







进化生物学是生物学领域研究的进化过程,产生地球上生命的多样性。简单地说,它也称为物种在地球上的历史的研究。所有物种进化是基于的理论是相关的,而是随着时间的推移不断演化。在社会中,遗传变异影响生活表型的物理特性。这些突变表型将有利于其他物种就会传递给后代。斑点蛾和鸟只是一些例子的许多不同种类的进化发生在许多代。进化生物学的理论源于现代集成的理解,从以前不相关的生物研究领域,如遗传学和生态学、分类学和古生物学。学习进化生物学的重要性主要是理解进化和物种灭绝的原则。当前研究列表已经扩大到包括转基因基因,分子进化,进化做出贡献的各种力量,如性别选择、遗传素质和生物地理学。此外,进化发育生物学的新领域研究胚胎发生,胚胎发育,监管,从而产生更广泛的集成生物发展和研究领域覆盖了之前的进化组合。 One approach is the level of biological organization, from cell to cell, living to humans. The former approach is to be a hypothetical taxonomic group, with fields such as animal science, botany, and microbiology, reflecting what has been considered major stages of life. The third method is to use methods, such as field biology, theory biology, experimental evolution, and paleontology. These alternative methods of classification can be combined with evolutionary biology to create sub-fields such as evolutionary ecology and evolutionary developmental biology. More recently, the link between biology and applied science has given birth to new fields of evolutionary science, including robots of engineering, algorithms, economics, and architecture. Basic evolutionary methods are used directly or indirectly to come up with novel designs or problem-solving that are difficult to solve in some other way. The research produced in these applied fields, also contributes to the process, mainly due to the evolutionary work in the field of computer science and mechanical engineering. Similarly, birds, insects, and bats all have the ability to fly, but they are not related. The influence of two closely related species is known as co-evolution. When two or more species evolve into other species, one species adapts to other species. This type of evolution usually occurs in species with symbiotic relationships. For example, predator-prey coevolution, this is the most common form of evolution. In this case, the invader has to change to become a more effective hunter because of the selective pressure on the predator to avoid being caught. Likewise, the relationships between pollinating insects such as bees and flowering plants, herbivores and plants, are also common examples. Evolutionary dynamics is related to the evolutionary process that occurs as a result of evolution, making the living thing fit into its habitat. These changes increase the chances of survival and reproduction of an organism. In evolutionary development biology, the various processes involved in evolution can play a role in how a living thing reaches its present system. The genetic control of ontogeny and the phylogenetic process are what allow this kind of biological understanding to take place. If you look at the different processes during development, and walk through the tree of evolution, one can decide when a particular building came into existence. For example, three layers of germs can be seen to be absent from cnidarians and ctenophores, instead they are found in worms, which grow slowly depending on the type of worm itself. Other structures such as the structure of the Hox gene and the optic nerve-like organs may also be traced to this practice.



