成的经济损失,这些杂草全球成本每年数十亿卢比[9]。从食品和卫生安全的角度来看,植物的化感作用潜力是杂草管理策略的另一种自然的方式对作物生产和环境效益[2]。 |
古印度文献发现,每个工厂在这个星球上是有用的在工业、医学和相互影响。植物的植物化学物质存在的大水库年代许多新的和潜在的生物活性化合物可能成为导致高尚的发现药物[12]。虽然植物如杂草的大水库许多新的和潜在的植物化学物质,其中大部分仍然未知的栖息地由于限制或者因为正传自然[10和12]。在生物碱的植物化学物质构成的一个主要的天然nitrogen-containg药物活性的有机化合物,在历史上有重大影响的经济、医疗、政治和社会事务的人类[11]。因此目前调查进行的十(10)选定的杂草作物收获后油田不同开发阶段的大米和芥末OUAT农场内的校园,开了两个月的时间来证明他们的能力。 |
材料和方法 |
2014年1月和2月之间杂草收集。野草的植物认证是由Texonomic文献后“比哈尔邦的植物学和奥里萨邦”得出海恩斯和“杂草识别指南”(5 & 14)。他们是Cardus高寒L, Cerastium fontanum Baumg。,醉蝶花属人造丝L。,Euphorbia maculata L. ,Helianthus tuberosus L., Lactuca serriola L., Phyllanthus niruri L. ,Sinapsis arvensis L. ,Vernonia cinerea Scherb., Veronica arvensis L.[Fig.1.(a) to (j) ].The growth status and fresh weight of the whole plant of each sample was taken and recorded[Table]. The whole plant materials were oven dried between 40°C to 50°C. Their crude alkaloidal contents were extracted and estimated from the dried course powder of the whole plant following the standard methods [6 ] and recorded in the Table. |
观察allelopathism轻微修改的方法从罗萨里奥加西亚马特奥等。[4]和Sangita钱德拉et al . [3]。的种子,大米,绿豆(绿豆)和芥末已经帮忙解决方案(36毫克的生物碱的差点从滤纸溶解在10毫升蒸馏水)的生物碱的提取了72个小时,然后被允许在湿润的滤纸放在培养皿发芽直径9厘米在室温下观察发芽的百分比,然后转移到托盘包含土壤的survivality[图2。——(a) (k)]。结果统计分析chiscquare测试参照萌发的比例控制与蒸馏水和表中的记录。 |
结果与讨论 |
定量估计所有杂草样品表明存在大量的生物碱分布不均的杂草最高是17.35%,维罗妮卡薄荷l .最低3.07%在Cardus高寒l .(表)。这是一致的发现泽等。[11],他估计14伊朗药用植物的生物碱的内容,发现不均匀分布的生物碱最高1688毫克/ 100 gdw Biebersteinia multifida直流。根和最低为7.90毫克/ gDW Scrophularia striata bios。根。这种变化在杂草的生物碱的成分样品可能相关的不同容量的反应环境。生物碱的含量变化与发展阶段最大的变化达到开花阶段,是显示在相同的个体家庭即Cardus高寒L。,向日葵Helianthus tuberosus L。,以serriola L。,Vernonia cinerea Scherb. Of Asteraceae and Euphorbia maculata L. and Phyllanthus niruri L. of Euphorbiaceae. The quantity of the alkaloid was species specific.This is supported by the report of Srinivas Patnala et al. [8] who described that the factor that affect the content of active constituents in herbal plants include the age of the plants,temperature, daylight exposure,atmosphere,sampling method,the presence of toxic residues in soil,rainfall,altitude,soil composition and microbial contamination.G.S. Panwar et al. also proved that the production of secondary metabolites by plants depends greatly on the physiological and developmental stages of plants [7 ].The allelopathic effect of the crude alkaloidal extract tested against the seed germination of Rice,Mung(Green gram ) and Mustard[Table] , shows that the chiscquare value of the differences between the percentage of germination in the control set and treated sets is significant in case of mung with a value of 141.82 and mustard with a value of 95.95 where as it was insignificant in case of rice with a value of 3.27 at all probability levels.This may be correlated to the fact that the rice seeds are not sensitive to the alkaloids but mustard and mung seeds shows sensitivity towards the alkaloidal extracts,mung seeds being more sensitive than mustard seeds. This is in agreement with the report of K.F. AI-Mutlaq et al. who mentioned the selective toxicity of alkaloids more sensitive being in the dicots than in the monocot plants[1 & 4 ].According to Kira Watkins[13 ] this is because the alkaloids interfere of with the intracellular calcium regulation.However result shown by the increase in the percentage of germination with alkaloidal extract of Vernonia cinerea Scherb.in rice(96%) only and that of Sinapsis arvensis L.in mung(72%) only and with extracts of Cardus nutans L.,Cleome viscosa L.and Lactuca serriola L. in mustard showing the values of 76.6%,80.5%, and 71.9% respectively, are not significant when compared with control. |
结论 |
杂草都被证明是强大的生物碱的内容,而是因为他们的负面影响(而不是奖励的)作物种子萌发的样本,这些不能推荐用作天然除草剂,而那些可以为进一步研究提到新药物开发。 |
确认 |
作者植物学的部门工作人员表示衷心的感谢,感谢他们的帮助完成这项工作。 |
引用 |
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