关键字 |
视场;CDMA;TDMA;FDMA;领导的非线性;光学无线频道。 |
介绍 |
光通信是另一个系统,提供高安全性。非常困难的人去接从房间外的光信号的信号不穿透墙壁或其他不透明的物体。这提高了无线通信安全的更多细节,我们称读者[1]。红外系统的覆盖范围是有限的空间界限,在系统安装看到[2],[3]。光无线通信系统提供许多优势在射频(RF)通信系统。光学无线通信等各种优势无限许可——免费的带宽,廉价的收发器,无有害辐射干扰任何健康相关领域,比如医院,等。NICT日本,并使用光CDMA的第一个演示系统在自由空间和光纤链接[4]。光学通道通常采用强度调制直接检测(IM / DD),这是一个光学通道之间的主要区别,传统的电子通道。这有两个主要的后果。 |
(我)首先光学通道的输入必须非负的。 |
(2)第二,平均传输光功率成正比的输入通道的意思是[5]。 |
许多多路访问技术,广泛用于光学无线通信系统,是频分多址(FDMA),时分多址(TDMA)码分多址(CDMA)和波分多路访问(WDMA)技术。这些都是通过额外的波长过滤器通过将不同波长。 |
频分多址(FDMA)和时分多址(TDMA),这两种技术将特定频率或时间片分配给不同的无线终端。当系统中所有片占据,没有额外的无线终端可以适应。多址能力也提供了码分多址(CDMA)。最常见的CDMA技术是跳频CDMA或直接序列CDMA。由多个用户同时使用一个共同的通道,同时,对传播的信息,在CDMA是可能的。CDMA允许多个用户使用的常见渠道传播信息。CDMA的信息信号发射机将编码的代码序列或序列蔓延。后来,发射机发送的编码信号接收器。使用相同的代码序列作为发射器,接收器能够解码接收到的信号。同时,接收者能够解码来自发射机的信息甚至当接收多个信号。 This is possible if the code sequences satisfy cross-correlation and auto-correlation requirements. The information bandwidth is much smaller than the bandwidth of the coded signal. The coding process is, therefore, also called a spread spectrum modulation, while the coded signal is called a Spread-Spectrum Signal. The CDMA gets its multiple access capability by the spreading of the information signal. Subscribers can be separated in the frequency, time, or code domain. A key–feature of CDMA systems using Pseudo–Noise (PN) sequences is if all wireless terminals in one cell can tolerate certain degradation in their performance then they can tolerate overload (these are situations where the actual Bit Error Probability (BEP) is very high for a short time). CDMA systems using PN sequences the Bit Error Probability (BEP) increases with the number of active terminals [6]. |
最近的工作 |
黄等[7]使用模拟退火算法(SA)对提高系统性能。柯克帕特里克提出的模拟退火算法[8]的寻找全球最低的一个优化过程和姚明等[9],用一个点光源转换成一个扩展源最低的成本函数优化的全息图的面具。结果表明,模拟退火技术较长的计算时间,但导致了比简单迭代法提高19%。优化现场模式获得最小延迟五个不同视场的传播,减少87.5%是观察到的均匀照明模式和减少93%的标准差接收信号功率低于电网设计[9]。 |
Ghassemlooy Rajbhandari,年代,z和Angelova M显示误比特率(BER)性能的脉冲位置调制(PPM)方案公布室内光学链接使用通道平衡基于人工神经网络(ANN)的研究显示,一个高度分散的通道,信噪比要求实现比特误码率(BER)的纯ANN-based扳平比分低~ 10 ~ dB与16-PPM unequalised-soft-decoding的155 Mbps的数据速率。指出神经网络平衡是一种有效的工具减轻传输干扰所有的延迟扩展范围。 |
直接视线链接 |
导演洛用于点到点通信链接,主要在室外和室内环境在某些情况下也如图1所示它展品低功率需求以及创建一个高功率通量密度在照片探测器光学集中在一个非常狭窄的光束。《链接进一步提供了最高数据速率(数百Mbps和上图)在一个链接跨度从几米到5公里。此外,导演洛链接不遭受multipath-induced信号失真。当使用一个窄视场(FOV)接收机噪声的环境光源也很大程度上拒绝[10]。数据率,因此,有限的空间路径损耗,而不是多径色散的影响[10],[11]。也有一些缺点。对于室内的应用程序,提供覆盖范围和漫游可能成为问题,如果一个信号通道提供的覆盖范围非常小。移动用户不能直接支持洛杉矶链接,因为有一个校准接收机和发射机模块的要求。在LOS OWC-based局域网餐饮为单一用户,基站发射机/接收机通常安装在房间的天花板。然而,采用蜂窝拓扑结构在需要的情况下提供服务多个用户在一个相对较大的房间。 In cellular topology, the narrow transmit optical beam is replaced with a source of a wide optical foot print. In cellular OWC links, the communication between mobile users is established via a base station located at the centre of each cell and the optical signal is broadcast to all mobile users within the cell. Cellular OWC topology requires no alignment and tracking and offers reduced power efficiency as well as mobility. As a high proportion of the transmitted light is detected at the photo detector from a number of different directions, they overcome blocking problem by relying on reflections from surfaces of objects within rooms. However, they must contend with multipath-induced dispersion and incur a high optical path loss (thus higher transmit power. While multipath propagation does not result in multipath fading in indoor IR systems, since detector sizes are huge in comparison with the wavelength, it does give rise to inter- symbol interference (ISI), thus limiting the data rate to around a few Mbps in a typical size room. In addition to this, OWC degrades the link performance as it is able to operate in environments with intense ambient light levels. |
非直达洛杉矶 |
非直接链接是适合点对多点广播应用程序如图2所示他们不需要对准和跟踪,但提供鲁棒性阴影和堵塞[12]。很大一部分照片检测器检测到透射光的从不同的方向,这有助于减少阻塞的问题。他们有更高的传输功率,但获得更高的光学路径损耗。他们还必须面对multipathinduced色散限制了数据率约几Mbps房间里典型的大小和产生传输干扰(ISI),尺寸与波长相比是巨大的此外,油水界面的链接应该能够在环境中以强烈的环境光水平,因此降解性能的联系。 |
分散配置 |
配置也被称为非直达非洛[11]如图3所示,它通常由一个发射机直接指向天花板,发射红外光束。油水界面扩散到室内拓扑结构是最适合基础设施和局域网adhoc网络网络[11],[13],因为它几乎是抗堵塞的传输路径。d o e s n o t需要维护一个洛杉矶路径也不需要仔细的发射机和接收机模块的校准。它也非常灵活。5米的水平分离,不幸的是,较高的路径损耗,通常50 - 70 dB [14]。路径损耗是进一步增加,如果主要信号通路被暂时的阻塞,等一个人,掩盖了接收器,这种情况称为阴影[15]。此外,探测器和宽视场照片通常收集信号,认识一个或多个反射从天花板,墙壁和空间对象。照片检测器可以进一步得到改善和数组时可以减反射信号反射系数介于0.4和0。9替换为非成像接收机非定向和non-LOS链接通过一个单一的成像光线集中器。例如,脉冲位置调制(PPM)的电力需求是高于通断键控(显得)更高的数据速率。 However, the eye safety regulations and electrical power consumption in portable (battery-powered) devices limits the average optical power emitted by an IR transceiver. Therefore, the use of power-efficient modulation techniques is desirable. In addition, in diffuse systems, the entire room needs to be illuminated by a single or multiple transmitters. This can be achieved by diffused light propagation after a few reflections but it requires a relatively huge transmitted optical power. For instance, 475 of transmit power for a diffuse 50- Mbps link at a horizontal link separation of 5m between transmitter and for receiver both directed to the ceiling [16]. It improves the link performance by the way of reducing the multipath distortion and the ambient light noise. Use of multi beam transmitter and a multiple element narrow FOV angle-diversity receiver improves the performance of diffuse systems. The light power is projected on to a ceiling, over a regular grid of small spots, in the form of multiple narrow beams of equal optical intensity. In this configuration, each diffusing spot offers reduced path loss leading to the increased link Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) by ~20 dB, and so would be considered as a source offering a LOS link to a narrow FOV receiver[14], [15]. Due to imaging concentrators and physical orientation, the angle-diversity receivers consists of multiple receiver elements effectively pointing in different directions [14]. The photocurrent generated by each receiver element can be processed in a number of ways, including the use of digital wavelet- AI techniques. The ambient noise and multipath distortion can be reduced by this type of receiver as these unwanted contributions are usually received from different directions to that of the desired signal [12]. The performance of such schemes has been analyzed in Refs. [16], [18]. The Inter Symbol Interference can be control led by using Dielectric Totally Internally Reflecting Concentrator (DTRIC) optical antenna. LOS links can be used for a number of outdoor applications such as university campuses, last miles access networks, cellular communication backhaul, inter satellite communications, satellite uplink/downlink, deep space probes to ground, disaster recovery, fibre communication back-up, video etc…. |
混合洛杉矶系统 |
在混合动力系统,所有元素有一个窄视场。只有发射机或接收机宽视场。在典型的混合动力系统,发射器安装在天花板照亮一个广阔的区域内。导演non-LOS链接,发射机的窄角发射和接收方有窄视场。他们之间克服任何障碍,使第一个反射到接收器,发射器是针对一个反射面。此外,尽可能减小多径色散r接受信息信号后一个反射[15]。然而,由于高度定向发射机和接收机,对齐是有问题的。宽光束发射器或窄视场接收机,反之亦然,在混合动力系统。这种放松的需要严格的发射机和接收机之间的对齐。系统受到多路径传播虽然阻塞概率可以显著减少使用链接设计。 |
理论方法 |
导演视线和multispot扩散(quasi-diffuse)配置链接可以增加减少的视野(FOV),这是证明一个数学方程。室内油水界面本身作为国际米兰——符号链接明显干扰(ISI),因为他们不受到多径衰落的影响,但受色散的影响。分散被建模为一个线性基带信道脉冲响应h (t)。对于一个给定的位置发射器、接收器和干预反映对象,该频道的特点一个油水界面的链接是固定的。通道特征只有当这些组件被感动的距离变化的顺序厘米[19]。通道可能被认为是静态,因为他们只在不同时间尺度的一些时期由于对象的相对缓慢的运动,人们在一个房间,由于高比特率[20]。 |
强度调制的直接检测(IM / DD)的光学无线连接总结由以下方程 |
在光学系统中,只能承受有限的路径损耗,需要相对较高的光学传输的权力。建议调制技术,具有较高的峰-平均功率比是最可核准的,因为一般的光学传输能量是有限的。这通常是通过功率效率对带宽效率之间的平衡。散粒噪声占主导地位时,信噪比也照片探测器面积成正比,因为收到电力和散粒噪声的方差比例2 d A和d,分别,d是接收探测器的领域。因此,大面积的使用探测器是有利于单一元素接收器。然而,有一个限制影响接收机带宽和传输容量的探测器面积及其电容增加。这是直接冲突增加的带宽需求与权力高效调制技术,因此,这两个因素之间存在权衡。传递函数的一种光学无线频道H噢(f)的定义 |
仿真结果 |
模拟研究涉及增强光学无线信道的功率比使用Matlab通过加强引导视线通道增益降低接收机的视野(FOV)。接收机的视野与镜头和照片的收集区域检测器。在图1中。直接的视线。作者使用了导演在室内环境洛为点对点的通信链接。在图2中。非直达洛杉矶表明适用于点对多点广播应用程序。在图3中。非直达non-LOS表明d o e s n o t需要维护一个洛杉矶路径也不需要仔细的发射机和接收机模块的校准。表1显示了最大的接收功率值,最小接收功率和集中器/渠道获得不同的视野。 As shown in table, the maximum and minimum received power and Channel gain increases on decreasing the Field of view. Fig. 4 shows the 3-D view of Line of Sight Channel gain drawn using Matlab. In Fig. 5, a graph is drawn between minimum received power and the Field of View and in Fig. 6 a graph is drawn between Maximum received power and the angles of Field of view. As shown, the Field of View is inversely proportional to both minimum and maximum received power. In Fig. 7, the graph drawn between the angles of Field of View and the Concentrator/ Channel Gain. |
结论 |
本文基于仿真结果后可以得出明智的结论 |
(我)执导的视线和multispot扩散(quasi-diffuse)配置链接可以增加通过减少的视野(FOV)。 |
(2)领域的视图(FOV)的接收机是成正比的收集区域透镜和光电探测器。 |
(iii)集中器增益或通道增益成反比FOV的价值,这是证明了模拟结果。 |
表乍一看 |
表1 |
数据乍一看 |
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