E - ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P - ISSN: 2347 - 2286
Braig Gello*
收到:26日—2022年5月,手稿。jmb - 22 - 68398;编辑分配:30 - 2022年5月——Pre-QC没有。jmb - 22 - 68398 (PQ);综述:截止2022年6月13,QC不。jmb - 22 - 68398;修改后:截止2022年6月20,手稿不。jmb - 22 - 68398 (R);发表:27-Jun - 2022, 2320 - 3528.11.5.003 DOI: 10.4172 /
虽然临床方面的领域主要集中在微生物感染的个体的存在和发展,其对人体的影响和治疗这些感染的方法,流行病学的研究模式,原因和影响人群健康和疾病状况的医学微生物学的是一个重要的组成部分。虽然之间有一个流体连续公共卫生微生物学和临床微生物学在现实中,整个领域概念上分为学术和临床sub-specialties作为应用科学在这方面,正如艺术在临床实验室的状态取决于正在进行的医学学术和研究实验室的发展。有可能为细菌、病毒、真菌和寄生虫引起的感染。这种疾病导致病原体可能是外生的。的门户入口是一个微生物进入人体的位置。这些包括皮肤、粘膜膜,泌尿生殖系统、胃肠道和呼吸道。门户的一个特定的微生物通常依赖于如何从其宿主的自然栖息地。病毒进入人体的各种路线传播,类似于其他疾病,但他们的不同之处在于,他们也需要渗透到主人的真正的细胞。病毒遗传物质必须引入细胞一旦侵入宿主细胞。病毒复制显著不同,是受到基因的影响,每一个。 While most RNA viruses only form in the cytoplasm, the majority of DNA viruses assemble in the nucleus. A virus ability to infect, multiply and survive in host cell tissues is essential to its survival. For instance, some illnesses, like the measles have a method that requires it to spread to a number of hosts. Therefore, the virus has to spread to new hosts before it is eliminated by immunological resistance or host death in these types of viral infections where the illness is frequently treated by the body's own immune response. However, some infectious agents, like the feline leukemia virus, have the ability to defy immune responses, establish a long-term home within a single host and still disseminate to additional hosts. Clinical manifestation, such as gastrointestinal disorders and skin infections, might be used to identify an infectious agent causing a minor illness. Epidemiological considerations must be taken into account, such as the patient's likelihood of exposure to the suspected organism and the presence and distribution of a microbial strain in a population, in order to make an educated guess as to which microbe may be causing the sickness. The patient's medical history and a physical examination are typically used to start the diagnosis of an infectious condition. Microscopy, biochemical assays, genotyping and microbiological culture are examples of more in depth identification methods. Images showing internal anomalies caused by the growth of an infectious agent are produced using other procedures.