

k . Nithya1,k Sundareswari2
  1. 第三卷,Dept of CSE, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, India
  2. Karpagam大学助理教授,部门CSE印度哥印拜陀



提供可靠和有效的沟通在衰落信道下的一个主要技术难题在无线传感器网络(网络),尤其是在工业网络(IWSNs)与动态和恶劣的环境。可靠的活性增强路由(R3E)增加弹性连接动力轮为/ IWSNs。R3E旨在提高现有被动路由协议提供可靠和节能的包交付对不可靠的无线连接利用本地路径的多样性。有偏见的让步方案介绍了,在route-discovery阶段发现一个健壮的引导路径,从而提供更多合作转发的机会。在本指南路径,数据包通过节点贪婪地进展向目的地的合作没有利用位置信息。R3E显著提高了包交货率,同时保持高能源效率和低延迟交付。






在[1]几个路由方案提出了特别的移动网络。作者提供的分类根据路由策略(即这些计划。,table-driven and on-demand) and presented a comparison of these two categories of routing protocols, highlighting their features, differences, and characteristics. Finally, they have identified possible applications and challenges facing ad hoc mobile wireless networks. While it is not clear that any particular algorithm or class of algorithm is the best for all scenarios, each protocol has definite advantages and disadvantages, and is well suited for certain situations. [2] Wireless multi-hop networks often experience severe performance degradations when legacy routing algorithms are employed, because they are not optimized to take advantage of the peculiarities of wireless links. Indeed, the wireless channel is intrinsically a broadcast medium, making a point-to-point link abstraction not suitable. Furthermore, channel conditions may significantly differ both in time and space, making routing over predetermined paths inadequate to adapt the forwarding process to the channel variability. Motivated by these limitations, the research community has started to explore novel routing paradigms and design principles dealing with the wireless diversity as an opportunity rather than a shortcoming. Within this large body of research, opportunistic routing and network coding are emerging as two of the most promising approaches to exploit the intrinsic characteristics of multi-hop wireless net- works, such as multi-user diversity. The aim of this survey is to examine how opportunistic forwarding and network coding can achieve performance gains by performing hop-by-hop route construction and by encoding data packets at intermediate nodes. Authors present a taxonomy of existing solutions, and describe their most representative features, benefits and design challenges. [3] In this paper authors proposes COPE, a new architecture for wireless mesh networks. In addition to forwarding packets, routers mix (i.e., code) packets from different sources to increase the information content of each transmission. We show that intelligently mixing packets increases network throughput. Our design is rooted in the theory of network coding. Prior work on network coding is mainly theo- retical and focuses on multicast traffic. Authors aims to bridge theory with practice; it addresses the common case of unicast traffic, dynamic and potentially bursty flows, and practical issues facing the integration of network coding in the current network stack. Authors evaluated the design on a 20-node wireless network, and discussed the results of the first test bed deployment of wireless network coding. In this paper [4] authors presents a protocol for routing in ad hoc networks that uses dynamic source routing. The protocol adapts quickly to routing changes when host movement is frequent, yet requires little or no overhead during periods in which hosts move less frequently. Based on results from a packet-level simulation of mobile hosts operating in an ad hoc network, the protocol performs well over a variety of environmental conditions such as host density and movement rates. For all but the highest rates of host movement simulated, the overhead of the protocol is quite low, falling to just 1% of total data packets transmitted for moderate movement rates in a network of 24 mobile hosts. In all cases, the difference in length between the routes used and the optimal route lengths is negligible, and in most cases, route lengths are on average within a factor of 1.01 of optimal. [5] Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSANs) are characterized by the collective effort of heterogenous nodes called sensors and actors. Sensor nodes collect information about the physical world, while actor nodes take action decisions and perform appropriate actions upon the environment. The collaborative operation of sensors and actors brings significant advantages over traditional sensing, including improved accuracy, larger coverage area and timely actions upon the sensed phenomena. However, to realize these potential gains, there is a need for an efficient trans- port layer protocol that can address the unique communication challenges introduced by the coexistence of sensors and actors.



 The 正式 的 描述 Reliable Reactive Routing Enhancement (R3E) 增加 韧性 为 WSNs/IWSNs. 动态 链接它继承了机会主义路由的优点。R3E设计。可靠的路由发现和维护每个节点的路由信息。每个节点在路由发现阶段,参与合作的下游社区信息存储转发过程。当一个节点作为货代,货代已经知道选择下一跳转发候选人沿着发现路径。优先级负责运行时转发阶段。成功接收到数据包时,当一个节点转发决策模块检查是否一个接收器。如果是,该节点将缓存传入的数据包,并开始一个倒扣计时器返回一个应答消息,定时器值排名的目的相关接收机(称为转发候选名单)列表。如果没有其他货代较高的候选人prioritytransmitting ACK之前倒扣计时器到期,它将广播一个ACK和上层提供数据包,即。在网络层,触发一个接收活动。 The potential forwarder selection and prioritization module attaches the ordered forwarder list in the data packet header for the next hop. The outgoing packet will be submitted to the MAC layer and forwarded towards the destination.






R3E最能增强现有被动路由协议inWSNs / IWSNs提供可靠和节能的包交付不可靠的无线连接。引入了一个偏置补偿方案在路由发现阶段和低伞就找到一个健壮的虚拟路径。没有利用位置信息,仍然可以贪婪地发展对目的地的数据包沿着虚拟路径。因此,R3E提供非常接近地理机会主义路由协议的路由性能。扩展AODV R3E证明其有效性和可行性。AODV-R3E可以有效地提高鲁棒性,端到端能源效率,和延迟。


图1 图2 图3 图1一个
图1 图2 图3 图1一个

