



总共几百链球菌肺炎收集在德黑兰,伊朗。菌株进行抗菌药物敏感性检测,最低抑制浓度(MIC),血清型和基因分型茎序列输入(MLST)。最频繁的血清型之间的隔离s . 14(24%),肺炎(PNSP) 23(18%)和19 f (17%)。MLST表示高度的遗传多样性在93 PNSP 36个不同的序列类型。六个国际知名青霉素耐药克隆被确定在我们之间隔离Spain23F-1 (ST81) Spain6B-2 (ST90) Spain9V-3 (ST156)是主要的克隆。结果显示国际识别克隆美国的肺炎,尤其是Spain23F-1青霉素耐药性高,可以发挥重要作用在传播在伊朗抗菌素耐药。广泛的序列变异PBP2x、PBP2b PBP1a耐药菌株的内涵广泛的同源重组在肺炎的人群。Mohammad Reza Pourshafie教授微生物学部门,已经完成了他的博士学位细菌学的巴斯德研究所伊朗,德黑兰。去年我收到转发的电子邮件从第九届国际会议在慢性阻塞性肺病和肺,东京,日本。宣布提供一份礼物对于慢性阻塞性肺病慢性阻塞性肺病和知识科学的学生参加年度会议在日本东京。 Although I applied and submitted the desired resume, essay and recommendation letter on the august, by the deadline, more signify cant than anybody thing I learned at a workshop, in conversation with my colleagues, or at an advertisement session, however, is that the overall sense of perspective that I gained from the conference. Because the individual pieces of data and also the knowledge of nifty technologies fade into my general understanding of the sphere, I’m left most strongly with this sense of perspective. It’s really easy to become committed within the details of the mundane activities required to form Pulmonologists. I find that sometimes it may be difficult to stay in mind the broader scope of the profession. The COPD conference jogged my memory that we don't add isolation which we aren't facing unique dilemmas. The camaraderie and sense of connection I encountered at the conference helped renew and reinvigorate my interest and excitement within the library and knowledge profession. I feel lucky to possess attended9th International Conference on COPD and Lungs, Tokyo, Japan. I now know what to expect from future conferences and have begun to make knowledgeable network. Being an individual allowed me to settle on my activities and schedule more freely than I’d otherwise are able to do. i used to be able to absorb the conference experience as a spectator without the pressures to barter with vendors, etc. I welcomed, too, the opportunities to be told more about what kinds of work other COPD members are engaged in and what their jobs entail. The knowledge, connections and perspective I found at the COPD conference still inform my thoughts and work. I’m looking forward to future COPD conferences. i used to be very happy that I got the possibility to attend the COPD conference. At the Opening Session and Awards Presentation, I felt inspired by a series of awards that recognized professionals in various fields for his or her numerous contributions. The highlight at the opening session was the opening keynote J Pulm Respir Med directly; I still found the speech quite amazing which also proved it absolutely was possible to deliver a really interesting speech with none slides or the other visual aids Mohammad Reza Pourshafie

