E - ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P - ISSN: 2347 - 2286
收到了:23 - 5月- 2022年手稿。jmb - 22 - 68397;编辑器分配:26 - 2022年5月——Pre-QC没有。jmb - 22 - 68397 (PQ);综述了:10 - 6 - 2022,质量控制。jmb - 22 - 68397;修改后的:6月17日- 2022年手稿。jmb - 22 - 68397 (R);发表:截止2022年6月24日,DOI: 10.4172 / 2320 - 3528.11.5.002
自新石器时代,人类已经使用发酵生产发酵食品和饮料。例如,用来保存食物是发酵生产乳酸,存在于酸的食物,如腌黄瓜,康普茶,kamahi和酸奶。它也用于生产酒精饮料像葡萄酒和啤酒。利用微生物生产化学品的过程中,生物燃料、酶、蛋白质和药物被称为工业大规模发酵。包括人类在内的所有动物,消化系统,进行发酵。发酵的过程可以用来释放能量的分子与有氧呼吸。唯一的技术使用的细菌和真核生物是这一个。因此,它被认为是最早的代谢途径,理想的原始设置,即环境存在在地球上的植物,在大气中的氧气。一种真菌酵母可能几乎任何地方发现细菌可以存活,包括皮肤的水果、昆虫和哺乳动物的肠子,深海。酵母变换化合物富含糖生产乙醇和二氧化碳。 In a variety of environments, including freshwater sediments, sewage digesters and the rumens of cattle, fermentative bacteria are crucial to the production of methane. In addition to carboxylic acids, they also produce hydrogen, carbon dioxide, formate and acetate. The carbon dioxide and acetate are then converted to methane by microbial communities. Acetogenic bacteria oxidize the acids to produce hydrogen or formate as well as additional acetate. Acetate is finally converted to methane by methanogens. One glucose molecule is split into two ethanol molecules and two carbon dioxide molecules during the fermentation of ethanol. The carbon dioxide produces bubbles that cause the dough to expand into foam, which is how bread dough is made to rise. Alcoholic beverages including wine, beer and liquor all contain ethanol, which makes people feel drunk. Ethanol is created through the fermentation of feedstock’s such sugarcane, maize and sugar beets and is then mixed with gasoline. It supplies energy to some fish species, such as goldfish and carp, when oxygen is in little supply. The process of fermentation can be utilized to develop different protein sources. For instance, fermentation is used to produce foods with plant based proteins like tempeh.在体外增加肉类产品也可以使用非生物发酵产生的材料。发酵可以用来生产各种食品的蛋白质,包括牛奶、鸡蛋、蜂蜜、奶酪、冰淇淋和奶酪。牛奶替代物质像牛奶和发酵产生的。奶酪类似物和蛋的代替品是术语用来描述物质类似于另一个。酶合成,包括生产和分泌的蛋白质有催化活性的微生物,是一种常见的用于发酵工业。一些酶的商业化已经成为可能,通过发酵技术的发展,微生物菌株工程和基因重组技术。食品、饮料、烘焙、动物饲料、洗涤剂、纺织、个人护理和纸浆和造纸行业只是几个行业使用的酶。所有的组件都混合在一个批处理程序和反应发生,没有任何额外的输入。分批发酵已经使用了数千年生产面包和酒精饮料,它仍然是一个受欢迎的技术,特别是当过程还不是很清楚。