

快到期的群众是一个全球问题。在美国,更老练的民众(≥65岁)成熟是评估联系8900万人,到2050年,建立完整的美国人口的28%左右。雷竞技网页版台湾很可能是世界上最快速成熟的群氓。2017年老年人口在台湾地址全国13.3%的完整的民众,并评估,它将发展到2025年的20%。这成熟的民众从根本上影响医疗服务框架。在2015年,38.5%的台湾全民健康保险使用被老年人口的贡献。在台湾的一份新报告显示,更成熟的个人临床益处调用同样代表了35.6%的危机。流感是一个典型的原因死在更成熟的人。dismalness和死亡率带来的流感经常归因于辅助细菌污染和并发症。尽管流感季节可能会改变这一事实的严重性,更成熟的民众通常是无助的极端的流感疫苗。 A recent report in the U.S. detailed that the more seasoned populace represented around 186,000 abundance hospitalizations. Another examination in the U.S. in 2003 revealed that more seasoned people represented 44,000 overabundance passings coming about because of all causes. During flu seasons, concluding whether to concede more established individual with flu to the emergency clinic is extremely challenging a direct result of restricted clinical assets; in this manner, foreseeing mortality in more seasoned individuals with flu and their ensuing aura become vital issues. Despite the fact that specialists in a few examinations have revealed mortality expectations for, and the basic consideration asset utilization of patients with flu, the greater part of these investigations were centered around mortality forecast for grown-ups as a general rule, the forecast of explicit flu subtypes, and expectation of hospitalization. Mortality expectation for more seasoned individuals with all subtypes of flu is as yet hazy. Consequently, we led this examination determined to portray this issue.
