

美国Sudharsan Reddy





通信作者:美国Sudharsan Reddy






指导是有益的的基本段安排指导指导计划是一个至关重要的因素。尽管好指导的意义,结果从理想还有很长的路要走。[2]目前主观考试旨在研究强大的指导高等教育在伊朗依赖于遇到最好的老师和最好的伊斯法罕附近教育者科技大学。考虑到教育质量,对替补”教育作为主要项目是正常的教学质量框架是更值得关注与过去的兴趣。一直在强调相当于对勘探和显示质量和建立一个连接这两个前解决任何选择;尽管如此,认为表明,通常专注于研究高校不能满足指导质量的先决条件。思考关于这个任务在高等教育被认为是重要的,所以在他们的指导,教师应该关注学生和学习方法;除了这两个因素,教师应该推动完成新的指导方法。在传统的框架,指导教师集中和替补的必需品和利益没有想到的。[3]在这一点上替补的指导应该改变成一个技术的必需品被认为和因为引用策略的动态行为变化的发生。 Additionally, an enormous number of graduated understudies particularly single guy holders don't feel sufficiently prepared to work in their connected fields . Being disappointed with the state of affairs at any scholastic foundation and afterward settling on choice to improve it require a lot of examination and help from the specialists and pioneers of that establishment.[4] Giving the previously mentioned are important, particularly in present local area of Iran; it appears to be that no subjective investigation has at any point been done here drawing on inside and out reports of perceived college resources; subsequently, in the current examination the new worldwide understudy focused strategies are right off the bat considered and to investigate the thoughts of experienced college resources, some class perceptions and meetings were finished. At that point, effective training strategy and its boundaries and prerequisites were explored on the grounds that the staff thoughts regarding encouraging technique could be ordered simply through a subjective report. The information of the investigation were straightforwardly gathered from the encounters of the examination members.[5] The codes, classifications and subjects were investigated through an inductive interaction, in which the specialists moved from explicit to general. The thusly figured ideas or classes were illustrative of the members' encounters. In content examination from the outset, semantic units ought to be determined, and afterward the connected codes ought to be extricated and classified dependent on their likenesses. At long last, on account of having a serious level of reflection, the subjects can be resolved. In the ordinary methodology, the utilization of foreordained classes is stayed away from and classes and their names are permitted to straightforwardly emerge from the information. To do as such, we read the original copies and tuned in to the recorded information for a few times until a general sense was achieved. At that point, the composition was perused word by word and the codes were separated. Simultaneously, the meetings were proceeded with different members and coding of the writings was proceeded and sub-codes were ordered inside the overall points. At that point, the codes were arranged in classes dependent on their likenesses. [6] At long last, by giving a thorough portrayal about the points, members, information assortment and examination techniques and limits of the investigation, we mean to make adaptability with the goal that different scientists obviously follow the exploration cycle taken by the specialists.


  1. 安德森的欧洲计划学期:一个有用的教学方法在工程教育项目在工程教育学习方法。
  2. 整版JW。教育研究:计划、实施和评估定量和定性研究。悉尼:美林Prentice Hall;2011年。
  3. Brason j .在平衡计分卡协作会议上人力资本。佛罗里达:那不勒斯;2002年
  4. Glover J,布朗宁RH。由Kharrazi翻译,教育心理学:其应用程序和原则。德黑兰:学术出版;2007年。
  5. 崔DG,弗里斯HJ。标准化随着新兴技术教育的内容。
  6. Khnyfr h .世界高等教育体系与策略。文化管理的杂志。2005;3 (9):10