卵巢恶性增长是癌细胞的增长发生在女性生殖系统的卵巢。卵巢癌是一种癌症,卵巢内的形式。它导致异常细胞的生长有能力入侵或扩散到身体的其他部位。这个过程开始时,可能没有或不确定的症状。症状更加明显随着癌细胞的增加。常见的症状包括腹胀、骨盆疼痛、腹部肿胀和食欲不振等。卵巢癌的早期症状和体征可能缺席或非常少。有时可误诊为肠易激综合征症状。卵巢癌的早期症状和体征都不见了。症状可以根据他们的不同亚型。 Ovarian cancer borderline tumours are also known as low malignant potential (LMP) ovarian tumours, which does not cause an increase in CA125 levels and the cancerous tumours can’t be detected with an ultra sound. The typical symptoms of an LMP tumour can include abdominal cramps or pelvic pain. The common risk factors of ovarian cancer are related to the amount of time spent for ovulation. Thus, absence of children is a major risk factor for ovarian cancer, because ovulation is suppressed via pregnancy. During ovulation, cells are constantly stimulated and undergo replication to divide even though the ovulatory cycles continue. Therefore, people who have not conceived earlier are at twice the risk of ovarian cancer than those who have conceived for single time. The risk of causing ovarian cancer is less for women who have irregular menstrual cycles, breast feeding, take oral contraceptives, and conceived in younger age too might increase the risk of ovarian cancer.
激素缺乏在某些情况下也可能会导致卵巢癌。生育药物的使用可能会导致较低的潜在恶性卵巢肿瘤的形成。生育药物可能连接到边缘肿瘤的风险更高。患者的治疗不当的风险高卵巢癌上皮;然而,那些已经对不孕和合理治疗后来生将以较低的风险。这可能是由于怀孕期间杀死癌细胞,但这背后的原因还不清楚。激素条件如多囊卵巢综合征和子宫内膜异位与卵巢癌有关,但它们之间的共性是不得而知。激素替代疗法(HRT)可能增加卵巢癌的机会。绝经后激素替代疗法结合雌激素和孕激素可能增加的同时如果用于5年以上风险,但风险的几率完成治疗后恢复正常。这种效应可以通过生孩子,有口服避孕药,和母乳喂养; all of them comes under protective factors. Long term breast feeding may also leads to larger decrease in the risk of ovarian cancer. For every birth it helps to decrease the risk of ovarian cancer, and this effect is seen up to five births. Combination of oral contraceptives reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by up to 50%, and the duration of action of combined oral contraceptives can last up to 25–30 years. Regular use of aspirin may increase the risk of ovarian cancer.