



椰子油是由破碎干椰子肉、干内核,它包含大约60 - 65%的石油。椰子油的天然甜味和包含92%的饱和脂肪酸(甘油三酸酯的形式),他们中的大多数(大约70%)低链饱和脂肪酸称为中链脂肪酸(MCFAs)。MCFAs并不常见到不同植物油与月桂酸在45 - 56%。各种分数的椰子油中链甘油三酯和味道都是很好的溶剂,精华,乳化剂等。这些脂肪酸用于乳化剂的制备、药物和化妆品。新陈代谢是不同于正常的植物油含有长链脂肪酸。因此,它不能作为石油广义相似属性的长链饱和脂肪酸92%含石油/脂肪。需要更多的研究来证明产生的良好效果,椰子油,中链甘油三酯(MCT)和脂肪酸对人类尤其是心血管疾病和其他疾病的不良影响。椰子油是食用油从内核获得收获成熟的椰子的椰树在近年来石油获得保健食品世界的超级明星。名人都采用其使用,营养学家提倡它,和病人乍得它的许多优点。许多健康方面的好处已经被归因于这种油。 These include benefits in skin care, hair care, stress relief, weight loss and cholesterol level maintenance, immunomodulatory effects, cardiovascular uses, and more recently in Alzheimer’s disease .However for several years, coconut oil was demonized and consumers were made to believe that coconut oil is deleterious to health as it would block the arteries and cause heart disease. The tide has turned and in recent time’s recognition of the positive health effects of coconut oils have emerged stronger. The use of coconut oil, especially virgin coconut oil is in vogue, though some people still remain skeptical. This article attempts to review the coconut oil, it’s chemical compositions, and it’s therapeutic uses.

王子的朋友*,德里Rathva、Devendra Parmar Juhil Patel神功阿帕德海耶*,Umesh阿帕德海耶*
