这是主题论文之一。在这篇论文中,作者提出了一个21世纪的计算远景。在这篇论文中,作者指出,最初的高级研究项目机构网络(ARPANET)项目的首席科学家之一伦纳德·克莱因·洛克说:“到目前为止,计算机网络仍处于起步阶段,但随着它们的发展和成熟,我们可能会看到‘计算机公用事业’的普及,就像现在的电力和电话公用事业一样,将为全国各地的个人家庭和办公室服务。”类似地,计算服务使用称为消费者,需要向只有他们访问计算服务的提供商付费。此外,消费者不再需要大量投资,在构建维护复杂的IT基础设施时遇到了困难。本文确定了各种有望提供视觉计算机实用程序的计算范式。它定义了云计算,并提供了通过最大化虚拟机等技术来创建面向市场的云的架构,并对基于市场的资源管理策略提供了思考。这些策略将客户驱动的服务管理和计算风险管理相结合,以维持服务水平协议,这是一些具有代表性的云平台,特别是在发达行业,实现了云资源的市场化配置。特别是,客户可以通过所有这些计算范式的服务质量参数和服务水平协议来确定所需的服务水平,其中最有前途的是网格计算和云计算。网格使共享、选择和科学、工程和商业等技术成为可能。 To make greater impact on the 21st century as much as the electric power grid did on the 20th century, grid computing has been hailed as the next revolution after the internet and web. But today the latest paradigm to emerge is that of cloud computing. Cloud computing promises reliable services delivered through next generation data centers that are built on compute and storage virtualization technologies. As per this technology, consumers will be able access application and data from a “Clouds” anywhere in the world on demand. It can also be stated as the cloud appears to be a single point of access for all the computing needs of consumers. In this paper, the authors defined the perfect definition for the cloud. hereby, A cloud is a type of parallel and distributed system consisting of a collection of interconnected and virtualized computers that are dynamically provisional and presented as on or more unified computing resources based on service level agreements established through negotiation between the service provider and consumers. The author states and presents a high level architecture for supporting market-oriented resource allocation in data center and clouds. The high level architecture contains basically four main entities such as users/brokers, SLA resource allocator, virtual machines and physical machines. The authors defined the global cloud exchange and market infrastructure for trading services. It includes enterprise IT consumer, which is connected with the intermediate brokers from one to 'N'. Global cloud Market which includes 2 compute cloud, 2 storage cloud and directory, bank, auctioner. As of now, cloud computing is a new and promising paradigm delivering IT services as computing utilities. As clouds are designed to provide services to external users, provides needs to be compensated for sharing their resources and capabilities. In this paper, the authors proposed architecture with representative platforms for cloud computing covering the state of the cut. As cloud platforms becomes ubiquitous, the authors expected the need for internetworking them to create a market oriented global cloud exchange for trading services. several challenges need to be addressed to realize this vision. This includes market-marker for bringing services providers and consumers; market registry for publishing and discovering cloud house service providers and their services; clearing house and brokers for mapping service requests to providers who can meet QOS expectations and payment Management and accounting infrastructure for trading services. Finally, the authors stated that they need to address regulatory and legal issues, which go beyond technical issues. It is concluded that with the need for convergence of cloud computing IT paradigms for delivered our 21st century vision. |
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