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计算的统一场论(CUFT):摇来摇去m How to Why?

Jehonathan Bentwich*

Chief Scientist, Brain Perfection LTD, Israel

*Corresponding Author:
Jehonathan B
Chief Scientist, Brain Perfection LTD, Israel
E-mail: [email protected]

Received Date: 02/05/2018;Accepted Date:12/06/2018;Published Date: 25/06/2018

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Twenty-first century Physics is undergoing a major "Paradigmatic Shift" from the Old 'Material-Causal' Paradigm to a new 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm associated with the "Computational Unified Field Theory" (CUFT), empirically validated as a satisfactory "Theory of Everything" (TOE). This Paradigmatic Shift was shown to negate the existence of any "materialcausal" physical relationships at either Quantum or Relativistic levels and significantly challenged and revised such key assumptions as: the "Big- Bang"Model, negated the existence of "Dark-Matter" and "Dark-Energy”,可能超越“上杉达也的速度t Barrier" and even "reversetime"! The current article marks a "pivotal-point" along the evolutionary development of Science by indicating that the CUFT's new 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm signifies a transcendence of Physics hitherto focus on the "how" question, e.g., delineating the assumed "material-causal" relationships underlying any relativistic or quantum phenomenon – in favor of a higher-ordered "why" question relating to the intrinsic properties and propensities of the singular Universal Consciousness Reality as the sole and singular "cause" for the computation of each exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe; This 'Why' question leads to the identification of "Ten Hierarchical Laws" governing the Universal Consciousness Reality's production, sustenance and evolution of the entire physical universe and marks a turning point in 21st century Physics' development.


Dark-energy, Theoreticalphysics, Dark-matter, Quantum mechanics


Twenty-first century Physics finds itself in a state akin to the state of Theoretical Physics prior to Einstein's 1905 Relativity Paradigmatic Shift: its two pillars, namely: Relativity Theory (RT) andQuantum Mechanics(QM) are contradictory of each other and up to 90% of all assumed mass and energy in the universe cannot be detected empirically!? Indeed, according to Kuhn's [1] famous analysis of the Structure of Scientific Revolutions this state calls for a basic "Paradigmatic-Shift" that can resolve this principle theoretical contradiction between RT and QM and resolve a series of "Physical Conundrums" (including the above assumed "Dark- Energy" and "Dark-Matter" enigma); Fortunately, a New 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm has been discovered associated with the 'Computational Unified Field Theory' (CUFT) which was shown capable of resolving this principle RT-QM theoretical inconsistency, discarded "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" as "superfluous", embeds and transcends both RT and QM within a singular higherordered CUFT's 'Universal Computational Formula' [2-5]。

The 'Computational Unified Field Theory' (CUFT) New 'A-CausalComputation' Paradigm negated the Old 'Material-Causal' Paradigm based on the discovery of the singular higher-ordered Universal Consciousness Principle which is hypothesized to compute- "dissolve"- sustain- and evolve- every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at every minimal time-point, e.g., "c2 /h"=1.45-42 sec'! thereby producing an extremely rapid series of Universal Simultaneous Computational Frames (USCF's) [6,7]。这个新的“因果计算”的范例CUFT was shown to negate the very possibility of the existence of any "materialcausal" physical relationship/s between any two (or more) exhaustive spatial pixels (e.g., at either the relativistic or quantum levels) due to the simultaneity of the Universal Consciousness Reality's computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe (at each above mentioned minimal time-point USCF's frame/s); Indeed, this entirely new conception of the physical universe and every exhaustive spatial pixel comprising it – not as "caused" by any physical interaction, e.g., between any hypothetical relativistic observer and any exhaustive (spatial-temporal or energy-mass) phenomenon or between any hypothetical subatomic 'probe' element and corresponding (probabilitywave function's) 'target' element, brought about a complete revision of both relativ istic andquantum models的物理现实:之前显示that it is precisely due to General Relativity's assumption regarding the 'material-causal' relationships that exist between "massive-objects" and their "curvature of space-time", and conversely the 'material-causal' relationship that is assumed by Relativity Theory to exist between this "curved space-time" and its determination of the "travelling-pathways of those massive objects", that the CUFT's New 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm negated Relativity's conception of the dynamic evolution of the universe, instead replacing it with the singularity of the Universal Consciousness Principle's simultaneous computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe through this Universal which Likewise, the CUFT's New 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm also negated Quantum Mechanics 'material-causal' assumption associated with the assumed "collapse" of the subatomic target's "probability wave function" as "caused" by its direct physical interaction with another subatomic "probe" element; Instead, according to the CUFT's the Universal Consciousness Reality simultaneously computes all exhaustive spatial pixels in the physical, e.g., including all 'single' spatial-temporal "particle", 'two-spatial-temporal' "wave" measurements and exhaustive USCF's frame/s computation which embeds within it all those 'particle' and 'wave' measurements etc.) [8-11]。

Indeed, the discovery of the CUFT's New 'A-Causal Computation Paradigm significantly revised some of the basic assumptions of Modern Physics, including: challenging the "Big-Bang" Model as the "cause" of the origination of the physical universe; Instead, according to the CUFT's A-Causal Computation Paradigm the entire physical universe (and each of its constituent exhaustive spatial pixels) is being continuously computed- "dissolved"- re-produced- and evolved- at every consecutive USCF's frame/s by the singular Universal Consciousness Principle – hence, we cannot attribute the origination of the physical universe to any initial "big-Bang" nuclear explosion (but rather that initial USCF's frame depicting a nuclear explosion as well as the second, third… nth USCF's frame/s (including the "present" and any future/s* frames) are all originated- then "dissolved"- then evolved- solely by the singular Universal Consciousness Reality [12-16]。同样,经验观察加速expansion of the physical universe – is not the "caused" by any (hypothetical) "Dark-Matter" or "Dark-Energy", but it rather yielded based on the accelerated increase in the number of exhaustive spatial pixels computed by this singular Universal Consciousness Reality with each consecutive USCF's frame/s it produces… Other "striking" new discoveries stemming from the discovery (and initial empirical validation of one of the CUFT's "differential-critical predictions" associated with the "Proton-Radius Puzzle" empirical findings, of the CUFT 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm is its assertion that it may be possible to transcend the (strict) "Speed of Light Barrier" imposed by Relativity Theory, as well as indicated that it may be possible to "reverse-time" (e.g., through a precise recording of each exhaustive spatial pixels'electromagneticvalues comprising a given object – and an application of electromagnetic stimulation which would reverse those electromagnetic spatial-pixels values sequence along a given recorded series of USCF's frames, see previous relevant scientific article) [17-20]。

Characterizing the Universal Consciousness Reality's Intrinsic Propensities

Thus, Science reaches a pivotal point along the course of its evolutionary development in which its description of the physical universe has led it to recognize a few critical conclusions which all point at a higher-ordered transition from the Old "Materialistic-Science" ('Material-Causal) Paradigm towards the New 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm of 21st Century Science, i.e., that recognizes the existence of a singular higher-ordered Universal Consciousness Reality that is solely responsible for the origination- sustenance- "dissolution"- and evolution- of each and every exhaustive spatial-pixel in the physical universe:

a) Negation of any 'Material-Causal' physical relationship/s (or even physical interactions) between any two (or more) exhaustive- spatial pixels in the universe (at either relativistic or quantum levels).

b) Discovery of the singular higher-ordered Universal Consciousness Reality which computes- "dissolves"- re-produces- and evolves- every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at every minimal time-point USCF's ("c2/h"=1.45-42).

情感是c)发现的普遍意识y's Supra-Spatial-Temporal Reservoir which contains all "past"- "present"- and "future/s" USCF's frames, which is also associated with a 'Dynamic-Equilibrium' (moral) principle, i.e., wherein the "Individual Human Consciousness Free-Will" (hypothesis) affects the selection of particular future/s occurrences in order to "balance" any infliction of "pain" or "suffering" by one "Individual Human Consciousness" upon another "Individual Human Consciousness".

d) Discovery of a new "Evolution of Consciousness Hypothesis" (ECH): which hypothesizes that one of the Universal Consciousness Reality's intrinsic propensities is its exhibition of increasingly broader manifestations of this Universal Consciousness Reality, i.e., from inanimate matter through animatebiologicalforms: from plants through animals to humans: and within humans from Individual Human Consciousness towards the fullest "Universal Consciousness" ('expanded human consciousness which is "inseparable" from the Universal Consciousness Reality") [21]。

e) Discovery of a new "Universal Consciousness Reality's Accelerated Creative Manifestation Hypothesis" (UCRACH): which hypothesizes that the empirically observed accelerated expansion of the physical universe is the result of an accelerated increase in the number of exhaustive spatial pixels comprising each consecutive USCF's frame/s by the singular Universal Consciousness Reality [22]。

The "Universal Consciousness Reality Propensities"

Thus, given the principle negation of Science's Old 'Material-Causal' Paradigm which assumed that any relativistic or quantum phenomenon can be explained solely in terms of a given 'material-causal' interaction between a particular relativistic observer and a (space-time, energy-mass) phenomenon, or between a quantum subatomic 'probe' and 'target' elements; And its replacement by the New (higher-ordered) 'Universal Consciousness Reality's' 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm which postulates that there cannot exist any such 'material-causal' (relativistic or quantum) physical relationships, but only the simultaneous computation- "dissolution"- sustenance- and evolution- of all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe simultaneously by this singular Universal Consciousness Reality; we reach an entirely new definition of Science – i.e., as a singular unitary discipline that investigates – not any "material-causal" relationships between any quantum subatomic probe and target elements or between any relativistic (space-time or energy-mass) phenomenon, but rather as delineating [23-26]:

a) The intrinsic properties and propensities of the singular 'Universal Consciousness Reality' as computing- "dissolving"- sustaining- and evolving any exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at any minimal time-point USCF's frame/s;

b) Investigating the scientific and technological aspects of this Universal Consciousness Reality's electromagnetic production- "dissolution"- re-production- and evolution- of each exhaustive spatial-pixel/s in any given Physical System, i.e., including the possibility to manipulate natural occurrences of this Universal Consciousness Reality, such as in the previously mentioned potential to "reverse-time" through a precise recording- of the particular spatial-electromagnetic pixels' values of any biological organism (or even tissue) across a given series of USCF's and a corresponding manipulation of that given biological entity such as to produce the "reversed-sequence" of the organism's (or tissue etc.) comprising spatial-electromagnetic pixels values [27]。

The key issue to be noted is that the New 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm of 21stcentury Physics is one that focuses – not on any "material-causal" interactions (e.g., at either the relativistic or quantum levels), which was negated through the impossibility of such 'material-causal' physical interactions based on the Universal Consciousness' simultaneous computation of every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at any minimal time-point USCF's frame; but rather, the new 'A-CausalComputation' Sciencefocuses on a close description of the singularity of this Universal Consciousness Reality's characterization, its properties and propensities underlying its incessant production- "dissolution"- sustenance- and evolution- of the physical cosmos (and beyond).

Therefore, the question of "why" does the singular Universal Consciousness Reality produce- sustains- and evolves- the physical cosmos as it does becomes a key integral part of the CUFT's new 'A-Causal Computation' Science!

So far, Physics has focused solely on the question: how does the universe function, e.g., what is it composed of, how it began, how it evolves etc. – but never on the higher-ordered question: "why"?! Indeed, the Old Paradigm underlying both Relativity Theory & Quantum Mechanics was the 'Material-Causal' Paradigm which assumes that any subatomic (probability wave function "un-collapsed") 'target' entity is "caused" by its direct physical interaction with another subatomic 'probe' element which brings about the "collapse" of this target's probability wave function to a singular (complimentary) space-energy or mass-time value. Likewise, in Relativity Theory this basic "how" question relates to this Material-Causal Paradigm's basic assumption wherein it is assumed that it is the direct physical interaction between 'massive-objects' which "cause" a curvature of 'space-time' (and vice versa that it is this curvature of 'space-time' which "causes" those massive objects to travel in a particular pathway) [28]。Hence, the Old 'Material-Causal' Paradigm provided a tentative answer to the basic "how" question of Physics, based on the basic 'material-causal' assumption, i.e., assuming that every physical phenomenon is "caused" by a preceding material agent (e.g., subatomic probe interacting with another subatomic target or 'massive-object/s' interacting with the 'curvature of space-time'): the origination- sustenance- or evolution- of any physical phenomenon is "caused" by its direct material-causal interaction with another physical element…

However, 21stTheoretical physical is currently undergoing a basic 'Paradigmatic Shift' from this Old 'Material-Causal' Paradigm to the 'Computational Unified Field Theory's' new 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm, which discovered and highlighted the existence of a singular (higher-ordered) 'Universal Consciousness Principle' which computes- "dissolves"- sustains- and evolves- each and every exhaustive spatial pixel in the entire physical universe simultaneously for each consecutive 'Universal Simultaneous Computational Frame' (USCF) at the incredible rate of "c2/h"=1.45-42! Significantly, this new 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm negates the very basic concept of "material-causality", e.g., due to the "simultaneity" of the (singular)Universal Consciousness Principle's computation of each exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe (for each consecutive USCF's frame); More significantly, this new higher-ordered Universal Consciousness Principle was fund to possess a whole series of a Consciousness-related "Free- Will Hypothesis", "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle and "Expansiveness Hypothesis" – which all instigate the higher-ordered question of "why"?! Indeed, to the extent that this CUFT's Universal Consciousness Reality's new 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm can be empirically validated, e.g., alongside these three abovementioned features, then 21stTheoretical Physicsis forced to begin addressing the "why" question: Why does this singular Universal Consciousness Reality "chose" to produce ever more expansive USCF's frames of the physical universe?

Why does this Universal Consciousness Reality possess this propensity towards expressing increasingly more conscious forms, is constrained by a basic Moral Principle, and possesses the "Free-Will Hypothesis", i.e., which means that this singular Universal Consciousness is not compelled by any "material-causal" (or in fact any other law)?

The "Hierarchy of Laws" Postulate

Indeed, this essential question which transcends the "how" of Science towards the critical "why" question – is the focus of this article – attempting to get at the key motivation of this Universal Consciousness Reality underlying its multifarious computation- "dissolution"- sustenance- and evolution- of each and every exhaustive spatial pixel in the physical universe… Perhaps once more, we can use the "Cinematic-Film Metaphor" which was used previously to delineate some of the equivalences that may exist between a standard cinema-film production of a series of film-frames and the Universal Consciousness Reality's computation of a series of (extremely rapid) Universal Simultaneous Computational Frames (USCF's) which give rise to every exhaustive spatial-pixel comprising the entire physical universe at every minimal time-point ("c2/h"=1.45-42证券交易委员会的);这是因为当我们看任何电影tic-film's depiction of any given "plot", then we can see that over and beyond any apparent "material-causal" relationships that seem to exist within the film's frames (e.g., such as for instance the previously mentioned "shattering of a 'glass-jar' as 'caused' by the impact of a 'mercury-ball'" – which was shown to be produced merely through the film's director arrangement of a series of film-frames depicting an increasing proximity between the 'mercury-ball' and the 'glass-jar' followed by the apparent shattering of the glass-jar…); there is a deeper motivation (or purpose) that the film-director possesses in presenting to the viewers of the film a certain well-designed "plot" and "meaning" of this given film scenario: For instance, if the film depicts a certain 'plot' in which the "good-character" is involved in a certain "battle" with another "bad-character" against a given "evil" (or wrong-doing) being committed by this 'bad-character', which results in the eventual "triumph" of the 'good-character' against the 'bad-character' and the ultimate "correction" of the given 'wrong-doing' (or 'evil'), then the question arises as to "why" does the 'film-director' chose to depict this scenario in the film?! The answer to this specific question may very well be that the film-director is driven by a motivation to "educate" ("us" the 'viewers') to develop a "moral inclination" by watching (or "participating" in the film's presentation)! Indeed, when viewed from this 'higher' "motivational" perspective (of the 'film-director'), we realize that there exists a "hierarchy of laws" implicit within the film's presentation, e.g., for instance the presentation of a 'mercury-bullet' shot by the 'bad-character' at a 'glass-jar' (which contains at its bottom the "key" of a Million Dollars savings' "volt" of an honest "Charity-Fund" for the poor): This is because we realize that over and beyond the film's presentation of the specific apparent "material-causal" relationship that seem to exist between the 'mercury-bullet's' impact on the 'glass-jar' which seem to 'cause' it to 'shatter' the 'glass-jar' – there is a higher motivation (of the film-director) to instigate in 'us' (the viewers) a "moral lesson" (regarding the governing of the world by a 'Moral-Law')…

In much the same manner it is herein hypothesized that there exists a "Hierarchy of Laws" associated with the singular Universal Consciousness Reality's ("dynamic-Interactive")arrangement of the 'Supra-Spatial-Temporal Reservoir' of all "past"- "present"- and "future/s"*- USCF's comprising the evolution of the physical universe: Specifically, this 'Hierarchy of Laws' constructs a series of operational mechanisms, including:

a) The Universal Consciousness Reality's four basic 'Physical Features' of 'space', 'time', 'energy' and 'mass'; which are organized and computed by:

b) The Universal Consciousness Reality's three Computational Dimensions, e.g., of 'Consistency', 'Framework' and 'Locus' which are computed by:

c) The 'Universal Consciousness Reality's "Universal Computational Formula" which completely integrates those four basic physical features based on the singular computational process of the Universal Consciousness Reality, which (in turn) is driven by:

d) The Universal Consciousness Reality's "Supra-Spatial-Temporal Reservoir", e.g., comprising all "past"- "present" or "future/s"*- USCF's frames comprising the entire evolution of the physical universe, which in turn is "motivated" by:

e) The Universal Consciousness Reality's "Accelerated Expansion of Consecutive USCF's Frames' Presentation'", e.g., previously delineated as negating the existence of any (purely hypothetical) "Dark-Mater" or "Dark-Energy" (assumed to "cause" the accelerated expansion of the physical universe); which in turn is "motivated" by:

f) The "Evolution of Consciousness Hypothesis" , e.g., of the progressive presentation of "inanimate", then "animate": "plants", "animals", "humans"; which leads to:

g) The Universal Consciousness Reality's "Dynamic-Equilibrium" Principle, e.g., (previously explained) which "balances" any "moral-injustice" (infliction of 'pain' or 'suffering' by one Individual Human Consciousness upon another Individual Consciousness) by allowing the 'Inflicting-Human Consciousness' to experience a proportionate 'suffering or pain' to the one it inflicted consciously upon the 'Inflicted Human Consciousness'…; This 'Dynamic-Equilibrium Principle' applies only to the "higher segment" of the 'Evolution of Consciousness' (hypothesis), namely: human beings; This 'Dynamic-Equilibrium Principle' is motivated by:

h) The Universal Consciousness Reality's motivation to express its full "Expanded Individual Human Consciousness Universal Consciousness' State"! this refers to the ultimate "goal" of the Universal Consciousness Reality to evolve the entire physical universe (which was shown previously to merely represent a "camouflaged" manifestation of the singularity of the Universal Consciousness Reality) towards a "full manifestation" of the Universal Consciousness Reality through its expression within an "expanded" 'Individual Human Consciousness' through its "Universal Consciousness State" in which Individual Human Consciousness expresses an equivalent functioning and capacities as the Universal Consciousness Reality's continuous computation- "dissolution"- sustenance- and evolution- of every exhaustive spatial-pixel in the universe (as well as its 'Supra-Spatial-Temporal Res- ervoir's access and potential influence etc.); this Universal Consciousness Reality may be "motivated" by its:

1)整体意识的现实的“自由意志沪元pothesis" Hypothesis": an essential freedom of the Universal Consciousness Reality to express- create- evolve- "dissolve"- and evolve- any exhaustive spatial-pixel in the universe, any moral-motivation, any physical law etc. throughout its 'past', 'present' and 'future/s*'- 'Supra-Spatial-Temporal Reservoir' USCF's; Finally, the Universal Consciousness Reality's 'Free-Will Hypothesis' arises from:

j) Universal Consciousness Reality's "Good-Will" Hypothesis: a basic postulate asserting the essential "good", "benevolent", "life-giving" impulse of this singular Universal Consciousness Reality – i.e., to create, sustain and evolve all inanimate, animate: plants, animals and human-beings, and lead them towards ever more expansive expression and manifestations of its inherent Universal Consciousness Reality… it is herein hypothesized that there exists a "primal" 'Good-Will ' Motivation of this singular Universal Consciousness Reality to 'create'- ('dissolve')-' re-create' and 'evolve'- the entire physical universe as a growing manifestation of its intrinsic motivation to manifest increasingly expansive expressions of its basic Moral, Universal Consciousness nature – i.e., at each and every exhaustive spatial-pixel comprising any 'past', 'present' or 'future/s'* USCF's frames, i.e., including its accelerated increase in the number of spatial-pixels comprising each of its consecutive USCF's frames (being presented) and towards its evolutionary manifestations of increasingly expansive 'inanimate', then 'animate': plants, animals, humans – and leading up to the fully "expanded" "Individual Human Consciousness' Universal Consciousness State"…

We thus discover an entirely new "motivation" underlying the singular Universal Consciousness Reality's arrangement of "Ten-Propensity Laws" organized according to a given 'Hierarchy of Laws' (listed above); These 'Ten-Propensity Laws' of the singular Universal Consciousness Reality address the "Why" question underlying the continuous computation- "dissolution"- re-creationand evolution- of the entire physical universe at each consecutive (minimal time point 'c2/h'=1.45-42sec'!) USCF's frame/s;


The CUFT's 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm's "Why" Question

We thus reach a potentially "pivotal-point" along the development of Natural Science (and likely Deductive Science as well), which transcends the Old (20thcentury's) "Material-Causal" Paradigm underlying both Relativity Theory (RT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM); this 'pivotal-point' along the evolutionary course of Theoretical Physics transcends the basic 'material-causal' assumption and theoretical framework of both RT and QM Paradigm which attempted to explain any physical phenomenon (or entity) merely as the result of any finite 'material-causal' relationship/s between any hypothetical relativistic 'observer' and (spacetime or energy-mass) 'phenomenon' or between any hypothetical quantum subatomic 'probe' and 'target' elements – which was shown to be negated based on the discovery (and initial empirical validation) of the CUFT's new 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm's simultaneous computation of any exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at any minimal time-point USCF's frame/s [29]。Thus, it was shown that the basic fundamental 'material-causal' explanation of the physical universe (e.g., and any comprising'Physical System' or in-fact Deductive-Mathematical System comprising it) cannot be accounted for by any 'material-causal' Relativistic or Quantum Model: No longer can Science explain the origin- sustenance or evolution- of the physical cosmos based on a 'materialcausal' "Big-Bang" Model, nor through Relativity's 'Einstein's Equations' (as previously indicated), which seem to suggest that the evolution of the physical universe in contingent upon the existence of 'material-causal' relationships between 'massive objects' and their "causing" of a "curvature of space-time", which in turn is hypothesized to "cause" 'massive-objects' to travel along particular pathways as "caused" by this "curvature of space-time"; But since it was shown by the CUFT's New 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm (of 21stcentury Theoretical Physics) that there cannot exist any hypothetical 'material-causal' relationships between any two (or more) exhaustivespatial-pixels found at any single- or multiple- USCF's frames (e.g., nor "in-between" any two consecutive USCF's frames in which the entire physical universe is postulated to be "dissolved" back into the singularity of the Universal Consciousness Reality), therefore the CUFT's New 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm negated Relativity's mentioned Einstein's Equations' assumption regarding their assumed ''material-causal' relationships between 'massive-objects' and their 'curvature of space-time' (and vice versa this assumed curved space-time's determination of the travelling pathways of those massive objects etc.); Likewise, this new 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm negated Quantum Mechanics assumed 'material-causal' physical relationships between any assumed subatomic target's "probability wave function" and another corresponding subatomic "probe" element which is assumed to "cause" the "collapse" of this 'probability wave function'; Instead, the CUFT's 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm asserts that it is solely the minimal time-point computation of the singular Universal Consciousness Reality of every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at any minimal time-point USCF's frame/s that computes simultaneously all exhaustive spatial points (for any given single USCF's frame) including the apparent subatomic 'probe' and 'target' elements (as explained previously), e.g., as "single spatial-temporal" points along the "multi spatial-temporal wave" entity which is itself embedded within the Universal Consciousness Reality's exhaustive computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels comprising the entire physical universe at any minimal time-point USCF's frame/s… Indeed, this new 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm completely revisedembedded- and transcended- both RT and QM 'material-causal' Models within its singular 'Universal Computational Formula' depiction of the computation of the singular Universal Consciousness Reality's complete integration of the four basic physical features of 'space', 'time', 'energy' and 'mass' as computed for each exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at every minimal timepoint USCF's (single- or multiple-) USCF's frame/s [30]。

事实上,这一原则否定旧的马特里al-Causal' Paradigm of both RT and QM led to the above mentioned 'pivotal-point' along the development of Science wherein the principle question becomes: "why" does this singular Universal Consciousness Reality produce- "dissolves"- sustains- and evolves-every exhaustive spatial-pixel in the universe? This question becomes relevant and even central precisely given the obliteration of the Old 'Material-Causal' Paradigm and its transcendence with the New 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm which does not leave and "room" for any 'material-causal' physical relationships, e.g., either at the relativistic or quantum levels of the physical reality; This is simply because if we cannot (any longer) explain the physical reality, any physical interaction, or in fact the origination- operation- and evolution- of the entire physical universe based on any 'material-causal' relationships (e.g., since they are negated by the simultaneity of the singular Universal Consciousness Reality's computation of every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at any minimal time-point USCF's frame/s); then all we're left with is the description and exploration of this singular Universal Consciousness Reality, i.e., its properties, propensities and apparent "motivation" behind its continuous origination- "dissolution"- sustenance- and evolution- of the physical cosmos. Indeed, it is the major thesis of this article that behind the incessant activity of this singular Universal Consciousness Reality's production- "dissolution"- sustenance- and evolution- of every exhaustive spatial pixel comprising the physical universe lies the Universal Consciousness Reality's "Hierarchy of Laws" which describes the multifarious ordered instigation of the various layers of computation carried out by this singular Universal Consciousness Reality. Indeed, it seems that the new phase in our Scientific research and understanding of the physical universe compels us to closely investigate this singular Universal Consciousness Reality, its ten-fold Computational Laws (described above), and its intimate close relationship with Human Consciousness, e.g., especially in its "expanded" 'Universal Consciousness State'.


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