关键字 |
多层碳纳米管(MWCNT)、Al6061粉、烧结、挤压 |
介绍 |
许多工程应用领域的航空航天工程、汽车、电子设备等需要很轻材料具有良好的力学性能。基于铝和碳纳米管增强金属基复合材料可以是一个这样的应用程序的解决方案。它可以满足的要求重量轻强度很好。本研究着重于准备与问增援部队为各种成分铝金属基复合材料的力学性能。Al6061合金被广泛用作结构材料在航空行业由于其诱人的综合性能,如低密度、高强度、延性、韧性和抗疲劳。宇吴出版社[1]。研究了半固态粉末处理(SPP)是一种很有前途的技术,结合半固态成型和粉末冶金的好处。在这项研究中,碳纳米管(CNT)增强铝合金6061 (Al6061)复合材料被SPP首次合成。机械合金化是矩阵用于分散碳纳米管的阶段。加工温度的影响(6000 c, 6200 c和6400 c)显微组织、硬度、断口表面的成分及Al6061-CNT复合了。A.M.K. Esawi出版社。[2,3,4] .have investigated that Powder metallurgy techniques have emerged as promising routes for the fabrication of carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforcedmetal matrix composites. In thiswork, planetary ball millingwas used to disperse 2 wt% MWCNT in aluminum (Al) powder. Despite the success of ball milling in dispersing CNTs in Al powder, Both un-annealed and annealed Al–2 wt% CNT composites were investigated. It was found that, ball-milled and extruded (un-annealed) samples of Al–2 wt% CNT demonstrated high notch-sensitivity and consistently fractured outside the gauge length during tensile testing. Jinzhi Liao et.al. [5,6] have studied carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforced aluminum (Al) composite was fabricated by powder metallurgy (P/M) technique. Small addition of CNTs (0.5 wt.%) evidently improved the tensile strength and hardness of the composite by comparing with the pure matrix. Mechanical property enhancements of the Al- 0.5CNT composites from PBA and high energy ball milling were superior to that mixed by low energy ball milling. K T Kashyap et.al.[7] have studied Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were discovered by Iijima in 1991 as the fourth form of carbon. Carbon nanotubes are the ultimate carbon fibres because of their high Young‘s modulus of ≈ 1 TPa which is very useful for load transfer in nanocomposites. In the present work, CNT/Al nanocomposites were fabricated by the powder metallurgy technique and after extrusion of the nanocomposites bright field transmission electron microscopic (TEM) studies were carried out. From the TEM images so obtained, a novel method of ascertaining the Young‘s modulus of multi-walled carbon nanotubes is worked out in the present paper which turns out to be 0⋅9 TPa which is consistent with the experimental results. T. Laha et.al [9,10]have investigated Al-based nanostructured composite with carbon nanotubes as second phase particles has been synthesized by plasma spray forming technique. Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction,transmission electron microscopy has been carried out to analyze the composite structure and to verify the retention of carbon nanotubes. I. Sridhar et.al.[11] have investigated that Metal matrix composites comprising aluminum matrix and multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as reinforcements are fabricated using cold uniaxial compaction followed by sintering and cold extrusion as secondary processes. The effect of sintering temperature on the microstructure is explored using differential scanning calorimetric spectrum. The tensile yield and ultimate strength of Al- MWCNTs increased to 90% with 2 wt% addition of MWCNTs. Various theories for the strengthening and stiffening of Al- MWCNTs composites are explored. |
邓春风出版社(13、14、15、16)捏造2024铝基复合材料增强1 wt. %碳纳米管(碳纳米管)捏造了冷等静压,随后热挤压技术。碳纳米管的微观结构特点和分布在铝矩阵了。。复合的阻尼行为进行了频率为0.5,1.0,5.0,10、30 Hz,温度25 - 400°C。实验结果表明,该频率显著影响的阻尼能力组合当温度高于230°C;与此同时,复合的阻尼能力0.5赫兹的频率达到975×10−3,储能模量是82.3的绩点,当温度为400°C。Jinzhi廖出版社[17]。有调查,碳纳米管增强铝基复合材料(资产管理公司)吸引了越来越多的关注。分散的质量,然而,是一个关键因素,决定了同质性和最终这些复合材料的力学性能。Al-CNTs混合物随后合并由粉末冶金(PM)技术。小的碳纳米管(0.5 wt. %)明显提高了复合材料的抗拉强度和硬度与纯矩阵进行比较。机械性能增强的al - 0.5 -问复合材料从PBA和高能球磨是由低能量优于混合球磨。 This showed good dispersion effect in PBA and high energy ball milling technique.Maohui GE et.al.[18,19,20] have investigated Nanotubes of carbon can be produced by vapor condensation of carbon on a flat graphite surface. Nanometer-sired carbon cones were generated by vapor condensation of carbon atoms on a graphite substrate and were analyzed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). |
s·r·马利克出版社。[21]研究碳纳米管(碳纳米管)空心圆柱体的石墨碳原子。这些管子是纳米级(9米),这是如此之小,10000人可能适合一个人类头发的直径。Carbonnano-tubes是一种新形式的碳与独特的电气和机械性能。他们可以被认为是折叠成碳石墨层圆筒的结果。这些单壳单壁碳纳米管(SWCNTs),或几个贝壳的多层碳纳米管(热合)。田中Kazuyoshi al出版社。[22]调查,纯化碳纳米管的纯化纳米管的电子性质研究在目前的研究中是一个?干净’半导体几乎没有磁性杂质掺杂不活跃。g . Overney出版社。[23]研究了低频振动模式和结构刚度的石墨carbontubules组成的100年,200年和400年的原子。哲张出版社。[24]have investigated that Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been used to investigate the structure and electronic properties of carbon nanotubes produced from a discharge between graphite electrodes. In addition, bias-voltage dependent imaging studies indicate that the nanotubes studied are semiconductors. The implications of these new data to the application of nanotubes in structural composites and nanoelectronics is discussed. Rodney S.Ruoff et.al.[25] discusses e mechanical and thermal properties of carbon nanotubes.The tensile and bending stiffness constants of ideal multi-walled and single-walled carbon nanotubes are derived in terms of the known elastic properties of graphite. C.-H. Kiang et.al.[26] have investigated that a variety of carbon structures are produced in an electric arc discharge with an anode composed of carbon, cobalt,andsulfur. Single and multiple layered carbon nanotubes, as well as partially filled nanowires and bamboo-shaped carbon compartments, are found in different regions of the soot inside the chamber. Sulfur plays an important role in forming these carbon nanomaterials. Henk W et.al.[27] have investigated that Room-temperature single-electron transistors are realized within individual metallic single-wall carbon nanotube molecules. Jean-Paul Salvetat et.al.[28] have investigated that a condensed review of mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes is given. Theory as well as experiments is examined with a view to extracting the fundamental elements that should allow the reader to build his own perspective of the subject. R. Byron Pipesa et.al[29] have investigated that an investigation of the effective mechanical properties of large arrays of carbon nanotubes assembled in helical geometries of circular cross-section is undertaken following two approaches. Ray H. Baughman et.al.[30] have investigated that Many potential applications have been proposed for carbon nanotubes, including conductive and high-strength composites; energy storage and energy conversion devices; sensors; field emission displays and radiation sources; hydrogen storage media; and nanometer-sized semiconductor devices, probes, and interconnects.Suneel D et.al.[8] have investigated that Aluminum structural components find numerous applications in aerospace and defense industries. |
这项研究涉及制备CNT的钢筋Al6061metal基复合材料粉末冶金技术。 |
二世。材料和方法 |
钢筋Al6061-CNT复合材料被使用粉末冶金技术制造的。Al6061粉200网格大小的矩阵和微碳纳米管强化。提供的属性的热合(美国Nanoshel LLC)给出了怎么 |
答:方法 |
Al6061粉(200目)和微碳纳米管(美国Nanoshell)(10 - 30海里)从不同的来源获得能在市场上找到。两种材料的正确混合不同成分通过球磨混合均匀问Al6061粉。压实模用于紧凑型粉用能力40吨液压机、压实后粉末固体坯。 |
b的制备复合材料 |
问粉最初是由混合在浓硝酸纯化,用de-ionized水过滤和洗涤和干燥在1200 c。这样做是为了去除石墨颗粒等杂质,无定形碳或其他杂质。MWNT 0 wt % 0.5 wt % 1 wt %, 1.5 wt %, 2 wt %的碳纳米管重量百分率与Al6061混合粉在乙醇溶液。使用ballmill,混合的过程持续了10分钟时间在200 rpm为了得到均匀的混合。特定重量百分比的MWNT的混合和Al6061压缩在模具装配使用40吨万能试验机能力。标准化的负载(200 KN)是应用2吨/分钟的速度。 |
设计、制备低成本烧结炉当前研究工作。样本准备各种成分和微观结构的样本调查,使用光学显微镜和扫描电镜仪。烧结坯热挤压使用热挤压。样本进行强度测试。同样的步骤被重复生产标本的圆形和矩形挤压带不同的重量百分数与Al6061matrix MWNT的内容。当压实Al6061基于矩阵的复合,压实负荷200 kn的烧结温度5250 C。 |
三世。实验结果和讨论 |
答:微观结构上面的结构表明,微观结构未侵蚀条件下揭示了孔隙度高达12 - 15%谷物Al粉的矩阵。 |
上面的图4和图5的结构表明,微观结构未侵蚀条件下揭示了孔隙度高达40%,谷物的矩阵Al粉。材料的密实度是安静的由于孔隙度分布不均匀的fom几个集群。SEM图像图7和图7显示,融合的铝晶粒被观察到。有不均匀的颗粒熔融铝。颗粒之间的孔隙度是观察。由于晶界沿着孔隙度和熔融铝颗粒使组件脆性SEM图像显示,白色部分是碳禁例管,黑色的部分是铝粉。融合的铝颗粒是安静的制服。一些疏密度。没有inter-granular疏密度。 |
b .硬度 |
标本Al6061和MWNT增强复合材料的硬度测定采用布氏硬度试验装置按ASTM b - 925。结果列在下表中。三是inveatigated Al6061合金和问MMC复合材料,硬度增加的MWNT高达3 wt % MWNT的硬度降低,这是由于冶金成分和结构的贡献Al6061 CNT -金属基复合材料。 |
Fig.8显示柱状图的比较矩阵合金及复合材料的硬度。复合发现比基体合金由于分散体粒子在高硬度硬度增加而增加的百分比比例的碳纳米管(CNT)。 |
从Table.4已经观察到,理论和实验密度增加而增加重量百分比MWCNT的复合材料。这是由于集聚theAl6061 MWCNT的矩阵。抗拉强度增加显著增加重量百分比MWCNT的复合材料。它也观察到,杨氏模量增加显著的增加重量百分比力度MWCNT的复合。 |
从Fig.9已经观察到抗压强度显著降低与anincrase重量百分比MWCNT的复合。密度测量结果表明,较轻的金属基复合材料(MMC)已经获得的碳纳米管。先前的研究表明的陶瓷颗粒,如SiCp[2]和氧化铝[7]是增援,铝复合材料的密度将会增加。这是不可取的,因为轻量级铝复合材料的应用。Al6061 - 3.0的密度wt. % MWCNT,显示Al6061-MWCNT最佳力学性能的纳米复合材料制造,热合整合进Al6061矩阵对纳米复合材料的宏观硬度影响甚微,直到3 wt. % MWCNT的阈值。抗拉强度和延性观察Al6061 - wt. % MWCNT纳米复合材料。这一现象增加体积分数较高的屈服强度的热合适用直到3 wt。%的MWCNT,上面,由于更高的屈服强度开始退化中的孔隙度Al6061矩阵。抗拉强度的增加一个添加3 wt. % MWCNT是因为碳管的位错运动的限制。增加延性一直在观察Al6061增强碳管3 wt. %。 The maximum improvement of ductility was observed to be 69% in Al6061–3 wt.% MWCNT nanocomposite. |
上面的图.10和fig.11显示了Al6061-MWCNT MMC。统一的谷物融合Al6061和颗粒之间的孔隙度是被观察到。由于晶界的孔隙度和熔融铝颗粒使MMC。SEM照片显示,白色的部分观察碳禁例管,黑色部分铝.Crack显著压缩显示铝颗粒后安静的制服,观察一些疏,没有inter-granular疏密度。 |
四。结论 |
Al6061粉混合了矩阵与MWCNT重量百分比为0,0.5、1、1.5、2、2.5和3% (wt)钢筋通过粉末冶金生产路线。标本被烧结,成功挤压。标本受到评价的行为MMc的微观结构和力学性能。点后的调查,得出结论。 |
吗?硬度Al6061-MWCNT复合大于Al6061。 |
吗?显微照片显示矩阵和钢筋之间的良好结合。 |
吗?Al6061-MWCNT复合显示韧性属性Al6061是脆弱的地方。 |
吗?杨氏模量的增加显著增加的增强颗粒(MWCNT)。 |
吗?抗拉强度增加而增加MWCNT但是MWCNT的抗压强度降低。 |
承认 |
作者要感谢Dr.R.P。Reddy,本金,煤斗机械和Reva ITM管理、班加罗尔和本金,MSRIT木制容器和管理,鼓励和支持。 |
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数据乍一看 |
引用 |
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