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收到:06 - jun - 2022,手稿。jbs - 22 - 66508;编辑分配:09 - jun - 2022, PreQC不。jbs - 22 - 66508 (PQ);综述:截止2022年6月23日,质检不。jbs - 22 - 66508;修改后:截止2022年6月30,手稿不。jbs - 22 - 66508 (R);发表:08 - 2022年7月,DOI: 10.4172 / 2320 - 0189.11.5.003




鲜花种内尺寸变化和不同大小的花朵吸引不同大小的蜜蜂在一个植物物种。更大的工人Bombus vagans访问更大的牛野豌豆开花,野豌豆属、反之亦然。在这种植物,选型交配大小相似类之间被发现。大花是有益的,因为他们增加了传粉者访问(大花更大的奖励),但他们有一个精确的频率减少花粉传播。稳定的选择在这个工厂平衡相互冲突的力量,盛开的尺寸优化结果。延伸热刺没有实质性的负面影响和时间花在这种情况下将是首选。植物的种内变异大小并没有解决在这个研究。我们认为,研究两种植物的大小变化和蜜蜂在同一时间会有帮助。花的花粉形态决定了地点,或花粉块坚持传粉者的身体。如果植物花粉沉积网站不同,许多植物物种可以共享一个单一的传粉者。尤其常见的关键植物接受trapline共享服务如果传粉者。 However, inter and intraspecific morphological variation among plants does not always imply pollinator species specialisation specific to individual plant species or morphs. The flower morphology of north american pedicularis, for example, showed considerable interspecific variation, but each species was visited by several common bumblebee species. Robbers, parasites and others frequently prey on unique morphological features that appear to be specialised for a single pollinator. Color and odour are two other floral characteristics that attract pollinators. Intraspecific colour morphs have been shown to promote assortive matings and intraspecific odour morphs have also been discovered, each of which is pollinated differently by bumblebees and flies. In classic works on pollination ecology, pollinator symptoms are classified based on colour and odour. Flowering phenology has been extensively researched in connection to pollination competition. Staggered blossoming dates and random connections among plant members in the same guild who share a single pollinator have been documented from various communities. Such broad variety in the results, which is dependent on the communities researched and the bias of the researchers, necessitates a more thorough investigation of the patterns. Author has introduced approaches for statistical testing of data with null models for this purpose. To distinguish across guilds, we require a statistically rational criterion. In many cases, classifying plants according to pollinator syndromes tends to overstate specialisation. In this work, we used cluster analysis to identify plants depending on the frequency of interactions. However we couldn't find unique guilds of plants visited by four of the five bumblebee species. The overlap of flowering times reduces seed set in combinations of two or three plant species, as demonstrated below. At the community level, however, flowering period staggered among plant species appears to be uncommon and if it does exist, it is incomplete. Furthermore, the free allocation of flowering dates by plants, which is a core assumption of null models, is limited by plant phylogeny and environmental requirements. Simultaneous morphology and phenology analysis have been proposed.