







野生动物保护是保护野生动植物及其栖息地的练习为了保持健康的野生动物或人口恢复、保护或提高野生动物。主要威胁野生动物包括环境恶化、分裂、过度开发,偷猎、污染和气候变化。野生动物栖息地的退化的栖息地减少。栖息地的分裂分裂一个连续区域,通常分裂大型野生动物分成几个小的。人造栖息地的丧失和碎片是物种灭绝的主要原因。重要的人为砍伐森林的例子包括森林砍伐、农业扩张,城市增长。栖息地的退化和碎片可以增加野生动物数量减少的脆弱性区和可用资源,增加人类的入侵的风险。收获的过度剥削动物和植物快速的一种可持续发展的潜力。虽然常与过度捕捞,过度使用可以在很多团体包括哺乳动物、鸟类、两栖动物、爬行动物和植物。过热的危险是,如果某种类型的人太多了,那么这样的人可能不再合适。 For example, overfishing of marine mammals such as tuna and salmon over the past century has led to a decline in fish size and fish populations. A variety of pollutants have a detrimental effect on the health of wildlife. Pollutants affect different species in different ways so bad pollution of one may not affect another. Many pollutants come from the burning of fossil fuels and industrial emissions. This has direct and indirect effects on wildlife health and their environment. For example, high levels of sulfur oxides can damage plants and prevent their growth. Sulfur oxides also contribute to acid rain, which harms both the terrestrial and aquatic environment. Other pollutants such as smoke, ozone, and particles deplete the atmosphere. Heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, and mercury naturally occur at low levels in the environment, but if consumed in high doses, they can cause organ damage and cancer. Human activities such as mining, smelting and various industrial processes have contributed to the increase in heavy metal levels in the environment. There are many sources of toxic chemicals including industrial wastewater, oil spills, and pesticides. There are a variety of toxic chemicals and therefore there are a lot of side effects. For example, synthetic pesticides and certain industrial chemicals are continuous pollutants. These contaminants are long-lived and can cause cancer, birth defects, immune problems, and neurological problems. Humans have a responsibility to change the climate of today that is changing the natural world. It is related to some of the above-mentioned threats to wildlife, such as habitat destruction and pollution. Rising temperatures, melting glaciers, climate change, severe droughts, frequent temperatures, hurricanes, and rising sea levels are just some of the effects of climate change. Surprises such as droughts, heat waves, severe storms, and rising sea levels directly lead to the destruction of habitats. At that time, hot weather, inclement rain and climate change will affect the range of species. Overall, the effects of climate change increase the pressure on the environment, and species that can adapt to rapidly changing conditions will disappear. Although modern-day climate change is man-made, past and present climate change is at an all-time low, leading to extinction. Habitat conservation is a practice of protecting the habitat in order to protect the animals in it. This is sometimes better than focusing on one species; especially if the species in question has specific living needs or is living in an area with many other endangered species. The latter is true of species that live in habitats, which are places of the world with the highest number of species. Many of these tropical areas are located in the tropics, especially in tropical forests such as the Amazon. Habitat conservation is often done by setting aside protected areas such as national parks or nature reserves. Even when the area is not made into a park or storage area, it can still be monitored and maintained. Monitoring wildlife numbers is an important part of conservation because it allows managers to gather information about the status of endangered species and to measure the effectiveness of management strategies. Monitoring can be local, regional, or wide-ranging, and may involve one or more different demographics. Metrics commonly collected during surveillance include population numbers, geographical distribution, and genetic diversity, although many other metrics may be used.



