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每年,1000000年大部分女士们决心宫颈恶性增长和感染导致全世界300多000人死亡。份亚型的人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染是疾病的原因总的来说。感染通常是可以预防的。大约90%的宫颈恶性增生发生在低品位和中间级国家需要协调的筛查和HPV免疫程序。在高收入国家,宫颈恶性成长率和死亡率超过分裂在最近几年以来的正式的筛查项目。在发现和治疗依赖于感染学位本地访问资产,和可能包括革命性的子宫切除术或放化疗,或两者的混合。宫颈恶性增长是第三个最普通妇科的疾病和妇科的疾病原因相关传入美国。宫颈脱落细胞(Pap)从筛选测试的频率下降和死亡率从宫颈恶性肿瘤蔓延前的疾病和颈椎肿瘤开始阶段目前更多的及时认可。人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)是至关重要的进步宫颈恶性增长,被认为在99.7%的情况下。有两个明显的组织学类型的宫颈疾病、鳞状细胞癌和腺癌,每个人都有相关的前身溃疡独特性是区别的一个直接后果的资产。 Created countries have coordinated inoculation and screening programs that have diminished their cervical malignant growth frequency. All the more promptly accessible staff and innovation exists to execute proper treatment modalities. In any case, for some immature countries, the shortage of assets and foundation make such precaution and treatment programs restricted or even fictitious. Most ladies with beginning phase growths can be restored. After effects of randomized clinical preliminaries have shown that for ladies with privately progressed malignant growths, chemoradiotherapy ought to be viewed as the norm of care; in any case, the relevance of this treatment to ladies in less created nations remains generally untested. Numerous ladies with restricted (stage IB) cancers even presently get different mixes of a medical procedure and radiotherapy, in spite of unsettled worry about the bleakness of this methodology contrasted and conclusive radiotherapy or extremist medical procedure. Therapy of intermittent cervical disease remains to a great extent insufficient. Personal satisfaction ought to be considered in therapy of ladies with essential and intermittent cervical disease. Cervical carcinomas metastasize to the ovary in under 5% of cases, with most of these being adenocarcinomas. Notwithstanding, as endocervical and endometrioid carcinomas of the ovary have morphological cross-over, the previous ought to be viewed as when an adenocarcinoma is experienced in the ovary, particularly in a more youthful lady with or without a background marked by a cervical essential carcinoma. The essential cancer is typically average, however when cervical carcinoma includes the ovary, it frequently needs gross and tiny elements traditionally seen in metastatic sickness.

f - 18 FDG PET它突出显示超过90%的易感性宫颈恶性增长的位置,检查使用必要的癌症和淋巴转移中心。在病人的疾病,据说,被绑定到骨盆CT和MRI,宠物已经证明是有价值的在更精确的感染组织和可以区分疾病之外的某种方式或另一个可能的治疗辐射治疗。