历史知识通知我们,在古希腊,伊索曾给主人准备的顺序来为即将到来的客人最好的食物。异常聪明的奴隶继续和制作美食烹调牛肉舌头。他合理的选择给悼词好单词和他们的利益,所有产品的人类的舌头。舌头表面肯定是最好的。寓言故事是这样的:在另一个场合,主人命令伊索库克为即将到来的客人最糟糕的食物。聪明的奴隶又诉诸于菜肴的舌头。他合理的选择给可怕事件的例子,煽动一些粗心的话语,粗鲁,无礼的话。人类的舌头确实必须最危险和最糟糕的一切。这是一个多么美妙的辩证法哲学脏话很容易被某些人是dirty-mouthed等人。但在社会范围内,尤其是在某些社会中,脏话也代表社会最重要的概念在人们的各种各样的关系。 Swear-words may even represent a clinical picture in the case of some mental disorders: A bipolar person feels good and is constructive and productive in manic periods. He may talk for hours (logore) or indulge in writing (graphomania). He may donate property even to new acquaintances (sickly generosity). Prone to get flattery; he is intolerant of criticism. Polite and respectful a few moments ago, upon a tiny resistance, he may get in a rage and begin to swear Belli [1]。
不同的特质让到一边;某些社会群体更倾向于使用咒骂的话在他们的演讲。这样的社会群体通常只由一个性别。在这种特殊情况下一个是避免尴尬的感觉引起异性的存在和自由因此授予心里话在就业的所有可能的无耻的单词和短语。我曾经当过翻译在国际钻井公司和英语词汇来咒骂我的注意力以浓缩的形式第一次,在这个特别的场合。一些地质工程师甚至肯定扔至少在一个肮脏的词汇,每次他们来打开他们的嘴。囚犯,寄宿学校社区和男性军队构成另一个著名的例子,关于这方面的问题。毫无疑问,一些人认为用脏话咒骂表示强调的macho-orientation(以及更高或指挥状态对其他人)。因此,它被认为是一种美德,更别说一个弱点或缺陷。例如土耳其村庄男性,很高兴的上下文中使用脏话占主导地位的男性文化。 The following experience was told by an eye-witness, years ago. A passenger-bus gave a fifteen-minute rest pause at a side-road coffee-house years ago, on the way to an Aegean City, in Turkey. It was a cool day and passengers kept warming themselves with successive hot tea and coffee glasses. Nobody seemed anxious to board the bus again and drive ahead towards their destination; despite the “soon-todepart” announcement. The driver was a humorous man. Finally he took the microphone and made his own announcement: Dear passengers of Bla bla bla Tourism. What’s wrong is so appealing in guzzling hot cupfuls of tea and coffee, one after the other? Please get up and do board the bus, right away! We’ve got long kilometers ahead of us!” In villages, even children do swear and some are specially encouraged by fathers to do so, with promises of small rewards following the “accomplishment”! Females are known to resort to swear words only when they reach elderly ages. This is the time when their social status had risen upwards. I remember British anthropologist Sterling relating in his mid-Anatolian village study, that once a guest neighbor male wants to drive the females off the room for a private talk with the house owner. The females obey but an elderly woman stands her ground, as if stressing her higher status achieved due to age. Nevertheless; swearing is mainly a manly habitude or even a manly prerogative, one might say: Nuray is a novel-character, a divorced secretary, who had written a novel to prove her literary capabilities and to stand for the liberation of the fair sex. In one episode she is lost in feministic thoughts again: “The domination of men extended outside the home, too. The people who could talk loudly and laugh, on the roads, on the sea-shores and in coffee-houses, who could crack jokes with one another without danger, who could swear freely and fight when they got angry were all men said by Özakın [2]。军事学家Moskos [3)提到一个超然的野外研究的美国军队在洪都拉斯,女性人员抱怨了很多关于男性的粗俗语言(毯子中间的帐篷分离两个性别将提供一个视觉隐私的男人但不保证听觉分区)。彼得罗夫(4)指的是可怕的咒骂习惯前芬兰士兵的旧军在瑞典的蛋黄。宗教改革后在进行独立结束这糟糕的实践。在一些土耳其的南部地区,在全能的上帝发誓,可怕的亵渎,从不jama不幸的是还在使用;虽然它有点间接的提到的格式“你神”或“神”。亚达那在我们大学的一个同学,我是一个本科学生解释它在以下背景:“当一个雨跌倒意外它破坏整个棉产品。这就是为什么一些农民怨恨上帝”。我见过slaughterhouse-owner的儿子从伊斯坦布尔,在火车上旅行,解释说,当他还是个下士的服务,他对这些地区的男性尤其报复性的理由亵渎神明的风俗。他说他曾经给他们地狱最小的借口。仅仅几年前,有一天在一个外围咖啡屋在色雷斯人的城市,一个热门的讨论蛇完全爆炸。Ozcan组长,一个中年健谈的人相当于美国“cracker-barrelphilosopher”类型,讨论了前冒险蛇回到村里,有两个obviously-fascinated熟人,也来自村庄(图1)。他确认一次蛇爬过去他的大腿,他睡在一个谷仓。“它给你一种棘手的感觉,但如果你把该死的生物Ozcan不要打扰的舌头是经常容易发誓,像许多村民——他不会咬你的。你应该站着不动。他们害怕时,他们咬的。毕竟,他们生活在我们所做的”他解释道。他叫几种蛇在交谈的过程中。他说有人会跳方式,“也许只要我们桌子的距离,愚蠢的摩托车!“我曾经准备匆忙穿过巴格达大道在伊斯坦布尔。交通是拥挤在人行道上,我开始不耐烦了。附近是一个中年优雅的绅士,他显然是长期习惯于等待绿灯没有任何抱怨,Istanbulite作为一个模型。 Finally the green light flicked and the two of us began to walk. On the way I gave him a sidelong glance and couldn’t help saying, half to him and half to myself: “It will be peasant-like attitude; but I would rather crap such an avenue! Suddenly the man looked up at me with open respect and admiration. For a moment I was indeed proud of my practical formation based on my deep-rooted provincial background. It is told that a Sorbonne-graduated snob high-placed in a Ministry in the capitol once asked Anatolian sub-governors for some statistical information about the heating measures taken in their districts. From a remote district came the answer that the main energy source was waste product of animals. The snobbish bureaucrat asked for further explanation. What was dung? What was its calorific value and the annually consumed amount? The answer was cabled in rhymes at once by the sub-governor.
我们有一个美国的数学老师,认为是一个赌徒在赌场在夏天的时间。他显然非常渴望学习一些土耳其咒骂的话。在课堂上他曾经说过“我理解土耳其是一个非常好的语言发誓”。(他自称是野牛比尔的第三代私生子,因此在学生中很受欢迎)。事实上,土耳其是一个“弹性”的语言暗示暗示和多种解释。纯粹的动词如穿刺,插入,排空等swearing-verbs替代品。在法语或德语或英语,所有的脏话编译在一起构成“宝藏”的范围非常有限;作为矛盾的巨大可能性土耳其语言。这丰富的咒骂词汇并非来自brisk-and-agile和可塑的土耳其语言本身的性质。而; as Tezcan [5)断言一个强大的性欲似乎完成土耳其本身这中可以看到丰富的个性特征在足球比赛中使用的性符号,宽容对我放肆的社会或丰富的宣誓词和短语在日常讲话。现在;许多概念的特点显然伴随脏话(图2)。许多民歌都是简易的领导人和重复大声欢呼的观众的方式来传达贬低性消息到反对足球俱乐部,这是女性描绘成一个实体。尤其是守门员,他无法阻止一个分数,然后经历懊悔危机击中他的头对目标职位类似于“尴尬的处女的女人不能保护她的贞操”是一个短篇故事中描述的著名的土耳其剧作家Haldun和棕褐色6]。这个短篇小说作者,谁是美化谦卑的基督徒gentleman-player足球队,也吸引了相似之处举行的足球队和一群妓女所控制的“老妈”:就像妈妈有时科目她女孩的魔法烟烧香来避免邪恶的眼睛在他们,激励他们;俱乐部经理有时需要团队参拜靖国神社的一个著名的圣为了建立成员的团队精神和提高他们的士气和提高比赛门票销售的意图。我们可以指定,在个体基础上,性感的态度与歇斯底里的性格类型:歇斯底里甚至是错误的理解一些神经病学家瑞塔empasized。歇斯底里的女人看起来卖弄风情,从而给出了一个淫荡的印象。这必须引起错误的想法。在现实中一个歇斯底里的人有性别除了性本身。歇斯底里软化现实,倾向于忽视规则和逃避责任。他们不能推迟他们的需求,可能会沉溺于mitomania Caya [7]。在美国独立战争;普鲁士军官,男爵Steuben,从他的外交职位推荐的本杰明·富兰克林在巴黎,来到美国服务事业的美国人(就像法国将军拉斐特侯爵(波兰科修斯科山,另一个讲德语的指挥官,指挥官一般·冯·卡尔布)。Steuben特别有用在组织和训练的美国部队,让他们在真实和残酷的军事纪律,他们历史上的首次。现在;男人很喜欢使用咒骂的话当他变得愤怒。
对于许多激进的青少年;宣誓就职巧辩的形式有时可能会为潜在的(如果不是开放)函数的“开场白”参与一个实际的战斗之间的许多物理两个年轻人之间的争斗或两组年轻人开始侮辱或诅咒的话。拳之后。迫在眉睫的战斗]之前,“对手的恶强烈强调为了建立尚武精神“Strodtbeck (9]。基于这一点,建立了群体的道德。青年团体或团伙”的首席代表了勇敢的男性(图1),实施符合Ajuriaguerra[代码值的讨论10]。一个已知的事实是许多骄傲的男人成为杀手由于接触中骂人的词。他们hottempered并不能帮助受苦的生命。具有讽刺意味的是,虽然他们监禁他们接触到更多脏话来自警卫,如果不是从其他囚犯“强硬”。1963年5月20日至21日,;失败政变组织反对土耳其政府掌权,这本身的影响下最近成功的5月27日,1960年的军政府。在某种意义上,这是一个更radically-oriented coup-try对新鲜位本身,从而非常wrongly-chosen目标问题,从一开始。Demir [11)指出,一个因素引发新的军事阴谋是努里Beşer事件。这副公正党(这是一个隐式的延续了民主党,其领导人挂了),骂官员的妻子(喝酒)在安纳托利亚俱乐部在安卡拉。新政党,害怕可能的不良后果,诉诸于人的否定。他deputy-immunity废除,喜神贝斯被判一年监禁。但;这些对策的党将不足以安抚long-determined long-resolute阴谋家。他们继续申请计划,使用军事战争学院的学生作为人力。(主流军队镇压叛军完全)。
孩子以自我为中心。概念,比如移情和利他主义在他的人格尚未成熟。孩子可以在一个“透明”的方式,使他的思想认识和采取嘲笑,只是为了好玩。可以指向另一个人的贫穷,他嘲笑不同,因此可以想象错误的口音或身体缺陷。孩子们喜欢彼此难堪!这并不一定危害他们的友谊关系,。相互嘲弄和仪式侮辱甚至可能密封友谊作为标志或真诚和亲密关系的证明。德莱尼(13]通过引用评论语言决斗押韵的青少年男性:“在这种语言游戏反驳必须押韵与最初的挑衅侮辱和包含它;主题是活跃的,积极的男性,这是文化重要的作用”。德莱尼不给任何例子。这样的一个常见的押韵决斗会如下(押韵,只适应飞机和火车地名改变):第一个男孩说押韵的东西。第二个男孩反驳道:“刚刚下雨和雷电来了。你怎么也成了诗人,驴的儿子为你呈现!“第一个男孩他又说:“飞机从这里起飞,落在火奴鲁鲁。如果我也成为一个诗人,为什么难过你这样一个男妓吗?我的妻子,Istanbul-born Istanbulbred,有时会厌倦了我晚上研究和学术播出和厌恶。然后我明智地找借口夸大更卑微的省级方面,减轻她的愤怒。 Just after the meal, for instance, turning a ritual insult towards myself I say: “So you fed the village-bastard full!” She keeps mute but I know she gets delighted, feeling elevated with respect to me. (Maybe thanks to the author Elif Şafak’s novel titled The Father and the Bastard, the word in Turkish does not sound so obscene any more). An Air-Force major once narrated about an incident at an air base in Eskişehir. The chief-staff-officer had previously supervised the organization of votive offerings of a few sheep sacrificing, at the beginning of the flight season. The major happened to be in his office when the phone ring bitterly. It was the general on the phone. He roared that the sheep sacrificing ritual was a mere superstition; a reactionary, archaic and ignorant practice! He chewed up the chief-staff-officer for tolerating such a shameful (!) scene. The man retorted that it was a deeply-established custom and a necessity for the pilots to fly with high morale. Then he held the receiver at arms length and in a manner to ensure the hearing of his communicator, he said to the major: Gee! See what a man this new base commander is? He crap us up, just because of a votive offering issue! Then slowly and deliberately he hung up. Normally it is the sole privilege of the superior to pronounce swear-words. It is even an indication of might and superiority. A subordinate could never dare to say a dirty word in the presence of a superior within the given rigid hierarchy. However; in this highly delicate and critical situation; if it were not for the wise tactfulness of the second man of the air base; the general could have raised hell in a more obvious and enraged manner. He could have even indulged in an official inquiry, a potential source of trouble for God knows how many men. Ever since the establishment of the republic; the founders took on a French type of stern laicism rather than an American type of mild secularism. The controversial arguments went on for decades, especially some military figures representing the unnecessarily zealous and overanxious advocates of repression of all religious ambiances. The main bulk of the society had always been deeply devout and in touch with holy relics and shrines as a source of spiritual blessing (mentally deranged persons seeking reason, disease-stricken seeking recovery, childless wives seeking conception of an embryo in their wombs, those in debt seeking financial relief etc.). To implore God-Almighty in the vicinity of those worthy and privileged beings, allegedly capable of intercession, would only enhance the acceptance of purified wishes. It is claimed that somehow some dirty words suit some mouths better! Strange as it may seem; their utterance may contribute to the charisma of the owner. Late Belli [1),然后(法医)精神病学副教授,用来与我们交谈Cukurova大学法医学的椅子指各行各业和扔在精神病的解释,通常从弗洛伊德的前景。我们这个highlyrespected老板会修饰他的解说一些脏话,这就像香料添加的美味的风味烹饪。例如,他与学院院长关系不好,来验证他的勇气,增强对“恶棍”,我们的士气,他会说“他甚至不能屁到我的刺痛”。在他在安卡拉医学院的专业训练,一定蕾拉是她的资深同事。基于瑞塔的描绘,夫人是一个甜蜜和迷人的性格个性去有点超重的外表感到担忧。一天早上她已经迟到了。出租车司机试图诈骗她,花不必要的长时间在路上。她辩护权利和男人一直反驳她。她终于恐吓他,露出她的绰号lunatic-doctor和使他沉默,垂头丧气的。她早上冒险dirty-mouthed相关同事在她的口齿不清的话语方式,蕾拉上她的“新闻”措辞非常适合他的对话者:“亲爱的朋友,”她说。 “The cab-driver must have felt as if he got screwed!” On another occasion Belli [1]提到获得短期治疗交感神经萎缩。这位女士将主要停留在他被一位单身汉他的年龄。驱散他的合理化尝试像无法找到一个intellectual-enough bride-candidate;她曾经脱口而出:亲爱的,为什么你不强迫你的想象力,女性拥有,毕竟”?另一个分析会话后,一个年轻的妻子抱怨她丈夫的不自然的方法尝试在床上;蕾拉,惊恐地对她的同事说:
——“可怕的怪物想粉碎打开钱箱的那可怜的小东西!这样一个配偶值得最重的处罚!“一些“专家”咒骂词通常明智地使用相关词而不是直接向他们直接的对话者。一个陆军上尉会说类似“步枪收紧腰带的废话!”或“把所有这些其他的该死的弹药,快点。”但他永远不会侮辱的人一个简单的士兵在他的命令下。一个常见的公式是“我会crapyour麻烦,困难”。幽默的黑海的人一定在伊斯坦布尔斯库台湖附近地区被认为为自己的发明:他会说他的熟人”“我要杀了我们的敌人”。在他的小说Wambaugh [14)描绘了一个有趣的侦探。这个男人已经喝伏特加密集,在最后一次(他来自一个俄罗斯移民的家庭。他经历了一段抑郁)。他在divorcee-house让一只鹦鹉和仓鼠。早晨他喝醉了,他给这只鸟对啮齿动物的饲料,反之亦然。这只鸟不那么健谈。她可以从她的主人捕获一个词在俄罗斯迄今为止:Gawno。在土耳其共和国法律关于姓氏是1934年通过的。当年年轻的共和国,在以前的奥斯曼帝国时代,人们集中使用别名来区分不同的个性与相同的名称。有些人种的昵称,或引用的诞生地。 Some other nicknames could be very degrading adjectives or may simply refer to some physical deformities. Some example are: Topal (lame), Kor (blind, usually meaning “one-eyed”), Kel (bald), Pinti (miser, stingy), Deli (crazy), Alcak (low, designating shortness but also insinuating lowness of character) or even Tek Tasak (with only one testicle, one-balled). A famous Ottoman grand vizier was Ökuz Mehmet Pasa (Mehmet Pasha, the Ox) (death: 1619, Aleppo). On a recent television program; Art-Historian Talha Ugurluel narrated that once during a campaign a stray-cow found its way into the ostentation military tent of the commandant. Some high officers of the Janissary corps were also present when the cow put his head into the front opening of the tent. [One wonders what the sentries were doing]. The Pasha approached the animal lovingly and talked to her in a whisper. Then he patted the animal and sent her away. Turning briskly around, he could catch a glimpse of the grinning faces of his officers. Jokingly he retaliated their enjoying themselves. He said: “The cow asked me what the hell I was doing among such a bunch of donkeys”.