肺癌死亡的主要原因是全球每年在男性和女性。最有效的方法减少肺癌死亡是早期诊断。这可以通过早期识别和适当的怀疑的推荐客户。咳嗽监测仪是一种个人训练躺在社区敏感,咳嗽评估和痰收集客户排除肺结核症状。肺癌计划表明,肺癌病例的诊断增加了由于咳嗽集成监控。目标是提高早期识别,提高和适当的高度怀疑的心理指标对疑似肺癌病人转诊。咳嗽监视器从外围卫生设施在我们的集水区参与和训练以确保病人咳嗽咳血、胸痛、气短、背痛、不明原因的体重减轻和基因x-pert -被称为。标准推荐推荐日志开发工具和电话和联系人从两端。雷竞技网页版(24)咳嗽监视器(12)外围卫生设施进行了两天的培训和敏感。2018年10月至2019年2月,共(95)客户已经提到了进一步的调查。 Of the (95), (68) clients had no lung mass while (27) had lung mass. (9) were diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer, of the (9) diagnosed, (7) were male and (2) female. The integration of cough monitors has raised awareness of lung cancer, led to early identification of suspected lung cancer cases and proper referral systems. Cough may well be a standard symptom of the many respiratory illnesses. Many medical publications stress that a system for the automated, objective and reliable detection of cough events is extremely important and really promising for detecting the severity of pathology in chronic cough disease. so as to trace the event status of an audio-based cough monitoring system, we briefly describe the target cough detection history, in order that we illustrate the cough sound generation principle. Probable endpoints of clinical studies of cough, including cough frequency, cough intensity, and acoustic properties of cough sound, were analyzed during this work. Finally, we present some successful cough monitoring equipment and its recognition algorithm all right. First, it's obtained that the acoustic variability of the cough sounds within and between individuals makes it difficult to assess the intensity of the cough. Additionally, great progress is now being made in audio-based cough detection. Additionally, accurate portable objective monitoring systems are available and can be widely employed in home care and clinical trials within the near future. Cough may well be a standard but complicated symptom of respiratory illnesses. This symptom is additionally the explanation why people seek medical advice within the us and China, although the importance of cough diagnosis has been well accepted by academic organizations in recent years, there's no gold standard to judge cough because of the shortage of objective and precise measures of cough. Frequency and severity. When the cough becomes chronic, it's so extremely unpleasant and distressing that the standard of lifetime of patients with chronic cough has significant reductions. the price of medical aid, medical consultations, and drugs use become a big burden on them. . Assessment of cough severity is currently subjective: it contains visual analog scales (VAS), health-related quality of life (HRQL), Leicester's cough questionnaire (cough-specific quality of life questionnaire (CQLQ). ), and so should be validated in cases of chronic or acute cough in clinical trials. However, these tools are completed by the patient himself or by a parent. The underlying disease determines the physical nature of the cough. Therefore, they develop Cough Sound Compatible Methods for Counting and Classifying Cough Events This text focuses on audio-based methods and systems for analysis and cough measurement. Nancy Midiwo