ISSN在线(2319 - 8753)打印(2347 - 6710)
小姐J.M.Phate, A.V.Kulkarni教授
相关文章Pubmed,谷歌学者 |
关键字 |
生物燃料、性能、排放,替代燃料 |
介绍 |
柴油发动机是汽车的主要电源在二十一世纪。减少排放和解决能源危机,设计柴油机低排放和减少能源消耗一直是研究人员在全球范围内的目标。然而,随着新技术的发展,今天的柴油发动机有更好的排放特征和与其前身相比能耗越少。但是,仍然有很多事情要做清洁的柴油引擎旨在达到我们的目标和有效的柴油发动机。因此,研究一种清洁燃烧的燃料代替传统燃料是明智的,这可能不仅在很大程度上减少废气,但是,也提供了更多选择的能源。使用替代燃料内燃机吸引了极大的关注,但由于化石燃料危机和温室气体的影响。替代燃料应该容易,环境友好,techno-economically竞争力。成功的替代燃料应该满足环境和能源安全需求不牺牲引擎操作性能。可再生资源提供机会挖掘本地资源,减少对化石能源的依赖。大多数生物柴油油,特别是nonedible类型可以用作燃料的柴油发动机。 One of the promising alternative fuels considered for diesel engine is biodiesel. |
生物柴油是可再生,生物柴油燃料的燃烧化石燃料释放出的碳是油料作物进行光合作用时使用。生物柴油还提供的优点能够很容易在现有的柴油发动机,而无需使用引擎的修改。烷基脂肪酸单酯的生物柴油是来自可再生的石油和脂肪通过酯交换反应是一个很好的替代材料。可以从原始获得植物油生物柴油酯交换化学反应后用甲醇或乙醇。植物油提供一个非常有前途的替代柴油因为它们是可再生和柴油有相似的性质。许多研究人员研究了在柴油发动机使用的植物油。这建议密集使用替代燃料的研究尤其是可再生的植物油和醇。生物柴油等麻疯树、Karanja、向日葵和棉籽是目前流行的生物柴油作为柴油的替代品。当生物柴油作为柴油的替代品,它是高度重要的理解的参数影响燃烧现象反过来又会直接影响热效率和排放。在目前能源场景很多努力是专注于改善内燃发动机的热效率和降低排放。 The problem of increasing demand for high brake power and the fast depletion of the fuels demand severe controls on power and a high level of fuel economy. |
文献综述 |
许多研究人员实验研究了燃烧,植物油的性能和排放特性及其酯在柴油发动机。年代。Kirankumar[1]他们进行实验四冲程单缸水冷柴油机在恒定速度(1500 rpm)不同加载使用棉花籽油的混合C10,甜而C30不同注射压力从165条210条。性能特征如制动热效率、制动燃油消耗率和排气温度。根据调查,比较了与纯柴油发动机的性能和不同混合操作。TheirExperimental结果表明在195酒吧燃油喷射压力,观察更好的性能特征与纯柴油相比混合操作。最大制动热效率观察是34.01%与30%混合在195酒吧的注射压力和降低燃油消耗率观察到的是0.258公斤/ kw-hr混合30%的注射压力195巴。r . Senthil Kumar和r . Manimaran [2] Theyconducted性能测试在卧式单缸发动机变速油渣各种混合的棉籽油(B5、B10去往B15, B20, 3 & B100)和比较的性能与柴油棉籽油。基于这个实验的观察,Theyconcluded交通和证监会发现负载和制动功率的功能。生物柴油的性能测试在各种混合显示,其特点都遵循着相同的趋势,生物柴油。 The emission test conducted showed that emission levels for biodiesel were lower than diesel. On comparing the performance test graphs of B5, B10, B15, B20, B40,They concluded that TFC and SFC of B100 and B40 is very high compared to that of diesel . So the usage of these blends will be uneconomic but the TFC and SFC of B20 remains very stable on various loading conditions. |
m·马丁和d总长的试验研究[3],棉花籽油的粘度(方案),这被认为是一个潜在的替代燃料,降低了混合不同比例的柴油,及其在不同温度下粘度进行了分析和用作燃料的压缩点火发动机(CI)。性能、燃烧和排放参数在不同的载荷计算使用CI单缸引擎并与整洁的柴油和棉籽油。显著改善发动机的性能是注意到油的粘度降低。发动机制动热和容积效率增加而显著减少废气的温度。减少吸烟,CO和HC排放也注意到。他们的研究结果表明,包含60%的棉籽油柴油混合,加热到70°C,可以作为替代燃料发动机没有任何修改。 |
K。Dilip Kumar和P。Ravindra Kumar [4] Theycarried了C.I.实验调查发动机与生物柴油混合的棉花种子甲基酯和印楝油甲酯。引擎用于他们的实验是单缸四冲程水冷,恒速柴油机与棉花种子甲酯(CSOME)和印楝油甲酯(省)的派生通过酯交换的酯交换过程和参数优化。不同比例的混合与柴油CSOME &省的准备,分析和与柴油相比,和比较,表明生物柴油之间的更好的选择。各种测试进行了检查属性,表现不同的混合(C05, C10, C15,和甜)CSOME和省相比,柴油。从他们的实验结果表明,穗甜有柴油接近的性能。然而,它的柴油混合显示合理的效率。他们也观察到棉花种子甲酯楝甲基酯相比提供了更好的性能和排放和烟雾少这些柴油混合作为比较纯柴油。 A.V. Krishna Reddy et al.[5]Theyconducted experiments on 5.2 BHP single cylinder four stroke water-cooled variable compression diesel engine. Methyl ester of cottonseed oil is blended with the commercially available Xtramile diesel. Cottonseed oil methyl ester (CSOME) is blended in four different compositions from 10% to 40% in steps of 10 vol%.They use these four blends and Xtramile diesel brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) were determined at 17.5 compression ratio. They concluded that Properties of the 10% and 20% blends of CSOME are nearer to the diesel fuel. The performance of the cottonseed oil methyl ester fuelled engine is comparable with diesel engine. Engine could be run without any difficulty using cottonseed oil methyl ester blends. These blends of cottonseed oil can be recommended for present diesel engines without any modification.Thus the above investigations of their experiment suggest that esterified vegetable oils can be effectively employed in emergency as a suitable alternative fuel in existing diesel engine. |
m . Harinarh Reddy等。[6]Theyinvestigated柴油机的性能使用柴油和棉籽油(方案)生物柴油在制动热效率和指示热效率常规柴油,棉籽油,麻疯树油。单缸四冲程垂直,水冷,自治的柴油机开发5 HP 1500 rpm的发动机被选为测试与柴油和整洁bio-dieselat满载的条件。评价的理论数据实验表明,制动热效率和指示热效率的全封闭生物柴油略高于柴油和麻疯树油。他们的研究表明,棉籽油生物柴油的使用提高了性能参数的CI相比传统的柴油引擎。Shyam Kumar Ranganathanet。[7] Theyinvestigated单缸柴油机的性能比较与直接使用棉花籽油甲酯和预热温度条件变量如50,70和90°C。性质如粘度、闪点、倾点的实验测量,从而获得具有可比性和ASM生物柴油标准。来已经进行单缸四冲程柴油机加上绳制动功率计。Theycarried实验了不同加载速度常数。他们的研究结果显示,预热到90°C在高负载导致制动热效率提高2%,比柴油和增加制动燃油消耗率高负载与柴油相比。发现没有明显变化,在制动功率的所有预热生物柴油废气温度高,打破能源消耗率需要预热高与柴油相比。年代。NagaSaradaet al. (2010)[8]They conducted test with cotton seed oil and diesel. To improve the combustion characteristics of cotton seed oil in an unmodified engine, effect of increase in injection pressure was studied.The injection pressure was increased from 180 bar to 240 bar (in steps of 15 bar). The investigation of their experiment revealed that the optimum pressure for cottonseed oil as 210 bar and comparison of the performance of the engine was studied in terms of brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency and exhaust emissions. Increased injection pressure has a significant effect on enhancing engine performance and lowering emissions. Increase in the injection pressure from 180 bar to 240 bar with cotton seed oil as fuel lead to: Quieter operation of the engine was observed when cotton seed oil was used as fuel. Performance of engine with cotton seed oil as fuel was better at an IP of 210 bar. An increase in the Brake thermal efficiency from 25.02% to 28.02% was observed with increase in injection pressure from 180bar to 210 bar; due to better atomization and improved combustion of the fuel lowering of the HC emissions from 1720 ppm to 1480 ppm.According to their investigation the Performance of engine with cotton seed oil as fuel at an IP of 210 bar was approximately similar to the operation of engine with diesel. m. senthilkumar (2001)[9] They used orange peel oil as the inducted fuel and Jatropha oil, methyl ester of Jatropha oil and diesel as pilot fuels. With admission of orange peel oil in the dual fuel operation, there is an appreciable increase in brake thermal efficiency. Orange peel oil induction drastically reduced smoke to 3BSU with Jatropha oil and 2.8BSU with methyl ester of Jatropha oil as pilot fuels. |
结论 |
基于这个实验的观察结果,可以得出结论,生物柴油的性能测试在各种混合显示,其特点的生物柴油遵循相同的趋势。排放进行测试表明,生物柴油的排放水平低于柴油。从性能测试图biodieselwith柴油混合的我们可以比较各种燃料和发动机的特征。因此,使用橙皮油和棉籽油混合柴油相比会更优。在比较各种与柴油混合的效率图我们确定效率为各种加载条件。 |
未来的范围 |
1]建立一个实验装置的整体性能分析C.I.引擎使用柴油和生物柴油混合。 |
2]研究操作参数如速度和负载的影响热效率上使用柴油和生物柴油混合,制动燃油消耗率和C.I.发动机排放性能。 |
3]为热效率C.I.引擎开发数学模型与生物柴油混合并验证模型与实验结果。 |