e-ISSN: 2319 - 9849
拉瓦锡是第一个做出改善示范方法(1- - - - - -20.)考试的常见材料的碳和氢的物质。他愤怒的材料在空气或氧气和测量了二氧化碳和水包围。吕萨克和Thenard升级过程与氧化反应特性材料专家氯酸钾。该方法进一步提高当氧化铜(21取代了氯酸钾。过程还进一步提高了贝采里乌斯和李比希在1831年。李比希的方法允许强大的考试发生,是由于进入二十世纪。策略在常规氮物质的确认是由小仲马和李比希硫和辐射光的肯定。
主要试图理解常见的混合是自由基理论的方法。自由基被认为是“一致的一部分物质,其身份通过运动的反应的方式,不是一个化合物”。拉瓦锡认为当一个激进的破坏性是塑造与氧气。激进的是无机酸的部分;不过是一个常规酸含有碳和氢的化合物。不同常规的激进分子酸含有碳和氢的各种措施。激进的连接通过考试的可能性吕萨克氢氰化和氰22- - - - - -25]。氰化物自由基被认为通过运动去改变反应的自由基被视为一个特别稳定的社会事件的粒子反应中作为一个单元混合反应。
手与智能科学的进展密切的新混合的信息披露已经收集系统的变化和前沿科学的策略。在开始最新的世纪钾肥是焦盐,这是得到从木材烟尘。勒布朗建立的方法获得流行的盐,和一段时间这是原则技术获得可分解的基础上无限的规模。在任何时候这种方法通过和取代了索尔维或注意盐的流行过程,并在很大程度上可以想见,各种年前这沿着这些线路将取代由盐增溶剂的电解技术基础课程的行动。有一个可预测的改善物质产业的新系统;越解决技术需要提供方法来处理更多的金融和完美的过程。一百多年,所有使用的硫酸破坏了一块铅室,和一个又一个变化是添加到这个策略直到传递给高faultlessness状态;然而现在,随着新世纪的开放,硫酸破坏性的制造商正往铅室。另一个更好的方法使破坏性设计。二氧化硫和空气滚精细的铂和随之而来的三氧化硫是成水驱动的。 It has for a long while been understood that sulphuric destructive can be made thusly on the little scale in the examination office, yet it is generally starting late that the standard has been conformed to the business preparation of the destructive. Up to this time the inconvenience has been that the contact substance, the finely segregated platinum, soon lost its activity, Now it has been discovered this can be overcome by means of meticulously cleaning the gasses before they associate with the platinum and that, by keeping the temperature of the " teaming up gasses underneath the reason for deterioration [26- - - - - -35三氧化硫的),操作可以进行不确定性和对业务规模。随之而来的三氧化硫是撞到水和硫酸破坏任何层次的中心。其他基本机械科学的变化已经通过使用能源工程部分的安排和混合。像尼亚加拉大瀑布的地方,有丰富的水影响的时代电动流迅速转换成基本发明组织的席位。电流是目前主要用作无机科学两门课程。在任何情况下用于高温的形成电暖。直接结构电暖包含一个实例的火块碳轴设置电动轮部分光线,影响下的高温碳铅笔每一个金属氧化物之间通过减少碳,氧化铝在尼亚加拉大瀑布,因而减少和铝青铜、铝和铜的复合。沙子是相对减少,部分硅加入过量的碳和结构复合碳化硅,极为艰难的物质,广泛用作金刚砂的替代品。假的石墨和磷在电暖方式和广泛的金属的碳化物已经准备。这些碳化物发生了电石业务的重要性,因为它通常用于乙炔。 The other course in which the electric energy is utilized is for the electrolysis of liquids, either game plans of substances in water or merged substances. At Niagara, metallic sodium is as of now made by the electrolysis of merged acidic pop. One of the businesses of the metallic sodium is to get prepared sodium peroxide, the new biting the dust administrator, for which reason the metal is seethed in dry air. Metallic aluminum is gotten by the electrolysis of aluminum oxide in an interlaced shower of cryolite. Blistering pop and chlorine are made by the electrolysis of salt plans, and potassium chlorate by the electrolysis of potassium chloride course of action. The electric current is moreover used as a piece of refining certain metals, for which reason sheets of the harsh metal are suspended at one shaft in a shower of the metal salt and the flawless metal spared at the other post. In the midst of the earlier century mind blowing headway has been made in the techniques for isolating the metals from their minerals. Has this been substantial for iron, and in addition of all the accommodating metals? For example, it is only vital to call attention to the cyanide strategy of isolating gold and silver. Gold and silver minerals which are poor to the point that it was unfruitful to work them in prior years are without further ado viably treated with an answer of potassium cyanide, which has the power, inside seeing air, of dissolving the good metals. It is this system which has, as it were, added to the extended formation of gold starting late. One alongside the other with this change of metallurgical strategies has gone the use of by-things. Not simply is effect warmer slag used as a piece of making Portland concrete, yet diverse slags, for instance, those got in the vital steel system and which contain phosphoric destructive, are used as fertilizers [36- - - - - -41]。炖的二氧化硫型铅锌金属不再允许逃逸到空气中,然而改变到硫酸是破坏性的。
但实际上最轻快的散步在科学的进展,部门已经在早些时候世纪被称为规律的科学。一百年前我们的知识混合发生在植物和动物的器官是在很大程度上没有说实话。两个或三个特征物质被孤立,然而他们的合成不足,作为考试的策略在很大程度上是严厉的。李比希在1830年提高分离这些混合的方法,并以这种方式解决了系统正常的科学。一个世纪前都是在假设共同混合不能在任何能力,形状或合成年代框架是不诚实的考试重点,像矿物混合的情况。设想,一个很难错过临界功率通过某种手段在说情。他们创造的植物和动物的器官,我们永远不可能想让他们在探索的办公室。尽管如此,这个想法很快就应该投降,维勒在1828年成功地工作了尿素直接无机物质,并因而影响基本特征的混合物质。这很快就落后的酸性破坏性的科尔伯,随后有一个明显的无休无止的测量时间更大的和更大数量的物质被添加到混合的总结。需要太长时间每一个升级列表已经在探索办公室误导。 It is adequate to say that the hydrocarbons of petroleum, standard alcohol, wood alcohol, fusel oil, the ethers, the ethereal and significant oils, the unsaturated fats, glycerin, grape sugar and regular item sugar, shading matters and shading stuffs like indigo and turkey red, fragrant substances like oil of extreme almonds, vanillin and cou-marine and various others, have been made, One hundred years earlier it was all things considered acknowledged to be shocking for two substances of inside and out different properties to have the same synthesis. Exactly when Liebig in 1823 found that Wohler had dismembered silver cyanide, and communicated the rate synthesis, he saw that it was undefined with the rate association of silver detonate as found without any other individual. He right this minute created to Wohler and let him realize that he probably dedicated a mistake. Silver cyanide and silver impact were out and out various substances, he said; they couldn't in any capacity, shape or frame has the same piece. Wohler repeated his examinations and found that they were correct. Liebig again examined silver detonates and found that his figures in like manner were correct. Both substances had the same rate piece. Two or three years after, Berzelius showed that racemic and tartaric acids have the same piece, however different properties, and from this time on substances of this kind have been called isomeric. This wonder of isomerism, so unprecedented at one time, is at present to a great degree essential, We have, for occurrence, 55 substances having the formula C HMO" all having the same segments in the same degrees, or the. Same kind of particles and the same number of particles of each kind. To illuminate isomerism it was imperative to expect that in these different bodies the atoms are contrastingly sorted out or grouped thus there came into science structure or constitution and by this term is inferred the way in which the particles are joined to outline the tiniest particles of blends.