

Ikeda Pinaco*


Ikeda Pinaco
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收到:14 - 6月- 2022年手稿。jchem - 22 - 66639;编辑分配:截止2022年6月17日,QC前没有。jchem - 22 - 66639 (PQ);综述:04 - 2022年7月,质检不。jchem - 22 - 66639;修改后:15 - 8月- 2022年手稿。jchem - 23 - 66639 (R);发表:23日- 8月- 2022,2319 - 9849.11.7.006 DOI: 10.4172 /



绿色化学旨在减少产品和工业过程对人类健康的影响和环境设计(或重新设计)。可持续性的原则是GC的核心哲学,需要减少环境影响,为子孙后代保护自然资源。尽管许多绿色化学的理念并不新鲜,在多大程度上他们已经结构化成一个整体框架和他们正在使用的程度要加强对学术的兴趣在这方面,工业,和监管机构。绿色化学已发展到现在学术界和产业界的标准做法。绿色化学是化学产品和工艺的发展,减少或消除有害化学物质的使用和他们的生产。因此,绿色化学方法是为了造福社会作为一个整体的经济和环境效益。与公众对环境问题的认识增加,当前学生热衷于研究绿色化学和可持续发展的概念。因此,许多大学开始包括绿色化学理念到课程或研究项目绿色化学的概念已被证明是有效的在现有普通化学和有机化学课程。绿色化学的交叉学科性质使得它一起教其他科目,和几个新建立了绿色化学课程纳入课程。这些课程创建与化学或科学专业,而其他人创建与非科学专业。 A community based service learning project has been included into a Westminster College undergraduate green chemistry course. Students created green chemistry laboratory activities for use at a local high school as part of this project. Despite the fact that green chemistry principles are closely linked to environmental and societal issues, there have been few recorded attempts to include community based service learning into green chemistry classes. Green and sustainable chemistry, a relatively new notion that emerged in the early 1990’s, only gained traction and acceptance at the millennium's turn. Green and sustainable chemistry is concerned with the creation of procedures and technologies that result in more efficient chemical reactions that produce less waste and emit fewer pollutants than typical chemical reactions. Green chemistry refers to all aspects and types of chemical processes that have less harmful effects on human health and the environment than existing best practices. Green Chemistry's concepts and guidelines are meant to achieve the following objectives for any chemical process:

发展的一个化学过程,使更多地使用可用的资源。减少浪费在化学制备过程中生成和处理。改进的技术应该用于创建材料,以减少对环境造成负面影响。替代有害试剂和产品替代,也有类似的品质和应用程序,但较低的环境影响。减少必要的能量创造感兴趣的化合物,通过使用更快的流程或使用可再生能源和更低的能源成本和更高的效率。减少一定的复合材料的毒性以及化合物本身。化学家可以大大减少危害人类健康和环境通过减少或消除危险化学品的使用或创建与一个特定的合成或过程。绿色化学是当今的必要性和光明的未来,为基于科学的环境保护提供一个有价值的想法。化学家必须使用绿色化学概念,研究人员和制药公司在创建并选择催化剂反应机制。我们可以减少浪费,限制使用有害化学物质,维持原子经济和保护环境,我们的未来一代的遗产,采用绿色化学过程。 One of the new millennium's problems is to integrate technical advancement with environmental protection. Chemists will play a critical role in establishing the circumstances for long-term development, and green chemistry could be their winning strategy. Green chemistry addresses these issues by developing novel reactions that maximise desired products while minimising by-products, developing new synthetic schemes and apparatus that simplify chemical manufacturing operations, and looking for greener solvents that are inherently environmentally and ecologically friendly.
