

毗湿奴R. Kale1, v·a·库尔卡尼2
  1. 印度马哈拉施特拉邦奥兰加巴德贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁工程学院工程技术系PG学生[EC]
  2. 艾莎。印度马哈拉施特拉邦奥兰加巴德尼赫鲁工程学院工程与技术系教授



提出了一种用于连续流中目标的实时检测和选择的智能方法。图像处理在当今世界受到广泛关注,因为它在许多高科技领域都有广阔的应用前景。真正的挑战是如何改进现有的分拣系统的模块化处理系统,该系统由识别、处理、选择和分拣四个集成站组成,具有新的图像处理功能。现有的分选方法使用了一套电感、电容和光学传感器来区分物体的颜色。本文提出了一种应用于图像处理的机电分色系统解决方案。图像处理程序感知网络摄像头实时捕捉到的图像中的物体,然后从中识别颜色和信息。这些信息通过图像处理进行拾取和放置机制处理。排序过程基于定义为1)设备学习识别对象的自我学习步骤的2阶段操作方法;2)一个可操作的选择过程,其中对象被检测到,使用决策算法分类并实时选择。该项目涉及一个自动化物料处理系统。 It aims in classifying the colored objects by colour, size, which are coming on the conveyor by picking and placing the objects in its respective pre-programmed place. Thereby eliminating the monotonous work done by human, achieving accuracy and speed in the work. The project involve sensors that senses the object’s colour, size and sends the signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller sends signal to circuit which drives the various motors of the robotic arm to grip the object and place it in the specified location. Based upon the detection, the robotic arm moves to the specified location, releases the object and comes back to the original position [1] [2].




确定快速流动流体中小物体的实时和高精度特征将为工业分拣过程开辟新的方向。本论文涉及一种用于分类和分类小型物体的设备和方法,使用电子系统和先进的传感器,其操作基于每个元素的物理和几何特征。电子和印刷电路板技术的最新进展为该领域的工业应用开辟了新的前景。所提出的选择过程是基于多感官表征,更具体地说,是基于对待排序对象的交叉光学和阻抗分析。平行导轨,也称为通道,创建在倾斜的植物支撑。要排序的对象被浸泡在一个连续的自由落体流中,沿着导轨[1][2]。通过另一种方式,这个项目可以处理一个自动化的物料处理系统&可以通过以下方式设计。它使机械臂的运动同步,以拾取在传送带上移动的物体。它的目的是分类的彩色物体,这是在传送带上采摘和放置的对象在其各自的预编程的地方。从而消除了人力的单调工作,实现了工作的准确性和速度。 The project involves colour sensors that senses the object’s colour and sends the signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller sends signal to circuit which drives the various motors of the robotic arm to grip the object and place it in the specified location. Based upon the colour detected, the robotic arm moves to the specified location, releases the object and comes back to the original position [1][2].


该图显示了系统的框图。这个项目的基本主题是在传送带上流动的物体根据它们的颜色和大小被感知、选择和分类。为此,摄像头作为输入传感器,摄像头是头顶摄像头,将摄像头安装在PC上,并通过USB连接到PC上。相机将抓拍,它将馈送到PC进行色彩处理。在PC机上用matlab对颜色进行处理,根据此信号将信号传递给atmega328单片机。微控制器通过PWM信号控制伺服电机。这些伺服电机将通过控制机械臂的角度运动来控制机械臂的运动。因此,机械臂将完全由伺服电机控制。机械臂的夹持器会根据物体的大小来选择物体。这是全自动过程,不需要人工支持。 The microcontroller used here is with the support of Arduino kit. The Arduino is good platform for robotics application. It is the software and hardware also, using both the above system is developed. Thus the real time, continuous object sorting can be done.
ATmega328是一款低功耗CMOS 8位微控制器,基于AVR增强的RISC架构。通过在单个时钟周期内执行强大的指令,Atmega 328实现了接近1 MIPS / MHz的吞吐量,允许系统设计人员优化功耗与处理速度。AVR核心结合了丰富的指令集和32个通用工作寄存器。所有32个寄存器都直接连接到算术逻辑单元(ALU),允许在一个时钟周期内执行的一条指令中访问两个独立的寄存器。由此产生的体系结构具有更高的代码效率,同时实现比传统CISC微控制器快10倍的吞吐量。Atmega 328提供以下功能:4K/8Kbytes的系统内可编程闪存,带读-写功能,256/512/512/1Kbytes EEPROM, 512/1K/1K/2Kbytes SRAM, 23条通用I/O线,32个通用工作寄存器,三个灵活的定时器/计数器,具有比较模式,内部和外部中断,串行可编程USART,面向字节的2线串行接口,SPI串口,6通道10位ADC (TQFP和QFN/MLF包中有8个通道),带有内部振荡器的可编程看门狗定时器,五种软件可选择的节电模式。空闲模式停止CPU,同时允许SRAM,定时器/计数器,USART, 2线串行接口,SPI端口和中断系统继续工作。下电模式保存寄存器内容,但冻结振荡器,禁用所有其他芯片功能,直到下一次中断或硬件复位。在省电模式下,异步计时器继续运行,允许用户在设备的其余部分处于睡眠状态时保持计时器基础。 The ADC Noise Reduction mode stops the CPU and all I/O modules except asynchronous timer and ADC, to minimize switching noise during ADC conversions. In Standby mode, the crystal/resonator Oscillator is running while the rest of the device is sleeping. This allows very fast start-up combined with low power consumption.The 16 MHz Crystal Oscillator module is designed to handle off-chip crystals that have a frequency of 16 MHz. The crystal oscillator output is fed to the System. As an alternative to using a crystal, you can use an externally generated 16 MHz clock source as input tothe on-chip 16 MHz oscillator.
b .相机
本案例中使用的摄像机为罗技PN 960-000748,其技术指标为:
•视频通话(640 x 480像素)
•视频捕捉:高达1024 x 768像素
•高速USB 2.0认证(推荐)
C. Matlab与图像处理
MATLAB是矩阵实验室的缩写。MATLAB最初的编写是为了方便地访问由LINPACK(线性系统包)和EISPACK(特征系统包)项目开发的矩阵软件。MATLAB是一种高性能的技术计算语言。它集成了计算、可视化和编程环境。此外,MATLAB是一种现代的编程语言环境:它具有复杂的数据结构,包含内置的编辑和调试工具,并支持面向对象编程。这些因素使MATLAB成为教学和研究的优秀工具。与传统的计算机语言(如FORTRAN)相比,MATLAB在解决技术问题方面具有许多优势。MATLAB是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维数的数组。自1984年以来,该软件包已经商业化,现在被认为是全球大多数大学和行业的标准工具。它具有强大的内置例程,可以实现非常广泛的计算。 It also has easy to use graphics commands that make the visualization of results immediately available. Specie applications are collected in packages referred to as toolbox. There are tool boxes for signal processing, symbolic computation, control theory, simulation, optimization, and several otherof applied science and engineering [17]. Image can be assumed as the visualization of what vision senses that is captured by camera. Image is considered as a two dimensional function with variables that represent the spatial coordinate. It holds information about color as well as shapes. In color image, RGB color model mixes those three prime color components, red, green and blue, to produce another color. Image capturing and processing have been used widely in diverse applications, such in medical and surveillance applications.
d . Arduino
Arduino是一款让电脑比台式电脑更能感知和控制物理世界的工具。它是一个基于简单的微控制器板的开源物理计算平台,以及为该板编写软件的开发环境。Arduino可用于开发交互式对象,从各种开关或传感器获取输入,并控制各种灯、电机和其他物理输出。Arduino项目可以是独立的,也可以与计算机上运行的软件(例如Flash, Processing, MaxMSP)进行通信。板可手工组装或购买预组装;开源IDE可以免费下载。Arduino编程语言是一种类似物理计算平台Wiring的实现,它基于Processing多媒体编程环境。Arduino板由一个8位Atmel AVR微控制器和互补组件组成,以方便编程和集成到其他电路中。Arduino的一个重要方面是连接器的标准暴露方式,允许CPU板连接到各种可互换的附加模块(称为屏蔽)。大多数电路板包括一个5伏线性调节器和一个16 MHz晶体振荡器。 The Arduino board exposes most of the microcontroller's I/O pins for use by other circuits. It provides 14 digital I/O pins, six of which can produce PWM signals, and six analog inputs. These pins are on the top of the board, via female 0.1 inch headers. Several plug-in application "shields" are also commercially available [13]. There are many other microcontrollers and microcontroller platforms available for physical computing. Parallax Basic Stamp, Netmedia's BX-24, Phidgets, MIT's Handy board, and many others offer similar functionality. All of these tools take the messy details of microcontroller programming and wrap it up in an easy-to-use package. Arduino also simplifies the process of working with microcontrollers, but it offers some advantage for teachers, students, and interested amateurs over other systems:
●跨平台——Arduino软件可在Windows、Macintosh OSX和Linux操作系统上运行。大多数微控制器系统仅限于Windows。
Arduino Nano、Arduino兼容的Bare Bones板和Arduino板可以在板的下方提供公头引脚,以插入无焊料面包板。Arduino IDE是一个用Java编写的跨平台应用程序,源自Processing编程语言和Wiring项目的IDE。它的目的是向艺术家和其他不熟悉软件开发的新人介绍编程。它包括一个具有语法高亮显示、大括号匹配和自动缩进等功能的代码编辑器,还能够通过单击一次就编译和上传程序到板子上。通常不需要在命令行界面上编辑makefile或运行程序。虽然在命令行上构建是可能的,如果需要一些第三方工具,如Ino。有很多arduino兼容和arduino衍生板。
手臂是一种关节机器人操纵器,可以让机器人与环境互动。许多飞机都有机载控制器或翻译器,以简化通信,尽管它们可以直接控制或以多种方式控制。由于这一事实,独立的手臂通常被归类为完整的机器人。本项目使用的机器人是4轴机械臂,4轴机械臂是为小型移动机器人设计的。它可以抓住60毫米以下的物体,力最大可达250克。手臂可达23厘米。它可以将有效载荷提升到400克。机械臂是完全组装和准备使用。手臂的前两轴由NRS-995双轴承重型金属齿轮电机组成,其余两轴和夹持器使用NRS-585双轴承塑料齿轮伺服电机。轴2和轴3使夹持器在上下移动时保持与表面的角度恒定。 Robotic arm can do Left-Right, Up-Down while keeping gripper parallel to surface, Twist motions and Gripping action. Robotic Arm will require current up to 5Amps. Make sure that your robot can supply that much amount of current for proper operation of the arm. The robotic arm has following specifications.
●轴数:4 +夹持器
■工作电压:5V ~ 6V
f .伺服电动机
伺服是直流电动机与内置齿轮和反馈控制回路电路。而且不需要司机。伺服电机是一个旋转驱动器,允许精确控制角度位置。它们由一个电机连接到一个传感器,通过减速箱进行位置反馈。它们还需要一个相对复杂的控制器,通常是专门为伺服电机设计的专用模块。伺服电机用于应用,如机器人,数控机械或自动化制造。伺服电机有一些控制电路和一个连接到输出轴的电位器(一个可变电阻)。这个锅允许控制电路监控伺服电机的当前角度。如果轴是在正确的角度,然后电机关闭。如果电路发现角度不正确,它会将电机转到正确的方向,直到角度正确为止。 The output shaft of the servo is capableof traveling somewhere around 180 degrees. Usually, its somewhere in the 210 degree range, but it varies by manufacturer. A normal servo is used to control an angular motion of between 0 and 180 degrees. A normal servo is mechanically not capable of turning any farther due to a mechanical stop built on to the main output gear. The amount of power applied to the motor is proportional to the distance it needs to travel. So, if the shaft needs to turn a large distance, the motor will run at full speed. If it needs to turn only a small amount, the motor will run at a slower speed [14] [15] [16].
这叫做比例控制。顾名思义,伺服马达是一种伺服机构。更具体地说,它是一个闭环伺服机构,使用位置反馈来控制其运动和最终位置。它的控制输入是一些信号,模拟或数字,表示的位置命令的输出轴。电机与某种类型的编码器配对,以提供位置和速度反馈。在最简单的情况下,只测量位置。输出的测量位置与控制器的外部输入命令位置进行比较。如果输出位置与所要求的位置不同,则产生一个错误信号,然后使电机向任何一个方向旋转,根据需要将输出轴带到适当的位置。当位置接近时,误差信号减少到零,电机停止。最简单的伺服电机使用位置感应,通过电位器和砰砰控制他们的马达; the motor always rotates at full speed (or is stopped). This type of servomotor is not widely used in industrial motion control, but they form the basis of the simple and cheap servos used for radiocontrolled models. More sophisticated servomotors measure both the position and also the speed of the output shaft. They may also control the speed of their motor, rather than always running at full speed. Both of these enhancements, usually in combination with a PID control algorithm, allow the servomotor to be brought to its commanded position more quickly and more precisely, with less overshooting. The servo turn rate, or transit time, is used for determining servo rotational velocity. This is the amount of time it takes for the servo to move a set amount, usually 60 degrees. For example, suppose you have a servo with a transit time of 0.17sec/60 degrees at no load.
输送电机通过整流和控制电路接收来自中央电源的动力和信号。控制电路由电位器组成,用户可以通过调节旋钮手动控制输送带的速度。皮带的材料是聚酯纤维。传送带由两个或多个滑轮组成,带着一个连续的材料环-传送带-围绕它们旋转。一个或两个皮带轮都有动力,使皮带和皮带上的物料向前移动。有动力的滑轮称为驱动滑轮,无动力的滑轮称为惰轮。带式输送机主要有两种工业类别;一般材料,如工厂内的移动箱和用于运输工业和农业材料的搬运箱,如粮食、煤炭、矿石等,通常在室外位置。整体采用标准重力输送架。输送机框架提供对接板(标准)或挂钩和杆附件,以确保每个段在一起。 Standard frames are supplied in a hammer tone blue spray painted finish oats or conditions. Stainless steel rollers for wash-down or corrosive applications are used. Spring loaded axles slot into holes along the frame. This allows for easy replacement of damaged rollers. Heavy duty rollers are supplied with shafts. Precision or stainless steel bearings are available for frame work . Two types of standard supports are available. Both styles provide adjustment. Other support styles and complete frames are used to special support. RHS Supports are bolted to the underside of the conveyor frame via a crescent plate. This plate provides allowance for any angular misalignment. Pipe stands are also available for economy or for applications where the conveyor may be moved on a frequent basis. Normally, supports are only placed on every conveyor join 3 stands for 2frames [2].










图1 图2 图3
图1 图2 图3
图4 图5 图3
图4 图5 图7

