

  1. 博士研究学者,梅斯顿教育学院(自治),Royapettah,钦奈,Tamilnadu India1
  2. 物理科学的副教授,梅斯顿教育学院(自治),Royapettah,钦奈,Tamilnadu India2







个人成长的能力需要一个诚实的和准确的库存的个人优势和劣势在态度、行为模式或习惯,选择和行动的结果。此外,个人恶习与美德,经验、智力、情绪稳定和适当性也包含在自我意识。这样selfexaminations被认为必要的希腊哲学家,苏格拉底对生活美好的生活或申办指自导改善经济,智力或情感上最频繁和大量心理或精神的基础。自助的基础往往是自力更生,公开信息或支持小组有类似问题的人聚集在一起的地方。从早期原型在自励的法律实践和家纺的建议,这句话的内涵经常传播,尤其适用于教育、商业、心理或心理治疗秘方,供应通过自助书籍的流行风格和自助个人发展运动。任何健康状况可以找到一个自助方法或组如精神病患者的父母。但也有限制,这些方法并不适用于所有人。不同的学生有不同的个性。每个人格类型有不同想法的学生什么是成功。Selfknowledge是一个共同的目标,这将帮助每个人实现个人成功。 So many students are hung up on somebody else's idea of what it means to be successful, and they are unaware of what is truly important to them. This is completely normal. The students all have important role-models and influencers in our lives that may have basic values that are quite different from our own. If this is the case, it's important to recognize that the discrepancy between what students have been taught is truly important and what students personally believe to be truly important is due to a difference in perspective. If students spend our time and effort trying to meet somebody else's idea of success, and ignore or belittle any conflicting messages from our own psyche, then students will find ourselves exhausted and unhappy. Realizing what is truly important to us is a major step towards achieving personal success.




焦虑是一种不愉快的状态,内心的骚动,伴有神经行为,如来回踱步,躯体抱怨和沉思。这恐惧的主观不愉快的感觉是不太可能发生,比如即将死亡的感觉。焦虑是不一样的恐惧,这是对某事感到现实威胁或危险的和适当的回应是一个威胁;焦虑是一种恐惧,担心,和不安,通常广义和无重点的过度反应情况,只是主观视为威胁。通常伴有烦躁、疲劳、浓度问题,肌肉紧张。焦虑并不被认为是一个正常的反应,感知到的压力虽然很多偶尔感觉到它。焦虑直接的情感状态,特点是恐惧,恐惧,紧张,和生理唤醒的增加。暂时情绪条件特点是恐惧,紧张,担心一个特定的情况或活动。状态焦虑通常是伴随着生理唤醒和可观察到的行为指标,如神经坐立不安,舔嘴唇,摩擦手掌一件衬衣或裤子。焦虑是定义为一个心理和生理条件,包括各种组件(行为、认知、情感和遗传/体),合并,导致感情如紧张、恐慌和不安。 Anxiety can also be categorized as being "state" or "trait," depending on its duration. Trait anxiety-It is defined as the tendency to experience anxiety. Trait anxiety is considered to be a characteristic of personality that endures over time and is manifest across a variety of situation. Anxiety can be either a short term 'state' or a long term "trait." Trait anxiety reflects a stable tendency to respond with state anxiety in the anticipation of threatening situations. It is closely related to the personality trait of neuroticism. Such anxiety may be conscious or unconscious. Trait anxiety refers to a general level of stress that is characteristic of an individual, that is, a trait related to personality. Trait anxiety varies according to how individuals have conditioned themselves to respond to and manage the stress. What may cause anxiety and stress in one person may not generate any emotion in another. People with high levels of trait anxiety are often quite easily stressed and anxious.


一次增加的需要有效的大学生心理健康服务,实证研究通知这些服务是至关重要的。因此,本研究的目的是调查个人成长和特质焦虑之间的相互关系。研究依恋理论认为个体如何亲密关系的经验与其他领域的功能。发现实证证据表明对健康和精神病理学之间的相互关系将有助于达到进一步明确人类功能的主要领域。反过来,这样的清晰将加强与学生的治疗干预的功效。个人意义当选作为衡量幸福的标准,而Depressiveness和特质焦虑精神病理学的脆弱性指标。在这项研究中,。它被视为individualsA¢€Ÿ倾向和喜好对焦虑和回避在亲密的关系中。个人意义的概念作为一个感知的程度他或她有目的的和充实的生活。Depressiveness由自我批评和依赖的因素。 Self criticism refers to tendencies of perfectionism, whereas dependency has to do with excessive need and concerns about approval and availability of others for one‟s sense of identity and wellbeing. Trait-anxiety was viewed as one‟s vulnerability to conceive a variety of life situations as threatening and to react to such situations with elevated degrees of fear, tension and anxiety.










以下工具已经被研究者用来进行这项研究。1。个人资料表由调查员。2。个人成长计划规模由克里斯汀Robitschek (2011) 3。特质焦虑查尔斯·d·斯皮尔伯格(1983)


从表1和图据悉,计算„关键RatioA¢€Ÿ不显著大于表CR值对于男孩和女孩的总样本。因此,假设被接受和证明之间没有显著差异的个人成长的男孩和女孩从政府学校。从表2和图B,显然明白计算„关键RatioA¢€Ÿ值明显大于表的CR值(P < 0.05, N = 75)的男孩和女孩从私立学校样本。因此,假设被拒绝和证明,个人成长之间存在显著差异的男孩和女孩从私立学校样本。
从表3和图C,显然明白计算„关键RatioA¢€Ÿ值明显大于表的CR值(P < 0.01, N = 75)的男孩和女孩从政府学校样本。因此,假设被拒绝和证明的特质焦虑之间存在显著差异,男孩和女孩从政府学校样本。从表4,也从图D,显然明白计算„关键RatioA¢€Ÿ值明显大于表的CR值(P < 0.01, N = 75)的男孩和女孩从私立学校样本。因此,假设被拒绝和证明,特质焦虑之间有显著差异的男孩和女孩从私立学校样本。从表5和图E,据悉,计算相关系数值大于表的相关系数值(P < 0.05, N = 75)和(P < 0.01, N = 75)。因此假设被拒绝和证明有明显的个人成长和特质焦虑之间的关系在政府学校的男孩和女孩和男孩的私立学校。私立学校的女孩,计算系数值小于表关联的值。因此,假设被接受和证明,没有重大的个人成长和特质焦虑之间的关系在私立学校的女孩。


一个¯¶本研究通过各种方式帮助学生可以使用他们的个人成长和特质焦虑在学校学术和其他相关活动。¯¶一些学生认为,想知道为什么似乎有些学生更成功,快乐,聪明,或者比别人热情,大部分时间,这些“进步”是由于一个伟大的渴望更好的自我。这些学生似乎他们的生活往往好那些不断阅读自助书籍或参加励志讲座。一个¯¶学生可能偶然发现了文章在线,促进个人发展或自我完善和世界上不知道为什么这是如此重要。这里有几个原因你应该不断努力对个人成长和发展。一个¯¶它帮助学生从错误中学习。它做什么好学生犯错误,不学习吗?它绝对没有好处。当学生的重点是学习和成长为一个人,学生将会更有可能看你遇到的每一个错误或问题和学习经验,而不是浪费时间。一个¯¶学生将成为他们的生活的繁荣。 Students who are passionate about becoming a better or betterrounded person, are often more prosperous as well. This doesn‟t necessarily mean they will become rich, in a monetary sense of the word. But they will be much more at peace with themselves and consider themselves richly blessed with what you do have.  Students will develop positive, nurturing relationships. When students learn how to handle your-self and their own life circumstances, students will also learn how to develop better in their life. From friends to family, they will be better equipped to handle unexpected problems and cultivate positive, healthy relationships with others.  Students will live an overall healthier life. Learning more about student self and achieving a higher level of respect for themselves can only lead to a healthier and more productive life. When they grow as a person, student start caring more about themselves in every aspect. Student will have a greater desire to eat healthier, squelch bad habits, and take better care of themselves.




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