e-ISSN: 2319 - 9849
收到:03 - jun - 2022手稿。jchem - 22 - 66498;编辑分配:06 - jun - 2022, PreQC没有。jchem - 22 - 66498 (PQ);综述:截止2022年6月20,QC不。jchem - 22 - 66498;修改后:截止2022年6月27日,手稿不。jchem - 22 - 66498 (R);发表:04-Jul - 2022, 2319 - 9849.11.5.002 DOI: 10.4172 /
虽然是为石油石化行业,开发其广泛的方法,结合反应化学和化学工程的想法,允许广泛的系统反应的优化建模或工程是必需的。化学反应工程方法适合小说的发明过程和现有的增强。化学反应发生在分子识别的化学物种正在变成一个新的形式和或有不同的原子内容。化学反应发生只有当检测到一个或多个分子化学物种的数量进行改变,即承担一个新的身份,根据化学反应工程。这个新身份可以摆脱改变分子中原子的数量和类型,或从改变分子的配置,同时保持原来的原子分子构型的变化引起的内容可以在保持原有形状原子组成。,当我们讨论化学反应系统在反应发生的数量方面,我们讨论所需的数量的化学计量关系来描述系统中所有原子物种的保护。因此,我们可以区分单打。有三种类型的反应系统:单一反应系统中,多个反应系统和复杂反应系统。从实用的角度来看,我们将讨论齐次(单相)和异构(许多阶段)的阶段涉及的数量。系统异构(多相)。 Even when a system is homogeneous, we will consider it to be heterogeneous. A single phase contains all reactants and products, but the existence of another phase is undesirable. required for the reaction to continue (eg. solid catalyst). But, as we will see later, this is not the case. In some cases, heterogeneous systems can be treated. Reactors are the containers (or spaces) in which chemical reactions take occur. Over the years, a number of reactor types have been developed to handle homogeneous liquid, homogeneous gas, heterogeneous gas-liquid, gas-solid, or gas-liquid-solid reactions. Various types of autoclaves are used for batch or semi-batch processing of homogeneous liquid or heterogeneous gas-liquid (or even liquid-solid) systems. This is a type of turbine mixing vessel that can withstand high pressures. The mixture is made up of liquid reactants and a homogenous catalyst. Vessel that has been preheated to the reaction temperature When the reaction is finished, the contents have been blasted out. To make a liquid slurry, a solid catalyst can be added to these systems. The typical particle size ranges from 10 to 300 micrometers. It is possible to sparge a gas reactant. In a semi-batch operation, fluid flows through the vessel while vessel pressure remains constant.