ISSN在线(2278 - 8875)打印(2320 - 3765)
苏拉吉教授R.Karpe1,Prof.B.N.Bedre1和V.P.Dhote教授2 |
相关文章Pubmed,谷歌学者 |
摘要分析、建模和控制的双馈异步发电机风力机。这里不同的转子电流控制方法确定的目标的影响消除后电动势(EMF)。方法利用前馈的EMF和所谓的“积极抵抗”管理最佳抑制反电动势对转子电流的影响,特别是当电压跌落发生。这种方法也给了最好的稳定性能及最佳参数鲁棒性偏差。DFIG的反应系统模拟和实验验证。电压凹陷80%处理得很好。DFIG的能源生产风力涡轮机相比,调查和其他风力发电机系统。结果发现能量捕获的DFIG风力涡轮机几乎一样积极stall-controlled fixedspeed风力涡轮机(使用两个固定的速度)。
关键字 |
双馈感应发电机(DFIG)、风力涡轮机、风能、电流控制,电压凹陷、电压谐波畸变网格;向量集成(新品)监管机构成比例 |
介绍 |
异步发电机或并行操作感应发电机主要是根据分析提供参考。这些异步发电机由个人原动力采用励磁电容银行建立所需的电压通过自激现象。因此励磁电容的值银行和转子转速确定生成的电压和频率的大小。电压和频率都需要控制饲料负载的能力。但对于电网连接操作,有两种类型的发电机。(即。,single output and double outputs).In order to feed the active power to the grid, the machine should run at a speed greater than the synchronous speed of the revolving magnetic field. (i.e. slip should be negative).The single output generator feeds active power to the grid via only stator side and double output generator feeds electrical power to the grid via both stator as well as rotor side. The latter is also called static Kramer, double-fed or double outputs induction generators. This is only the generator which generates the power more than rated power without overheating. Besides, this kind of power generation usually causes problems in the utility grid system. Because the control on active and reactive power of the machine is complex one. Wind turbines often do not take part in voltage and frequency control and if a disturbance occurs, the wind turbines are disconnected and reconnected when normal operation has been resumed. As the wind power penetration continually increases, power utilities concerns are shifting focus from the power quality issue to the stability problem caused by the wind power connection. In such cases, it becomes important to consider the wind power impact properly in the power system planning and operation. This paper will focus on the grid-connected induction generator feeding power with DOIG during steady state and transient conditions. This paper describes the transient behaviour of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) driven by wind turbine after its disconnection from the grid. The induction machine runs at a specific speed with the stator disconnected from the grid (Is=0), the rotor is suddenly excited with slip-frequency voltages derived from voltage regulators so as to produce commended opencircuit stator terminal voltage. Behaviour under varying rotor speed typically observed in wind turbine is also reported. |
异步发电机的常用模型将权力从风为电网图1所示。的定子绕线转子感应电机连接到低压平衡三相电网,转子边是美联储通过背靠背IGBT与一个共同的直流总线电压源逆变器。之间的网络侧控制变频器的功率流直流总线和交流,允许系统在子同步操作和超级同步转速。提供的合适的转子励磁机侧电源转换器。一般对绕线式感应电机模型类似于任何定速异步发电机如下。 |
转子功率转换器 |
本节将详细电路转换器用于转子由两个voltage-sourced转换器,即。rotor-side转换器(RSC)和grid-side转换器(GSC)背靠背相连”。”两个转换器之间的直流母线电容器,储能,为了保持电压变化(或波纹)dclink电压小。与rotor-side转换器可以控制转矩或DFIG的速度和功率因数在定子终端,而grid-side转换器的主要目标是保持直流母线电压恒定不论转子功率的大小和方向。grid-side转换器工作在电网频率(领先或落后为了产生或吸收可控无功功率的大小)。变压器可能grid-side逆变器之间的连接或定子和网格。rotor-side转换器工作在不同频率,这取决于风速。 |
仿真工作和结果 |
双馈式感应发电机仿真模型开发了使用MATLAB仿真软件。模拟工作已经执行了这个驱动系统在不同的负载条件。输入电源电压三相415 V (rms), 50赫兹和感应电动机:5 hp 415 V, 50赫兹,1430 rpm使用感应电动机。也与这无花果。(3)在速度和转矩特性和无花果。(4)对二段式电流和三相图(5)电流与本文给出。 |
结论 |
在这些论文中,双馈感应发电机的动态特性研究了在异常条件下的电网。为此,动态dq模型被用来获得此类机器的动态方程同步参考系。同步旋转坐标系的选择使它特别有利于在瞬态条件下的石油产量增加一倍,配置的模拟。从电网断开时,定子,转子突然很兴奋是由于转子转差频率电压的电压调节器以产生称赞定子端电压。所以有源和无功功率的机器已经迅速减少。无功补偿在这些条件下,转子侧变换器提供必要的无功功率。 |
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