ISSN在线(2319 - 8753)打印(2347 - 6710)
Parvaneh Adelzadeh1,穆罕默德Pashayi2,拉苏尔Kazemzade3Masoud Dehghani4,Fattaneh Semsar Khiabanian5,Kamran Pashayi Fakhri6
相关文章Pubmed,谷歌学者 |
关键字 |
Beihagi历史、社会资本、信任、参与、责任。 |
介绍 |
人类是一种社会性动物,他需要为会议沟通需求。他帮助别人,努力满足他们的需求。为了研究通信的质量和个人的行为应该研究个体之间的交互。社会资本是一个元素需要研究这些关系和提供可接受的结果。通过识别社会资本和精力进步社会将有价值的基于积极的标准,解决相应的问题。社会资本包括概念,比如信任、合作和参与,价值观,信仰,纪律和忠诚和设施的成就目标。因此识别的社会资本和调查的有价值的文学作品导致发现文学文本的价值和对社会资本的态度及其根在过去。本文的主要目标是提供不同的视角的文学除了诗歌和故事,从社会学角度考虑文学作品的价值。通过研究这些作品,诗人和写的目的不仅仅是表达能力但显示这一事实,他们试图转移这一主题可以改变条件。文学是一个动态的世界,试图生存,因为它发现了等待披露。 Literary works refer to sciences like medicine, astronomy, philosophy, geometry, music and sociology. So the literary works can be investigated from sociology perspectives since literature and sociology are humanities sciences fields. The secondary goal of this article is to investigate social capital uncovered aspects in Beihagi period and indicate similarities in social capitals in all periods of social life history. |
理论原则 |
“Beihag”是Khorasan旧名称的一部分,它的主要城市是Sabzevar。Beihagi伟大的作家和历史学家in385啊生于败坏野兔,于470年去世啊。他在Neishapur研究。他学徒阿布Nasr本Moshkan作为苏丹部长马哈茂德宫19年了。他被认为是阿布Nasr和学习规则写咖啡馆写作和承担责任的重要的信件。他的沙发段Azedin Abdol拉希德第七苏丹Ghaznavid [3]。 |
Masoudi历史或Beihagi历史是波斯文学价值的作品之一,它是完美的表现和态度和写作艺术的伟大历史学家Abolfazal Beihagi。他描绘生活维度伴随着他的能力。可以说,Beihagi历史事件反映了Ghaznavid时期。Beihagi历史由三卷只有Masoud贪欲之神的王权和历史的Khwarizmi倾向王朝统治的苏丹马哈茂德和治理Altontash塞尔柱王朝的提醒[3]。除了Beihagi历史可以被称为“Zinatol Ketab”(书的装饰品)写作规则,称为Iben Fandag Beihagi的同胞和马哈茂德状态[3]。Beihagi认为诚实和真实的资源作为叙述事件的标准[3]。这些标准增加了这本书的价值,保证读者对信息的可靠性。这本书从语言学和文学的角度是很重要的。Beihagi成功转移Khorasani语言。这本书的重要组成部分包括波斯语单词和根据桂冠诗人Bahar; “ less ten percent of the vocabularies in Beihagi history is Arabic and if Beihagi forgot them certainly this valuable work was lost” [3]. Beihagi history is an artistic work, since reading this book adds to greed of the reader for more reading due to artistic expressing the events in that period [5]. “It can be hesitated in Beihagi’s book since all the past events and personalities were alive in his mind. He judges about events and offers the best solution and invites toward history eternal target and finally gathers together the enemy and friend and form a family in this book” [4]. |
“Beihagi表明他的理性的最后意见,得出结论:这个世界是临时的,它不应该感到骄傲和行为好”[4]。“Beihagi表达人物和他们的特点和给状态信息和意见”[10]。他解释说他的人物的行为,甚至他们的衣服。所有这些因素导致创建重要的和不同的工作[10]。Beihagi已经有了一个理想的社会生活的所有必需的特征,他试图推动社会生活和社会资本。Beihagi是个性的一个主要的Beihagi历史和社会生活的重要指标。这种背景下揭示不动产和试图引导人们走向更好的生活。他建议个人善行和法官在法庭上对人们行为但不发行订单。他从不忽略了叛徒,谴责他们秘密的单词和认为自己负责所有个人[6]。 |
社会资本 |
近年来社会资本获得了社会学家的注意,它是一种社会关系和交互的基本元素。虽然在社会学的社会资本是一个新的概念,经济和政治,但通过研究这个资本,社会资本是植根于信仰、价值观、身份、国籍和宗教的人类和它需要考虑和正确应用改进的个人互动。社会资本坐标交互和满足人们的需要。投资的个人信仰和价值观和道德,在长期获得好处。集体福利被认为是社会资本和所有个人试图改善集体和组织的目标。组织可以是一个家庭或一组与成员和它可以扩展到社会和政治体系。社会资本是其它国家的进步的一个元素。学者们得出的结论是,稳定的社会资本引导社会走向进步的人类文化和经济优势.Social资本是重要的和指导社会进步与一些成本和时间。虽然社会资本提出了统一的概念,但改变根据不同社会的信仰、价值观、宗教信仰和历史背景。有可能是一个因素被认为是一个社会的社会资本,在另一个社会反社会。 There are different definitions about social capital but there is no consensus definition about it and the scholars refer to one aspect of the social capital. These definitions show that social capital is multidimensional concept in the sociology that needs to consideration. The problems could be solved by social capital. According to this fact that social capital involves broad scope of groups and individuals, so in case of susceptibility it leads to significant loses and vice versa. In book of “Management and Social Capital” it is refer to the importance of social capital .It is believed that other capitals are like beautiful flowers on the table called social capital ,if one of the legs of the table is broken the capitals vase will be broken[7]. |
詹姆斯•科尔曼定义社会资本基于其功能:社会资本是由它的功能定义,它包括由两个不同元素共同规格,其中涉及一个方面在社会foundation-they不同个体相互作用的结构像真正的或法人,促进实现定义目标”[1]。码头博认为,“社会资本是收集潜在的和活跃的资源与组织关系的相对稳定的网络从相互熟悉,重用在其他手加入一组提供了支持集体资本优势,引导他们可靠性不同的含义”[9]。罗伯特·普特南不考虑社会资本从个人的角度来看,但他认为从集体方面,一个人通过加入到网络和利用规范建立相互信任和参与。他认为社会资本的标准是广义合作的原则。我没有期待,甚至做一些熟悉你通过这个信念,我将帮助你和另一个”[1]。积极的和消极的社会资本是基于信任和协作和信任是社会资本的第一个方面。码头波尔多认为信任是社会生活的主要指标和信任,合作发展和进步的基础。普特南指的是信任,认为它是社会资本的主要元素,因为它会导致授权的合作。他认为社会资本的消极方面,相信在恐怖主义的行动中,人力和物力资本是误用;社会资本可用于消极的方面。弗朗西斯Foukoyama认为,社会资本可以被定义为一组定义规范和非正式的集体组织的成员共同的价值观这些值。 The norms producing social capital should pose characteristics like honesty, commitment and reciprocal relations” [2].Although social capital poses numerous indicators but the scholars agree about traits like trust, values and norms, social participation and reciprocal relationships. In addition to mentioned characteristics it can be referred to loyalty, responsibility taking and social commitment, following rules, counseling and helping in decision making, social protection and spiritual aids and morality. |
分析 |
社会信任是社会资本的主要指标,因为信任是人与人之间沟通的基础。个人合作建立在信任,他们根据协作实现他们的目标。在一个个体的社会信任彼此是试图以可靠的方式实现共同的目标。在信任社会个体试图提升自己的社会地位,没有合作的动机和结果大部分的道德美德被忽略和关系是削弱。Chalapi解释说,Gidnez认为信任作为一个人或一个系统的能力表示相信个人的诚实或爱情。白色将信任定义为相信人,恩格尔哈特将信任定义为个人和角色定义的可预测性与演员协会的作用。Chalpi标识信任作为信仰社会关系远集团所有成员财产(如种族、部落和宗教)。它被认为是有效的因素扩大内部组织关系”[8]。Christoformner研究信任从心理角度和他认为敌意和纠纷应该取而代之的是信任和合作。他介绍了五个因素导致敌意和争端-感觉2 -不可靠性4 - 3个人需要合法性陈词滥调的想法5-weak互动和交流。 According to above mentioned trust is necessity of a dynamic society that all individuals achieve their goals collectively. In trusted society, the people work in better way. In an unreliable society, the individuals encounter with many problems in achieving goals. Trust increases social capital. Examples are referred in Beihagi history and the reasons of lack of trust in Ghaznavid dynasty are explained. |
例子 |
Tagina坏使用单词的头在他写给Masoud来显示他们的努力建立信任。他们叫Masoud世界的伟大的国王和财富的所有者”[3]。“一开始下属违反了和他们工作和休息时间的附近发现了这种反抗苏丹,现在他们有其他的国王和服从他,现在他们正在等待回应”[3]。当然,正面是不安全的,他们正在等待惩罚因为他们登上王位的哥哥,他们试图确保苏丹。他们知道安全和福利是信任的结果,根据Beihagi历史马苏德认为只有在共同的宗教习俗来和他在与宗教信仰行为。在这本书中已经提到经常祷告,特别是当他收到哈里发的礼物Neishapor并开始祈祷。“苏丹Masoud穿天才说衣服和祈祷的推荐Bosahal”(同前:39)。Masoud显示自己相信宗教事务,保证他的政府是基于伊斯兰教的人。他知道他可以建立强大的政府信任的人。他保证,Ghaznavid政府宗教。Masoud建立不安全,害怕大气的阴谋和没收富人属性。政府的决策导致noninsurance和可怕的条件。 Bonasr points to getting ready of Ali Gharib for attending in the court: “writing these letters and correspondences and calling brother are fraud since I know that all of them are done purposeful”[3]. Ali Gharib writes these words when Sultan has called him as his brother [3].“Everybody knows that his status is superior than others” [3]. Sultan Masoud deceived Ali Gharib and arrested him. He ignored his officers’ performance and tried to trap them by false trust. Abolishment of Indian ruler shows lack of trust in the sultan’s court. Since Mahmudi dynasty did not bear these individuals and tried to kill them. “Some individuals were lucky. Sultan asked Abdos to deceive their heads and invited them to the court. The king accepted them and they told to Abdos and he reported to the king”[3]. Amir Yusuf the uncle of sultan Masoud was respected by sultan at first, then he recalled and arrested.“ Yusuf was far from Sultan and he had own officers. His respected chamberlain deceived him by order of the king”[3].It was concluded that the chamberlains betrayed their lords in Sultan Masoud period. Spying was common in this period. “Sultan Mahmud had appointed spies for his son and he had also spies for his father”[3].The father and son did not trust to each other. Masoud should have been trusted his father since he was his successor. The relationship between father and son was unreliable so they had own spies. When Khajeh Ahmad Hussein Mamimandi -minster of Sultan Mahmud and Masoud-was released from fort for deceiving Eryagsaid:“it is better to attend in sultan court since there are gossips about you. I tell you truth. A generous king like Masoud is coroneted now “[3].Khajeh tried to have Eryag and in appropriate time take revenge. When the king decided to arrest Eryag he asked Khajeh opinion and Khajeh said: |
“我发誓我认为国王利益”[3]。尽管他显示自己冷漠,但他很高兴来消除Masoud七十一年官。Ahmad Yenalitgin被任命为印度的统治者和他的儿子承诺在法院举行。Khajeh说“所以Ahamd发誓和他的儿子应该在最高法院举行承诺”[3]。Masoud接受Khajeh推荐,因为他们担心Ahmad的背叛。他们不相信他们的军官。他们造了假theirofficers之间的信任。Masoud点Aobiedollahiben Aboabass Esfarayeni和Abolfatah Hatami的秘书Bonaser Moskan在他父亲的王位是他的间谍。“他们是我的间谍在你,他们不可能在你发上现在”[3]。Bonasrsaid:“我知道现在”。当马哈茂德和马苏德在射线,马哈茂德意图逮捕Masoud穆罕默德的欺骗,但他可以释放他的间谍。“马哈茂德的仆人和差役来到Masoud头巾和说,苏丹想杀了你”。父子之间缺乏信任是显而易见的甚至没有仆人,因为他们之间的信任是马哈茂德的仆人但他们听从马苏德的命令。 Revenge was common in this period. It can be referred to revenge of Ahmad Hasssan Mimandi during his ministry. He misbehaved with Abobakr and his son for insignificant mistake and reduced his post to subordinate post and even investigated Abolgasem Kasir properties when he was dying(ibid:498). Bosahl complained about Hassank and offended him. He plotted against Altontash and Masoud took back properties of Mohammad. These factors cause to fear, discord revenge, unreliability and insecurity. Beihagi writes about new events from trusted individuals .He writes to Abdol Gafar Fakheriben Sharif“ I always wanted to hear events from reliable person but it was not happened”. |
“爱德和是真的,它是基于智慧和诚实”。诚实和信任是重要以来Beihagi找到可靠的人听到真实事件是困难的。警察不诚实和没有统一。如果一个大教堂被召回这意味着结束他的生命因为他确信嫉妒个人介绍他作为国王的危险。它可以指阿里佳里布,Eryag,勇士和Altontash。免职的正面,监禁,杀戮,惩罚和报复是对政府缺乏信任的指标。意味着个人喜欢Bosahl Zozani为不可靠性提供了背景。甚至有二元性和不诚实的赞美国王。下属试图消除他的主人。听从负责人苏丹订单因为害怕因为他们确信,以防他们被监禁的反抗。 These factors caused to dishonesty and unreliability, flattery and insecurity in Ghaznavid court. |
结论 |
通过研究价值Beihagi历史得出结论,社会资本指标一直在提到这本书。Beihagi试图发现被动的社会资本指标和他鼓励读者好事和指责的意思是行为。他指的是人际关系和影响因素分怀疑和报复,背叛,欺骗和不可靠性倾向的理由。这些因素导致混乱和消极维度社会资本提供上下文,并减少资本。 |
引用 |