

j·g·Agrawal1v . s . Chourasia博士2,博士。a . k . Mittra3
  1. 助理教授,部门的电气工程MIET Gondia,印度
  2. 助理教授,电子与通信工程,系MIET Gondia、印度
  3. 教授和负责人,部门的电气工程MIET Gondia,印度







印度证券交易所在全球范围内举行一个突出的地方。孟买证交所(BSE)是全世界最古老的交易所之一,在全国证券交易所(研究)是最好的成熟和进步的技术。在股票市场投资被认为是高风险和高收益,所以吸引了大量的投资者和经济学家。然而,关于股票的信息通常是不完整的,复杂的,不确定的,模糊的,预测未来经济表现的一个挑战。基于一些人投资股票市场分析。在计算机时代,人们使用股票和大宗商品交易基于他们的直觉。随着投资和交易的水平增长,人们寻找的工具和方法,将增加他们的收益同时最小化风险[1]。在全球范围内,交易在股票市场上获得了巨大的声望和它成为很多人日常工作的一部分获得可观利润。然而,股票价格运动的预测成为一个挑战,因为股票市场数据的复杂性。尽管分析股票运动行为是一个具有挑战性的任务,鲁棒预测建模可以指导投资者识别和细分高性能证券,以优越的投资决策。 Statistics, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and linear regression are all used to attempt to predict and benefit from the market’s direction. None of these techniques has proven to be the consistently correct prediction tool. Also, many of these techniques are used to pre-process raw data inputs, and their results are fed into neural networks as input. The central idea to successful stock market prediction is achieving best results using minimum required input data and the least complex stock market model. Recent advances in soft computing techniques offer useful tool for analyzing the stock market’s movement and the movement of individual stock prices to retrieve knowledge that may guide investors on when to buy and sell [2].








d .基本面分析的缺点


e .基本面分析的重要比例

一个¯‚·的市净率(P / B):账面价值是价值的公司,老板可能会收集如果他们决定清算公司(特困出售)。
一个¯‚·市盈率(P / E):市盈率比较市场价格与每股收益。,每股收益(每股收益)是该公司的净收益的流通股数量的股票。市盈率越高,更多的人相信支付高份额的期望更高的增长在未来的未来。
一个¯‚·挂钩比例:PEG的P / E比率是公司利润的同比增长率。你盯住的价值比率越低,越好股票的交易你要的未来预期收益。
没有元素是孤立存在的。P / B、P / E、挂钩、股息收益率,债务/股本比例太勉强集中独立为一个单一的衡量股票。通过结合这些估值的方法,你可以得到一个更好的股票的价值。










e .技术分析的重要参数

在股市技术分析数据52个不同参数,指标和振荡器已定义。尽管每一指标提供了一些关于股票的附加信息,使用每个其中之一将使系统复杂而缓慢。这将需要至少2 ^ 52简称ANFIS结构规则。因此有必要识别参数(财务数据的特征向量),最接近预测的性质运动不增加系统的复杂性[4],[5]。
一个¯‚·滑动平均(MA):这也许是最古老和最广泛使用的技术指标。它显示了股票价格的平均值。时间越短,越反动的移动平均线。一个典型的短期移动平均线范围从5到25天,从5到100年中期,长期100 - 250天。
一个¯‚·移动平均值/散度(MACD):它的区别是两个指数移动平均线,通常短期移动平均线和长期移动平均线。一个¯‚·相对强弱指标(RSI):一个振荡器,引入了j·威尔斯·怀尔德,Jr .)之间的区别是基于平均收益与平均损失在给定的时期。TheRSI比较股票最近的收益的大小最近损失的大小。
四、股票预测领域的重大进展ArunUpadhyayet。艾尔。(2012)开发了多项逻辑回归模型来预测优于股票(高)。作者利用财务比率作为可用的选择标准确定性能基于股票在股票市场回报与市场回报。模型测试30日大市值公司比同期的四年。分类结果显示高预测准确率为56.8%。作者的结论是,开发模型可以提高投资者的股票价格预测能力[1]。K.K.Sureshkumaret。艾尔。(2011)使用预测算法和函数来预测未来股票价格并比较它们的性能。结果分析表明,使用等渗回归函数提供了更准确地预测股票价格的能力比其他现有技术[2]。Mohsen Mehraraet。 al. (2010) used Multi-Layered Feed Forward (MLFF) neural network with back-propagation learning algorithm and Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) neural network with Genetic algorithm (GA) learning to predict TSE (Taiwan Stock Exchange) database. The paper used moving average crossover inputs based on technical analysis rules and the results showed the exponential moving average has better result than simple moving
平均和GMDH最好结果的预测,跟踪和盈利能力相对于MLFF神经网络[3]。Agrawalet。。(2010)提出了一个创新的方法表明股票市场通过最小化风险参与投资决策。采用了自适应神经模糊推理系统(简称ANFIS)基于技术指标的决策。中可用的各种技术指标,系统使用加权移动平均线,散度和RSI(相对强弱指标)[4]。吗哪Majumderet。。(2010)提出了一个基于神经网络的计算方法预测标普的运动方向CNX俏皮50指数。该模型利用预处理的数据组关闭的价值标准普尔CNX俏皮50指数从1月1日,2000年12月31日,2009年。89.65%的模型给了最高性能的准确预测的方向关闭价值指数和平均精度为69.72%在一段4年[5]。AmitGanatret。 al. (2010) focused to build neural network for stock market prediction. Author used R tool to implement the neural network with closing price, turnover, global indices, interest rate, and inflation as a neural network input. Author also proposed to include other indicator like news, currency rate, and crude price as input to the neural network. Subsequently, an attempt was made to build and evaluate a neural network with different network parameters and also with technical and fundamental data. In benchmark comparisons they found that the price prediction proves to be successful [6].
m . m . Goswamiet。。(2009)提出了一个新颖的模型,试图预测短期价格波动,用烛台分析。该方法结合了自组织映射和基于案例推理的校正盈利模式(烛台)和预测股票价格波动基于模式后果[7]。SaifulHafizahJaamanet。。(2009)分析和预测股票市场走势以检索知识可以指导投资者在买卖。作者发现,发现依赖关系的粗糙集方法的能力同时消除多余的因素在嘈杂的股市数据提取交易规则认为非常有用。他进一步解释如何检测市场时机捕捉的主要转折点的关键数据,还讨论了发展预测系统无法检测无数次要趋势显示不稳定的个人公司[8]。乔治·s . Atsalakiset。。(2008)调查了超过100名发表的相关文章,关注神经和neurofuzzy技术来预测股票市场。论文调查表明,软计算技术被广泛接受为研究和评估股票市场的行为。 Classifications were made in terms of input data, forecasting methodology, and performance evaluation. They have concluded that in view of stock market model uncertainty, soft computing techniques were viable candidates to capture stock market nonlinear relations returning significant forecasting results with not necessarily prior knowledge of input data statistical distributions [9].
m . Thenmozhi(2006)应用神经网络预测每日疯牛病的回报。多层感知器网络是用于构建每日回归的模型和使用误差反向传播算法训练网络。作者发现,网络模型的预测能力受到了前一天的回归比第一个为期三天的输入。研究表明,能取得令人满意的结果将神经网络应用于预测BSE Sensex [11]。小平杨(2005)结合了不同的模型和实例研究的因素如何影响股票价格。他使用变量的主成分分析减少通过保持原始变量的大部分信息。然后,建立了BP神经网络来分析和预测股票价格。最后,中国股市上的方法进行了测试,发现股票价格的预测,使用这种方法是令人满意的和可行的[12]。
MyungsookKlassen(2005)解释了需要选择大量数据输入向量的维数小。一般技术指标使用神经网络用于股市预测调查以确定其有效性作为输入。Levenberg-Marquardt算法的前馈神经网络应用于执行领先一步预测的纳斯达克和道琼斯股票价格[13]。穆罕默德Alyet。艾尔。()提出了一种方法使用的融合预测提高混沌时间序列预测的性能。具有不同特征的不同非线性预测包括多层感知器神经网络、径向基函数(RBF)神经网络,模糊推理系统,递归神经网络,沃尔泰拉过滤器,和局部线性预测被用来预测混沌时间序列。他们预测被组合起来构成一个更准确的预测使用线性约束最小平方(拼箱)融合方法。建议使用模拟混沌时间序列预测融合方法评估基于Mackey-Glass方程和Ikeda系统。结果表明,融合预测始终优于所有单个预测[14]。Yuehui Chenet。 al. ( ) investigated how the seemingly chaotic behavior of stock markets could be well represented using neural network, TS fuzzy system and hierarchical TS fuzzy techniques. To demonstrate the different techniques, author analyzed 7 year's Nasdaq 100 main index values and 4 year's NIFTY index values. He has used particle swarm optimization algorithm to optimize the parameters of the different techniques. This paper briefly explained how the different learning paradigms could be formulated using various methods and then investigated whether they can provide the required level of performance, which were sufficiently good and robust so as to provide a reliable forecast model for stock market indices. Experiment results revealed that all the models considered could represent the stock indices behavior very accurately [15]. Mohammad Mojaddadyet. al. ( ) considered the Twin Gaussian Process (TGP) method to predict the stock prices. They have used the historical data of stock price to learn TGP and established the relation between input and output data. Then, by inserting the new data to TGP, they have predicted the stock prices. The method was also tested on both USA and Iran stocks and found that the results of using TGP method was much effective than the other available base line methods [16]. Wei Huanget. al. (2004) investigated the predictability of financial movement direction with Support vector machine (SVM) by forecasting the weekly movement direction of NIKKEI 225 index. To evaluate the forecasting ability of SVM, author compared its performance with Linear Discriminant Analysis, Quadratic Discriminant Analysis and Elman Backpropagation Neural Networks. The experiment results showed that SVM outperforms the other classification methods. Further, he proposed a combining model by integrating SVM with the other classification methods and found that outperforms among all other forecasting methods [17]. Bruce Vanstoneet. al. (2003) surveyed recent literature in the domain of applying Soft Computing to Investment and Financial Trading and analysed the literature according to the style of soft computing used, the investment discipline used, the successes demonstrated, and the applicability of the research to real world trading. Their paper contributed to expose the key areas where research was being undertaken and they attempt to quantify the degree of successes associated with the different research approaches [18]. RohitChoudhryet. al. (2008) proposed a hybrid machine learning system based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) for stock market prediction. A variety of indicators from the technical analysis field of study were used as input features & the genetic algorithm was used to select the set of most informative input features from among all the technical indicators. The result showed that the hybrid GA-SVM system outperforms the stand alone SVM system [19]. Jin-Cherng Linet. al. (2007) presented a time series forecasting model by independent component analysis mechanism. They have extracted some underlying factors using time series and used those factors as a forecasting base. They have concluded that within component ambiguity, correlation approximation and mean difference problems, independent component analysis mechanism had intrinsic limitations for time series forecasting. Under the linear time complexity, the component ambiguity and mean difference problem was solved by the proposed evaluation. The empirical data showed that their model exactly revealed the exibility and accuracy in time series forecasting domain [20].


在第二和第三部分讨论股票预测可以通过使用基本面和技术分析。基本面分析假设投资者更合乎逻辑的和股票价格(当前和未来)取决于其内在价值。根据原教旨主义,股票的市场价格往往会走向“真正的价值”或“内在价值”。找到一个特定的股票的内在价值股票的当前和未来的整体健康以及经济需要检查。基本面分析的优点是系统方法和预测能力变化之前出现在图表。基本面分析是更好的长期稳定和经济增长的方法。但很难一次使用基本面分析市场。技术分析评估市场活动所产生的股票通过分析统计,过去的价格和体积。看起来对山峰、底部、趋势、模式,以及其他因素影响股票的价格运动。未来价值的股票价格往往取决于他们过去的价值观和过去其他相关变量的值。技术分析寻找模式和指标在股票图表,将决定一个股票未来的表现。 This analysis is largely preferred by the major stock traders and is good for shorter period also. Despite this fact technical analysis is criticized because it is highly subjective and different individuals can interpret charts in different manners. This analysis assumes that the market moves in trends dictated by the constantly changing attitudes of investors in response to different forces. Here it is assumed that the prices have tendency to go with the trend rather than against it and that the investors are 90% psychological, reacting to changes in the market environment in predictable ways.


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