e-ISSN: 2321 - 6182 p-ISSN: 2347 - 2332
Dian Fossey*
收到:24日- 11月- 2022手稿。JPRPC - 22 - 82511;编辑分配:2022年- 11月29日,PreQC没有。JPRPC - 22 - 82511 (PQ);综述:14 - 12月- 2022,QC没有JPRPC-22 - 82511;修改后:21 - 12月- 2022年手稿。JPRPC-22 - 82511 (R);发表:28日- 12月- 2022,2321 - 6182.10.6.003 DOI: 10.4172 /
茄科植物,包括烟草和Duboisia hopwoodii,自然生成生物碱的尼古丁,它是广泛被用来取乐兴奋剂和抗焦虑药。是一种药用物质旨在减轻戒断症状在那些想戒烟。除了两个烟碱受体亚基(nAChR-9和nAChR-10),尼古丁函数作为一种受体拮抗剂,尼古丁是一种多数尼古丁乙酰胆碱受体受体激动剂。0.6干重的-3.0%烟草的尼古丁。Ppb-concentrations尼古丁也发现在食用茄科家族的成员,如土豆,西红柿和茄子虽然仍值得商榷,这为人类消费者任何生物的重要性。尼古丁以前通常用作杀虫剂对antiherbivores由于其有害影响。
烟碱类,结构像尼古丁和包括吡虫啉,是一些最有效的和经常使用毒药。对尼古丁上瘾是相当强劲。缓释药物,如牙龈和补丁不上瘾和帮助人们停止使用烟草。根据研究动物,单胺氧化酶抑制剂烟草烟雾中发现可能使尼古丁上瘾。2毫克的尼古丁平均吸收从一个香烟。吸烟者不受任何限制只有温和的尼古丁戒断症状时血液中尼古丁含量达到峰值后每个香烟。当你停止吸烟,戒断症状变得更糟之前慢慢好转,恢复正常。有一个坚实的安全记录的使用尼古丁戒烟援助。对动物的研究表明,尼古丁可能对青少年认知发展产生负面影响,但它是有争议的这些结果是否适用于人类大脑的发展。它有一个温和的小剂量的镇痛作用。 Nicotine is not widely recognized to be a carcinogen, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Nicotine is a teratogen since it has been found to cause birth abnormalities in people. Nicotine's median fatal dose in humans is unknown. Although serious or fatal overdoses are uncommon, high amounts of nicotine have been documented to result in organ failure, nicotine poisoning and death by paralysis of the breathing muscles. Nicotine is mostly used therapeutically to treat nicotine dependence in order to cease smoking and the harm it does to one's health. To help patients wean themselves off their dependence, controlled doses of nicotine are administered using gum, dermal patches, lozenges, inhalers or nasal sprays. Combining nicotine patch use with a faster acting nicotine replacement, like gum or spray, improves the likelihood of treatment success. Additionally, 4 mg of nicotine gum instead of 2 mg improves the likelihood of success. It is considered poison to use nicotine. At the dosages that consumers take, it does not pose a significant risk to the user. Numerous of them also appeared often in the nicotine-free placebo group. Even in those with pre-existing cardiac disease, there was no evidence of a higher rate of major cardiac issues compared to the placebo group and palpitations and chest pain were labeled as "rare" symptoms and it lists the typical negative effects of nicotine exposure. It is extremely rare for nicotine replacement therapy to cause serious side outcomes. In healthy nonsmokers given nicotine via a transdermal patch, nicotine decreases the quantity of Rapid Eye Movement (REM), Slow-Wave Sleep (SWS) and overall sleep time and the decrease is dose-dependent. Acute nicotine poisoning has been shown to drastically shorten the amount of time spent sleeping overall while lengthening REM, sleep onset and NREM stage 2 sleep.
抑郁的情绪和睡眠不吸烟者尼古丁时改善管理,但情绪和睡眠受到后续对尼古丁上瘾的负面影响是相当强劲。单胺氧化酶抑制剂在烟草烟雾可能增加也能让人上瘾,根据动物实验。经常吸烟者戒烟吸烟经历温和但之间明显的尼古丁戒断症状。其中包括轻度降低情绪、压力、焦虑、认知、和睡眠,所有这些暂时去更好的下一个烟。吸烟者享受正常的情绪只有在他们吸烟;否则,他们不会尼古丁依赖。对于吸烟者,尼古丁依赖与降低睡眠时间和睡眠质量差。吸入或注射经常或在高剂量时,尼古丁激活边缘通路和诱发长期FosB表达式在伏隔核但不总是消耗。由于FosB在伏隔核、高每天暴露在尼古丁会导致尼古丁上瘾。尼古丁被认为是一个潜在的人类畸胎原出生以来,它已被证实引起异常在某些动物物种,而不是其他人的。 Researchers discovered that nicotine adversely affects foetal brain development and pregnancy outcomes in animal tests that resulted in birth defects the adverse effects on early brain development are connected with anomalies in brain metabolism and neurotransmitter system function. Mothers who smoke and women exposed to passive smoking both produce breast milk with nicotine, which crosses the placenta.