关键字 |
ANFIS,模糊逻辑,ANN, Simulink,电流源逆变器(CSI),同步电机(SM) |
介绍 |
同步电机模型广泛应用于各个领域,在许多研究中发挥着重要作用 如稳定性和控制分析。一般来说,同步电机是一个非常复杂的非线性系统,具有动力学和非线性,无法用精确的数学术语建模。为了精确地对机器建模,需要使用非经典的技术。模糊逻辑建模、神经网络和自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)建模被提出作为可行的替代方案。这两种创新的建模方法有一些共同的特征:它们假设并行操作;它们以容错能力而闻名;它们通常被称为无模型建模方法。另一方面,神经网络建模是基于由生物神经系统驱动的人工神经网络(ANN)。由于根源不同,它们解决问题的方法所依据的哲学和方法是完全不同的,而且一般来说是互补的。因此,许多研究人员正试图将这两种方案整合起来,以生成可以利用两者优点的混合模型。 This is also the motivation for our research, which aims at providing an integrate framework capable of subsuming both neural networks and fuzzy inference systems. In this study, a model based a hybrid architecture, ANFIS (Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference System), that can encode a priori knowledge (which can assume various forms of fuzzy if-then rules) into their structures and utilize a fast hybrid learning rule to update their parameters based on a desired input-output data set is introduced and researched to demonstrate its capability to learn the machine behavior. There is a necessity of providing a damper winding in the qaxis to assure the steady-state stability at no-load. Even though the authors of the present study have used the axis model of synchronous motor for analysis of steady state stability, the reference (Korshunov, 2009) has drawn the attention because such work relates with the state variable model. Chattopadhyay et al. (2011) does not involve synchronous motor as a topic of research but the main similarity lies in the fact that this study also uses Laplace transforms as a tool for mathematical modeling using state variable approach applied to solar array power system. According to Jazaer et al. (2011) synchronous motor can be included playing the role of the symbol of the motor shown in the Fig.1 and 2. Babainejad and Keypour (2010) analysed the effect of electrical parameters of an Induction Generator on the transient voltage stability of a variable speed wind turbine system. Furthermore this study uses the torque balance equations in the phase model which can be converted to d-q model using the well-known torque balance equation i.e., Te = id Ψq.-Ψd iq. There are many representative form of transfer function in association with the steady state stability analysis of a Current Source Inverter fed synchronous motor (CSIFSM) drive system. Taking the practical aspect into account, the present study targets to derive an expression in a suitable form for transfer function which is the ratio of the Laplace transfer of the small signal version of the change in angle (β) between the field (rotor) m.m.f. axis and armature (stator) m.m.f. axis to the Laplace transform of the small signal version of change in load torque (TL). The objective of the study is to diagnose the fact whether the synchronous motor with damper winding and fed through a current source inverter can sustain small perturbation in load torque or not. This analysis has been carried out from the view point of the concept of steady state stability criteria of an electrical drive system. |
本文利用ANFIS对具有不等的定子和转子互感及d轴转子电路间耦合电感的等效电路的CSI馈电同步电动机进行了建模。 |
神经模糊控制(ANFIS)的主要优点,即快速收敛与自适应步长控制变量,是保留。神经网络具有控制实现和计算速度快的优点。这种神经模糊控制结合了模糊控制和神经控制的优点。本文实现了基于输入输出数据集合的反向传播算法对模糊推理系统进行优化的ANFIS算法。在模糊控制策略中,响应的设定时间和规则库的选择是许多作者所做的工作中的一个参数,但并没有得到很好的效果。反应需要很长时间才能达到最终的稳态值。本文的主要贡献工作是利用ANFIS控制策略设计一种高效的控制器,以缩短响应的设定时间,提高响应速度。使用智能开发的反向传播算法选择合适的规则库,与上述文献调查中提到的其他算法相比,该算法产生了出色的结果。我们的工作结果显示了一个非常低的瞬态响应和一个非振荡稳态响应,具有良好的稳定性,我们已经尝试通过开发一个复杂的自适应神经模糊算法来改善所开发的控制器的动态性能。本文其余部分的组织如下。 Section 2. Mathematical Modeling and Equivalent Circuit of CSI Fed Synchronous Motor. The Steady State Stability Controller Design is given in the section 3. Section 4. includes ANFIS Modeling for SSSA showing effect of winding parameters on the steady state performance of the synchronous motor . Section 5 illustrates results and discussion obtained using the ANFIS model. Finally, Section 6 contains conclusions. |
CSI馈电同步电机结构的数学建模与等效电路 |
突出极结构用于低速交流(AC)机器,即同步电机(见图1)。这种类型的机器通常有大量的低速运行的极点,和一个大的直径-强度比。磁场线圈缠绕在突出的磁极上。通常在磁极表面的槽中安装阻尼绕组(部分鼠笼绕组),用于同步电机启动和提高机器的稳定性。 |
图1凸极转子结构 |
无阻尼绕组同步电机的d-q理论 |
公园的转换 |
稳态稳定控制器设计 |
控制器是一种控制系统中的每一个操作并做出决策的设备。从控制系统的角度来看,它在出现扰动时为系统带来稳定,从而保护设备不受进一步的损坏。它可以是基于硬件的控制器或基于软件的控制器或两者的组合。在本节中,利用ANFIS控制方案的概念,提出了控制同步电机的速度、磁链、转矩以及电压、电流等各种参数的控制策略,其框图如图6所示。首先,我们使用ANFIS方案设计控制器。 |
图7。显示了使用ANFIS体系结构的磁场导向CSI馈电同步电机(CSIFSM)控制系统配置。模糊逻辑控制器是基于一组控制规则,称为语言变量之间的模糊规则。这些规则以条件语句的形式表示。我们所开发的用于控制同步电机速度的ANFIS协调控制器的基本结构由四个重要部分组成,即模糊化、知识库、神经网络和去模糊化块,这些部分将在后面的段落中简要说明。ANFIS控制器的输入,即误差和误差变化被建模为 |
其中à ·ref为参考转速,à ·r为实际转子转速,为e(k)误差,Δe(k)为误差变化量。模糊化单元将清晰的数据转换为语言变量,作为基于规则的块的输入。这组49条规则是基于基于规则的块中之前的知识/经验编写的。规则基块连接到神经网络块。采用反向传播算法训练神经网络选择合适的规则库集。为了开发控制信号,训练是选择合适规则库的重要步骤。一旦适当的规则被选择和触发,就会产生获得最佳输出所需的控制信号。神经网络单元的输出作为去模糊化单元的输入,语言变量被转换回清晰形式的数据的数字形式。在模糊化过程中,即第一阶段,将清晰变量、速度误差和误差变化量转换为模糊变量或语言学变量。模糊化将两个输入变量映射到模糊集的语言标签。 The fuzzy coordinated controller uses the linguistic labels. Each fuzzy label has an associated membership function. The membership function of triangular type is used in our work. The inputs are fuzzified using the fuzzy sets and are given as input to ANFIS controller. The rule base for selection of proper rules using the back propagation algorithm is written as shown in the Tab. 1. The developed fuzzy rules (7×7) is included in the ANFIS controller and is not shown here for the sake of convenience. The control decisions are made based on the fuzzified variables in the Tab. 1. The inference involves a set of rules for determining the output decisions. As there are 2 input variables and 7 fuzzified variables, the controller has a set of 49 rules for the ANFIS controller. Out of these 49 rules, the proper rules are selected by the training of the neural network with the help of back propagation algorithm and these selected rules are fired. Further, it has to be converted into numerical output, i.e., they have to be de-fuzzified. |
图(14)显示了同步的规则查看器。当J/J转子=4,电感为20mH时,输出即稳态时间为2.502秒,这与表1中给出的值有偏差。图(15)显示了同步的规则查看器。J/J转子=4,电感为20mH的阻尼绕组电机。在这种情况下,输出即稳态时间为2.389秒,与传统分析方法得到的值一致。 |
图16显示了ANFIS控制器的定子电流(Isabc)随时间(rad/sec)的变化。图17说明了ANFIS控制器的速度随时间的变化。图18显示了ANFIS控制器在650 rad/s速度下的响应。图19给出了ANFIS控制器在0.025秒瞬间将力矩从4 Nm扰动到8 Nm后对转速的影响。图20显示了带有2和1输出的ANFIS架构的4层ANFIS模型结构。速度(rad/sec.)相对于输入到ANFIS控制器的时间的变化,如图21所示。图22显示了ANFIS控制器下三相定子电流rad/sec随时间的变化,图23显示了ANFIS控制器在速度为650 rad/sec时的阶跃响应。模糊逻辑和ANFIS控制器的阶跃响应如图24所示。 |
结论 |
本文采用ANFIS方法对CSI馈电同步电动机进行稳态稳定性分析。利用ANFIS技术研究了转子转动惯量(MI)和最佳绕组参数对同步电机稳态运行的影响,从而缩短同步电机稳态运行时间。从数据中提取的规则可以由专家验证,并与他们的先验知识相结合,以获得一个完整的系统模型,描述整个感兴趣领域的现实。从仿真结果可以看出,同步电机(SM)的特性曲线稳定的时间较短,由于加入了ANFIS控制器,电机达到额定转速的速度相对较快。所开发的ANFIS协调方案的主要优点是提高了稳态稳定性能,并提供了良好的稳定性。此外,所提出的ANFIS方案计算效率高,适用于线性技术、优化和自适应技术。ANFIS的另一个优点是,隶属函数的训练任务是在ANFIS中完成的,这在模糊对应中是没有照顾到的。所开发的控制策略不仅简单可靠,而且易于实时实现。仿真结果表明,ANFIS模型在上升时间、超调量、沉降时间和稳态方面比传统方法具有更好的速度响应。与其他常规模型相比,ANFIS模型显著降低了超调量和沉降时间。 It also cancelled the disturbance effects such as speed and torque change and maintained steady-state accuracy. The ANFIS model has significantly reduced the time of steady state stability for designing an optimal Neuro-Fuzzy Controller. |
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