

  1. 主机(PG学者,电力系统工程)、政府科技大学内的印度哥印拜陀
  2. 易爱易教授,部门、政府技术学院,印度哥印拜陀



在电压跌落,连续从分布式发电系统功率输出的网格是可取的网格支持的目的。辅助服务的分布式发电(DG)系统成为一个具有挑战性的问题,将可再生能源集成到网格。电压控制是其中一个辅助服务可以度过和支持电网故障下的电压。为了方便控制的分布式发电系统适应的预期改变电网需求,灵活的电压支持控制方案提出了基于逆变器的分布式发电,针对调节电压限制和无功功率注入保持联系和支持网格下的错。在三相平衡电压凹陷,逆变器应注入无功功率以提高电压在所有阶段。在一个或两相故障,DG逆变器的主要担忧是平衡电压通过减少负对称序和清除阶段跳。因此,在电压是可以避免的,该控制方案可以防止断开而实现所需的电压支持服务,可以通过使用Matlab / Simulink环境下进行了分析和模拟。这个工作的主要贡献是引入控制算法参考当代提供灵活的电网故障下电压支持。




可再生能源发电总装机不断增长的新电力管制的场景。其中,光伏和风力涡轮机是获得越来越多的关注在过去的几年里[1]。当连接到电网,可再生能源像分布式发电(DG)系统[3]。一般来说,分布式发电系统需要从电网断开出现电压跌落时,重新连接到电网故障被清除。电压下降,通常由远程电网在电力系统故障引起的,在rms shortduration降低电压[2]。大部分电压下降是由于不平衡故障,而平衡电压跌落在实践中比较少见[4],[7]。然而,这要求正在发生变化。电能质量补偿器的电压支持,保持微型智能电网"免疫不平衡电网电压的缺点[1],[2]。它非常有效,但需要额外的串联补偿设备。为了克服这个限制,支持一个强大的电压控制并网逆变器在不平衡电网故障[3],使复苏正序电压和负序电压降低。 Indeed, it is valid on the assumption that the network impedance is mainly inductive. With the increasing application of renewable energy sources, more and more DG systems actively deliver electricity into the grid. Consequently, in order to maintain active power delivery and reactive power support to the grid, grid codes now require wind energy systems to ride through voltage dips without interruption [5], [6]. Concerning the control of DG inverters under voltage dips, especially unbalanced situations, two aspects should be noticed. Firstly, fast system dynamics and good reference tracking are necessary. The basic element for interconnecting DG to the transmission system is the three-phase inverter [9]. In normal grid conditions, three-phase DG inverters inject all the generated active power into the grid. One of the major drawbacks for proper operation of the whole system occurs when voltage sag (dip) is transmitted through the network. In grid fault conditions, the controller must react to the perturbation and mitigate the adverse effects on the inverter side. Depending on the depth and duration of the voltage sag, the grid codes force disconnection of the system [7], [8]. In this paper, a flexible control algorithm is proposed to face the problem of different types of voltage sags. Whenever balanced three-phase voltage sags occur, the voltage support strategy should raise the voltage in all phases as much as possible. However, if only one or two phases are in fault, a voltage equalizing strategy will be of interest. Voltage equalization is accomplished when the difference between rms voltages is reduced. Then, it is possible to avoid under voltage in the phases under fault or overvoltage in the phases that do not suffer the voltage sag. Moreover, the negative-sequence voltage is reduced and the phase jump is cleared, which are important arguments to properly operate DG inverters [10]. To avoid disconnection, phase voltages must remain within upper and lower limits. Novel control schemes are needed for a greater penetration of DG sources. Better control algorithms improve power quality and efficiency and increase grid reliability as well [11], [12]. Therefore, control schemes with higher performance are the basis for proper operation of DG systems, particularly under grid faults.


电子设备正常工作的电压只要电力喂养设备保持一致的范围内。有几种类型的电压波动,可能会导致一些问题,包括激增和峰值,下垂,谐波失真,短暂的中断。电压凹陷是一项基本频率降低电源电压在短时间。电压凹陷不是完整的电力中断;这是一个临时低于额定电压的90%的水平。大多数电压凹陷不低于额定电压的50%,他们通常会持续3到10周期或50到170毫秒。电压凹陷可能是最重要的电能质量(PQ)今天工业客户面临的问题,他们可以为大型商业客户的一个重要问题。电压跌落的来源有两种:外部和内部。公用事业不断努力提供最可靠的和一致的电力。在正常的实用程序操作,然而,许多事情会导致电压跌落。 Storms are the most common cause of external sags and momentary interruptions in most areas. Internal causes of voltage sags can include starting major loads and grounding or wiring problems. Whether or not voltage sag causes a problem will depend on the magnitude and duration of the sag and on the sensitivity of your equipment. Many types of electronic equipment are sensitive to voltage sags, including variable speed drive controls, motor starter contactors, robotics, programmable logic controllers, controller power supplies, and control relays. There are several factors for the causes of voltage sags:
控制器的输入是测量相电压v PCC,我李流过电感的电流,直流母线电压。电压v和电流转换为值。电压,然后分解成对称的组件使用一个序列器。对称序列器是一个关键的方面描述电网电压。的直流环节电压调节器负责参考有功功率P *保持权力平衡。电压支持块需要检测的电压凹陷。这可以通过计算每个阶段的电压有效值。当一个或多个rms值低于预定义的阈值,电压支持控制被激活。电压支持块决定哪种策略应该实现根据网格编码和系统的局限性。这部分提供无功功率Q *参考。 All this information passes through the reference generator to build reference currents and . The reference current generator is the kernel of the control algorithm because it can flexibly support the grid voltage. The next stage corresponds to the current loop, where the references are compared with the measured currents. At the end of the current control loop, duty cycles and are processed by the space vector pulse width modulator to commute the switches . The main objective of this work is to present a method to ride through voltage sags and support the grid voltage. In three phase balanced voltage sags, the control strategy should be to raise the voltage in all phases. In one or two-phase voltage sags, the controller is in charge of a grid current that equalizes voltages, i.e. within acceptable limits.
c .无功功率控制
无功功率是单位时间内磁性能量流的形式在一个电路。它的单位是VAR(伏安反应)。这种力量不能用于交流电路。然而,在直流回路可以被转换成热时充电电容或者电感连接电阻,能量存储在元素转换为热量。我们的电力系统作用于交流系统和大多数负载用于我们的日常生活中是电感或电容,因此无功功率从电气角度是一个非常重要的概念。任何设备的电力因素决定了大量的无功功率需要[7]。它是真实的或真正的力量比所需的总视在功率的电器。根据不同电压的变化不断电需求,输电线路利用率,由控制系统控制中心,紧急情况下系统中发生。因为客户需要电压质量,交货点,达到约定标准,控制中心的职责是控制电压,以便它可以满足协议。控制电压区域问题。 In other words, the voltage controlling problems are needed to be solved separately by each control area.
DGs的网格要求更新和修订的基础上发展和渗透程度的DGs和国家电网的形式发布代码,如E。在网格代码和CEI网格代码发布的Comitato Elettrotecnico意大利语[13]。在这些网格编码的基本要求是对像电能质量(THD的注入电流水平)和anti-islanding要求。考虑渗透程度的DGs连接到网格,结合需求预计将被添加到网格编码在未来。输电系统运营商(TSO)要求网格编码[1],[13],发电机应保持连接即使在指责网格条件下为了满足电网和支持电网电压。不同tso提供不同电压概要作为断开的限制,根据凹陷深度和持续时间。在短时间间隔内(通常小于0.150 s),逆变器必须保持联系即使在深凹陷条件下单位(p.u。) [0.2]。在温和的电压凹陷(低于0.8 p.u。),逆变器必须长时间保持联系(2 s)。另一个问题在电压支持需求是被动/主动功率比。在深电压凹陷,只有必须注入电网的无功功率。然而,在那么有深度电压凹陷、活性和反应能力都必须被转移到给电网。这些网格的需求设置,确保工具维修人员的安全以及其他设备连接公共电网阿,避免由于电压故障电网崩溃。 It is expected that these grid requirements will be recommended to be used to regulate single-phase PV systems [2], since the impact of large-scale single-phase PV systems on the low-level public grid cannot be ignored.




仿真已成为一个非常强大的工具在工业应用以及学者。现在是必不可少的一个电气工程师的概念理解模拟和学习它的使用在不同的应用程序。仿真是一个最好的方法来研究系统或电路行为而不会造成损害。在大多数的研究与发展(R&D)工作,模拟中起着非常重要的作用。的性能提出了灵活的电压支持的概念在同步电压凹陷补偿控制方法,使用Matlab / Simulink进行了环境。MATLAB是一个互动的系统,其基本数据元素是数组,它不需要尺寸。SimPowerSystems扩展仿真软件建模和模拟工具基本电路和详细的电力系统。该方法可以实现更有效的电压支持复苏正序电压和负序电压降低网格。图3和图4显示了仿真电路图的电压分布代三相逆变器控制方案。这里,控制器是一个主要成分,可用于分析和降低电压凹陷在电网连接。 The simulated output voltage and current waveforms in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 shows that voltage sag is reduced by the controller during grid connection. It can be observed that the unbalance degree of the bus voltage is significantly decreased at the expense of the larger power oscillations, which would result in the dc-link voltage oscillations. Therefore, the control coefficient should be carefully tuned for the practical applications. On the other hand, the proposed control strategy is effective for both positive sequence voltage recovery and negative sequence voltage reduction, which will enhance the voltage support capability of the grid-connected inverter in the low voltage/voltage dip in a grid.




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