语言严厉当一个专业的和病人需要在类似的语言能力。语言严厉反对地会影响整体医疗管理部门。西班牙语交谈的人感到尴尬的用英语沟通,供应商的不熟悉西班牙语,不太倾向于得到建议医疗服务和更糟糕的健康结果公布。这项技术对于理解似乎有影响,利用离线手机破解政府促使低病人亲自实现与视频和翻译。混乱的假设语言严酷块充足率PNE的枸杞多糖治疗。折磨神经科学教育代祷(PNE)是一种用于解决折磨相关心理弱点,显示保证作为下腰痛(LBP)的中介。大约80%的美国人将洞察力折磨他们的生活过程中,模糊的强烈的枸杞多糖是最广泛的认可。地址是重要的社会心理以及实际衰弱在实际顾问疗法的枸杞多糖减少改变持续枸杞多糖的赌博。折磨神经科学培训计划工作的病人如何描绘神经生物学和神经生理学解释折磨的痛苦以及痛苦感觉系统的处理。明确的病人和供应商之间的通信是重要PNE可行的中介。 A solid restorative union and clear clarification further develops viability of PNE. Spanish is the second most normal language in the United States. The high volume of spanish speakers, as well as examination that shows language harshness regularly impacts nature of medical services, makes a requirement for a bigger information base with regards with the impacts of language dissonance on active recuperation therapy. Accordingly, the motivation behind this study is to depict the actual specialist the board of a spanish talking patient with intense LBP while utilizing an off-site phone deciphering administration and inspect how PNE therapy was affected by language harshness.
必不可少的西班牙女性她说话mid-40A¢年代,引入一个基于医疗诊所的短期积极康复中心参考强烈的模糊的枸杞多糖。两个月前,她与机动车事故(MVA),是专注于附近的紧急危机分支的诊所。成像是负面的和她肌肉松弛剂,环苯扎林、肌肉适合。她主动恢复访问期间,英语升值是限制和预期利用手机翻译来解决冲突的语言。揭示折磨刚刚略微减少自从她MVA,她不幸的痛苦煽动的发展。坐着,站着,和散步15分钟的折磨;一步攀登和解除对象> 5磅,真正专注于她的两个孩子是麻烦。她已经离开sitting-centered工作。她的目标可以选择坐回到工作和开车送孩子上学,走路和探索步骤减少痛苦使家庭练习和当地旅行更简单。其他适当的健康数据包括前驱糖尿病和类1体重指数为31.0。 Step was slow and antalgic with abbreviated step length reciprocally. Midline lumbar and sacral agony was limited without emanating indications. Sit to stand moves were troublesome. Separated hip ROM was inside ordinary cutoff points and torment free. Lumbopelvic ROM was restricted and difficult in both flexion and augmentation; in any case, the patient showed a slight flexion inclination. All neurodynamic testing was negative and lumbar Passive Intervertebral Accessory Motion (PIAM) expanded restricted torment side effects without radiation. Sacroiliac (SI) joint tests and inclined precariousness test (PIT test) incited nearby agony. The spanish translation of the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and dynamic lumbar flexion and expansion ROM were focused on as result measures all through treatment. The ODI incorporates one agony thing and exercises of everyday living things and was utilized to assâÂÂs self-saw inability. The Spanish interpreted and transculturally adjusted rendition has generally excellent inside consistency and great build legitimacy. Thoraco-Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip (TLPH) ROM utilizing a solitary air pocket inclinometer is solid and legitimate, showing great between and intra-rater dependability as well as great develops legitimacy, psychometric information on lumbar ROM and the ODI.
语言冲突依赖影响PNE治疗和一般复苏的障碍,限制运动约束和兴趣。折磨的重要度,发展障碍,限制腰椎运动的范围,和肚子和臀部肌肉结构的缺点,限制了坐着,站着,移动和升降完全注意到。这些促使投资限制工作,完成家庭任务,真正专注于她的年轻人。针对治疗下腰折磨安排框架为基础,病人的更年轻的年龄,积极倾向不稳定(坑)测试,在功利主义和非典型运动发展把她的一些调整。临床和有用的预测是公平的返回想要练习;在任何情况下,冲突是依赖语言影响PNE治疗,因此,相反影响病人的预期。临床可视化,可以估计长期折磨和功利主义期待自己限制仍然悬而未决的强烈的枸杞多糖的性质以及一些个人和生态元素。进一步遗憾预后元素组成的潜在恐惧回避性行为,折磨的重要度,和较低的广泛的健康状态。积极的预后因素合并没有神经迹象,工作作为一个母亲,和年轻的年龄。几个单个元素影响其临床和有用的预测,包括语言冲突。 Writing is restricted on the effect of language harshness on intense LBP results, yet it adversely impacts general medical care results. Spanish talking people who are not happy communicating in english report more awful wellbeing results. Those utilizing a mediator during a crisis division visit were more averse to track down their supplier well disposed, deferential, concerned, and leaned to cause the patient to feel great. A decent actual specialist patient relationship is connected to expanded treatment fulfillment in patients with outer muscle conditions. Because of the more terrible general wellbeing results as well as the unfavorable effect on the patient-supplier relationship, the patient's language harshness was theorized to adversely affect both her clinical and useful anticipation. Probability of long haul LBP and handicap is diminished on the off chance that the patient is more youthful, has kids, and needs neurologic side effects.