ISSN: 2347 - 7830
收到:2022年- 11月29日,手稿。牛仔裤- 22 - 60725;编辑分配:01 - 12月- 2022 QC前没有。牛仔裤- 22 - 60725 (PQ);综述:15 - 12月- 2022年质量控制。牛仔裤- 22 - 60725;修改后:22日- 12月- 2022年手稿。牛仔裤- 22 - 60725 (R);发表:22日- 12月- 2022,2347 - 7830.10.s5.005 DOI: 10.4172 /
全球国家之间的贸易是国际贸易的浪费浪费为进一步治疗,处理或回收利用。有毒或危险废物往往是发展中国家从发达国家进口的。全球对固体废物管理描述的数量在一个给定的国家产生的固体废物。具体来说,产生更多的固体废物更经济发达的国家和工业化。报告解释说,“一般来说,经济发展和城市化率越高,产生的固体废物量就越大。”Therefore, countries in the Global North, which are more economically developed and urbanized, produce more solid waste than Global South countries. Current international trade flows of waste follow a pattern of waste being produced in the Global North and being exported to and disposed of in the Global South. Multiple factors affect which countries produce waste and at what magnitude, including geographic location, degree of industrialization, and level of integration into the global economy.
很多学者和研究人员与浪费的大幅增加交易和浪费的负面影响交易的流行新自由主义经济政策。与主要的经济转型对新自由主义经济政策在1980年代,转向“自由市场”的政策促进了全球垃圾贸易的急剧增加。主席亨利•吉鲁在麦克马斯特大学文化研究,让他的新自由主义经济政策的定义。作为一个政策和政治项目,新自由主义是执着于公共服务的私有化,出售的态函数,放松管制的金融和劳动,消除福利国家和工会,商品和资本投资,贸易自由化和市场化和商品化的社会。”Given this economic platform of privatization, neoliberalism is based on expanding free-trade agreements and establishing open-borders to international trade markets. Trade liberalization, a neoliberal economic policy in which trade is completely deregulated, leaving no tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions on international trade is designed to further developing countries' economies and integrate them into the global economy. Critics claim that although free-market trade liberalization was designed to allow any country the opportunity to reach economic success, the consequences of these policies have been devastating for Global South countries, essentially crippling their economies in a servitude to the Global North. Even supporters such as the International Monetary Fund, “progress of integration has been uneven in recent decades” Specifically, developing countries have been targeted by trade liberalization policies to import waste as a means of economic expansion. The guiding neoliberal economic policy argues that the way to be integrated into the global economy is to participate in trade liberalization and exchange in international trade markets. Their claim is that smaller countries, with fewer infrastructures, less wealth, and less manufacturing ability, should take in hazardous wastes as a way to increase profits and stimulate their economies.
区域发展中经济体经常经历疲惫和不当管理和控制垃圾废物收集服务。正在恶化的问题。治理问题使情况变得更加复杂。在这些国家和城市废物管理是一个持续的挑战由于虚弱的机构,慢性恶果和快速城市化。所有这些挑战,以及不同因素的缺乏理解导致废物管理的层次结构,影响治疗的浪费。在发展中国家,废物管理活动通常是由贫困,生存。据估计,2%的人口在亚洲,拉丁美洲和非洲都依赖于废物为生。家庭组织或个人手工拾荒者往往参与废物管理实践与支持网络和设施很少增加健康影响的风险。此外,这种做法阻止孩子继续教育。参与废物管理的大多数公民水平很低; residents in urban areas are not actively involved in the process of waste management.