无论如何,多模式的生物-社会心理治疗已经为CNP患者开出了处方,以调整不寻常的思想和实践,提高丧失能力的水平,并努力利用判断力能力。加重神经科学教育扩大了患者持续折磨的来源,调整了患者的奇怪想法和辨析。加重神经科学训练强调阐明持续痛苦的神经生理学和神经生物学,以及折磨处理,特别是焦点感觉系统对持续折磨的能力和强调解剖主题。此外,有证据表明,折磨神经科学教育可以积极影响折磨力、无力水平、对发展的恐惧和实际有效性,特别是如果与有益的活动相结合。例如,Andias和他的伙伴们检查了痛苦学习和恢复性活动对CNP患者的影响,结果显示痛苦没有大幅减少。尽管如此,这篇综述的样本量较低,这可能导致了第II类错误,建议进一步探索纳入更大的样本量。随后,进一步的检查有望帮助临床使用疼痛神经科学学校,或考虑假设这种治疗是足够的,没有任何人调整赏障水平。一种治疗系统旨在帮助缓解折磨,以及经常相关的痛苦和无能,显示出约束教育。在积极的康复护理中,疼痛神经科学教育(PNE)意味着帮助患者从自然和生理的角度看到更多关于他们的加重。折磨神经科学训练是指从自然和生理的角度向患者展示痛苦的经历。 Subsequently, the current review intended to think about the impacts of adding Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) to helpful activities on torment inability list, torment catastrophizing, dread evasion convictions, and torment self-adequacy in patients with persistent vague neck torment. We estimated that adding torment neuroscience schooling to helpful activities would expand treatment adequacy on these factors. Patients with continuous CNP were enlisted from a restoration and physiotherapy focus. In the current preliminary, neck torment was determined as CNP without a particular recognizable etiology, however was incited by neck stances, neck movement, or palpation of the cervical muscular build. Incorporation rules were as per the following: 20 years-50 years old, current neck torment, and reciprocal CNP for something like three months, with moderate torment force (30 to 70 on a Visual Analog Scale (VAS)). Avoidance models were any past neck or shoulder a medical procedure, fibromyalgia, cervical radiculopathy/myelopathy, history of the whiplash injury, physiotherapeutic therapy over the most recent three months, and mental problem that precluded the aggravation neuroscience training mediation from being followed An aggregate of 72 patients were enlisted after sign informed assent. Patients were arbitrarily relegated to the remedial activities bunch, joined gathering (restorative activities + PNE), and control bunch. For the randomization interaction, an outer evaluator made an irregular task list with a PC program that created a rundown of successive numbers. Tasks were set in a covered hazy envelope, and opened by the primary analyst. A dazed scientist with over five years of involvement with physiotherapy and sports recovery controlled all estimations, preparing mediations, and incorporation and rejection models. The essential example size was determined by utilizing information acquired from a pilot investigation of 7 subjects (with essential result measure: neck torment by VAS). The pilot study showed an impact size of 0.23. Involving this information for investigation of difference (ANOVA) with three gatherings and 2 test meetings, a force of 0.80-0.05, an absolute example size of 66 was required. A stipend was made for a 10% drop-out rate, expanding the example size to 72 patients.
新政治民主联合的内容有20个。所有东西的VAS都是100毫米,数值锚定在0、1、2、3、4和5(每隔20毫米)。事情评分范围从0(没有加重或限制锻炼)到5(与潜在或最大障碍一样痛苦)。NPAD的绝对分数可以从0到100分不等,数值越低越好。量表包括4个方面的20项调查(颈部工作、折磨力、感觉/理解和日常生活练习)。研究表明,《发展战略》是一项可靠和合法的文书。对于机械性颈部折磨患者,NPAD的最小临床重要差异(MCID)已被评估为11.5位(0-100)。通过恐惧规避信念问卷(FABQ)对恐惧规避信念进行调查。这项调查包括两个分量表。第一个分量表包含了主动工作中折磨引发的厌恶的五个方面; though the second subscale incorporates 11 things to quantify the aggravation instigated evasion sees with respect to work. A higher score shows a dread aversion conviction.